Comments on: Will the SCD Diet Work For You? Here’s How to Find Out… Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:11:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Diane Foster.

HI Diane – pleaes email us at and we’d be happy to support you with that request!

By: Diane Foster PLEASE remove me from this list!
Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Renee’ Arnold.

Hi Renee, great questions:) Meat can be hard to digest if we don’t have adequate HCL (stomach acid) and if we don’t chew our food well. We also want to purchase high quality meats like local grass fed red meat and free range chicken. The grape juice is included to help fight sugar withdrawls and provides a tasty snack during the INTRO diet. IT is a very small amount and we don’t recommend eating a ton of it at once. IF you’d like, you can substitute lemon or lime juice as well or consume it plain.

By: Renee' Arnold I have begun and I expect it will help. But I have one burning question. Isn’t meat hard to digest? And isn’t sugar bad for me when I’m this sick (grape juice)? Okay, that’s 2 questions. Mostly I want to know about the meat. Thanks!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Candace.

Hey Candace – have you ever looked into the FODMAP diet??

This article explains it and can help you figure out if it might be helpful for you:

If you need more one-on-one help, we’d recommend working with a practitioner

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Candace.

Hey Candace – for many people, losing weight is an inevitable part of starting SCD. You can help mitigate it by counting your calories and making sure you’re eating enough.

You can add in more fat to help raise your calorie count as well as double your portions of meat. As your gut heals, you’ll be able to both absorb more calories for the food you do eat and eat a wider variety of foods.

Digestive enzymes can also make a bi difference:

Our meal plans make it easy because each day has a minimum of 2,000 calories. You can learn more here:

By: Candace In reply to Mariel Heiss.

I also have issues with sugar. I can’t even eat most fruits and a lot of vegetables. I was tested for fructose intolerance; however and the test came back negative. Any suggestions as to what else might be the issue?

By: Candace In reply to Mariel Heiss.

I know you mentioned not to worry about your weight during this intro days. I only weigh 108 pounds and really can’t afford to lose anymore weight. Do you have any suggestions?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Barney.

Hey Barney – thanks for reaching out and congrats on your commitment to your health!!

I recommend you check out our heartburn program here (you can sue it with the SCD diet):

By: Barney Hi there , just started the scd diet , phase 1 now underway , I’m fortunate enough to not suffer like some poor people in previous posts , I’ve had awful reflux for about 7 months had good times but solid all day everyday reflux for 3 months refuse to take ppi as I’m sure they caused the issue , started with mild indigestion , I am going to stick to this till the end , I just wanted some advice on supplementing , I use a digestive enzyme a probiotic and hcl with pepsin , I’m a 27 yr old fit male working on a building site all day I eat at regular times and try to let my food digest for at least 45 mins also is scd the right diet for my issue , heartburn and a bit of throat and stomach gurgling are my only symptoms and ppis never rid me of my burn

Thanks guys so good to have such a useful site to look at when times get rough

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Talya.

Hi Tayla – you might also be interested in this article too:

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Talya.

Hi Tayla – first, I’m so sorry you’re experiencing these kind of symptoms.

While we aren’t doctors and can’t make any promises, we’ve seen many people with similar symtpoms heal following the SCD protocol.

The diet does include foods like bananas and honey and grape juice in the itnro phase, but we encourage you to ksip these foods if you’re concerned about them. None of them are integral and we advocate a customized verison of the diet that will work for you.

The best place to start if with the free quick start guide:

From there, the eBook walks you step-by-step through everything (buying kitchen tools, prepping the food, portions, progressing through the phases and more).

Here’s a link to our book:

If you ever have questions about making substitutions or need support along your journey, we’re always here for you at

By: Talya I should also add that I don’t have much gastrointestinal issues besides gas and bloating if I eat carbs (which doesn’t happen much anymore because I can’t tolerate them). I also know I have adrenal fatigue and am being treated for it, but this issue with carbs is becoming very problematic for me. Any input would be most helpful.

By: Talya Hello,

I apologize in advance if this is a bit long. I have been struggling with various health issues and I’m trying to figure out the best course of action to heal my body. Everything started when I started drinking a lot of kombucha, after a few months, I started feeling weak, tired, and shaky, and eventually I got insomnia, heart palpitations ,anxiety, and muscles ticks. Eventually I became very sensitive to sugar, carbs, alcohol, and now fermented foods like aged cheeses or coconut water kefir. I am so sensitive to starches that it makes me want to cry. The other night i ate a couple spoonfuls of hummus and later that night I felt like I had the worlds worst hangover (headache, nauseous, couldn’t move).

ive been seeing a chiropractor for nutrition and she suggested the SCD diet because of my issues with carbs. Would this diet be helpful for someone like me? Because I know honey, bananas and grape juice are in the beginning and i don’t know if I could tolerate any of those. Thank you in advance.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to April.

Hi April and Justin. Thanks for commenting!

SCD is a customizable plan. We recommend you substitute for foods you know you’re intolerant of. These are some common substitutions:

Carrots > Zucchini
Carrots > Squash
Carrots > Cucumbers
Chicken Broth > Beef Broth
Gelatin and Grape Juice > Skip it

Also, you can get by without the apples and pears and even squash. Essentially, you may take anything on the allowed list of phase 1 vegetables and substitute it if necessary.

Also, a DAO enzyme is great for histamine intolerance and we suggest a supplement called Daosin by the brand Swanson.

Many times, there is a root cause of this and we would also suggest some functional medicine testing as well if this does not improve for you. Check out this video for more info on that:

If you are in need of a practitioner, you can go here:

By: April In reply to Justin.

I have the same problem. Would love to hear some input on this.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cab.

Hi Cab, The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

By: Cab Hi everyone,
I need some help! Not sure what is going. In 2011 came back from a vacation in the keys with diarrhea. Walk in clinic prescribed antibiotic metronidazole. Made my diarrhea worse and tore up my inside from face to my butt. ER and colonoscopy, doc said uc. A summer of prednisone and asacol. I quit meds on my own, no meds since. Stress in college, 1-2 weeks of diarrhea my fresh yr. and same soph yr. I eat good 80/20 time. Now, in week 8 of diarrhea but down to 1-2 a day. New gi doc says without any exam, yep! CU for the rest of your life, accept it. Here’s your meds. and schedule colonoscopy. She says diet has nothing to do with any of this. I’ve cut out gluten and lactose. Increased my supplements. Feel good, physically active, etc. not sure if doing the scd lifestyle full bore is for me because I don’t really know if I have uc but I just adopt a couple more suggestions as part of my lifestyle to stay healthy. Looking for help on what and where to turn.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sterling.

Hi Sterling- We’ve had some experience fielding questions from vegetarians, but our products are not geared towards that lifestyle choice.
You can most certainly try our products and substitute out many of the meats for other items, and we talk about that more on our blog.
Here’s three things you can review today that will help you:
1) Read about Cheryl Cravino’s SCD Success story, where she was starting out as a vegetarian:

2) Listen to a specific question we answer about SCD and vegetarian in podcast 21 (9:34 The myth that a vegetarian can’t follow SCD and what to try instead of meat – especially in the beginning)
3) Read the comments from SCD’er vegetarians Elizabeth and most especially Jenny in this podcast comments section:

By: Sterling Hi folks, I am so excited about using the SCD plan but I have a big question. I am a vegetarian who does not eat meat, fish or eggs…are there any substitutes for these items? Can I still use the plan for such things as constipation and bloating of the stomach without consuming meat, fish or eggs? Many thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tiffany.

Hi Tiffany, thanks for reaching out! You do not have to consume the eggs if you know they are intolerable at this point. Go ahead and consume more of the other foods that sit well with you. Secondly, the only juice we recommend is a very small amount in the intro diet to make the grape gelatin. Lastly, many can not tolerate fats with an impaired digestive tract and thus we take this into consideration in the SCD diet, especially in the beginning.

By: Tiffany I’m not sure if anyone has already asked but I just received the free guide to start the SCD diet and noticed eggs are used everyday. My system can not tolerate eggs. Is there a better alternative or do I just have to eat more chicken soup and carrots? Also I notice apple cider is okay does that mean apple juice is too? Also I am in the process of trying to heal my gallbladder (I have gallstones) and was wondering if I should wait to start the diet once my gallbladder is better able to tolerate fats or would it be okay to start right away? Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to abercrombie fitch ???????????? ???.

Hi, thank you for reaching out today! We are happy to hear from you and appreciate the feedback.

By: abercrombie fitch ???????????? ??? Hey there! I’ve been following your website for a while now and finally got the courage to
go ahead and give you a shout out from Kingwood Texas!
Just wanted to say keep up the good job!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Savatri.

HI Savatri, thank you for reaching out today! We suggest getting on a gut healing program such as the SCD diet, GAPS. or our Solving Leaky gut program, as it sounds like you are suffering form many food intolerance and hence, poor gut function. The supplements are great, but you will need to attack the root of the problem first so the supplements can be utilized to their full potential.

By: Savatri HI i am suffering from IBS. I have made a lot of changes in my diet since the last 30 days. I have gone Gluten,Diary, Sugar, soy,corn free. I am a vegetarian. I eat only brown rice and Finger millet only because anything else i eat causes me to run to the loo. The vegetables i eat are onion,tomato,beans ,carrot. I am also unable to eat any legumes. I am very frustrated with my situation. I am feeling very tired and very low on energy so much so i am unable to do my regular work. I have also started taking supplements- i take L-Glutamine 1 in the morning and 1 post lunch on an empty stomach. I also take Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotic 1 in the morning and 1 at bed time. I am loosing hope that i can actually get better. Please can you help me.

By: Will My Diet Work | We Get Healthy […] Will the SCD Diet Work For You? Here’s How To Find Out … – Tweet; Tweet; Will the SCD Diet Work For You? If you’re like me, you’ve read a hundred SCD Success stories and websites about how to figure out if the diet will …… […]

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Laura D.

Hi Laura, way to go! Glad to hear that you’re doing so well. We would recommend staying away from the yeast, though.

By: Laura D Hi Steven & Jordan
I was diagnosed with UC just over a year ago and have spent most of the last 9 months on steroids, tried Azathioprine but it gave me pancreatitis – I’ve now been off the steroids for 2 weeks – on the SCD diet for just over 3 weeks and for the first time am symptom free – it’s amazing! Just a quick question – can I have Marmite on the diet – I can’t really find the info anywhere online – not sure if you get this product in the US but it’s a yeast extract that has lots of B vitamins and folic acid in – thought it would help with flavouring soups n sauces, as well as spreading on bread (SCD bread of course!), it’s huge in the UK. Thanks so much

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to carole dardin.

Hi Carole,

Thank you for reaching out to us! We highly suggest you read this article on acid reflux (GERD): Please let us know if you need any further assistance, we are here to help!

By: carole dardin my problem is hiatal hernia and acid reflux…im controlling everything fine meaning what i eat with no prescrips maybe a tums now and then. the head of my bed is raised with cement blocks lol…no eating before bed all of those things..but…ill sleep fine but after im up for about fifteen mins or so i get an upset stomach…why is this happening and what shud i do…i rather try to prevent i have crackers or tums which may or may not work…can u help please?? thnx

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Tracey.

Hi Tracey,

Thanks for sharing your struggles with us! We definitely feel for you. We suggest giving SCD a try for at least 30 days to see how you feel. Here’s a good post for those concerned about weight loss:

If you’re still having a difficult time, we suggest finding a functional medicine practitioner to work with as diet, while extremely important, is oftentimes just a part of the healing picture.

Let us know how it goes and keep up the great work!

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to CJ.

Hi CJ,

Sorry to hear that you’re having such a difficult time and have had to go through so much with your health. We suggest that people treat everything (to a certain extent of course) as a test. In most cases, people are able to tolerate all regular coffees right away, but we suggest making sure that you’re not experiencing symptoms when you try it.

By: CJ I am close to 54 year old female. I have been chronically ill since I was about 6 years old, starting then with tummy aches, 8 I lost my sense of balance, 12 I had my first episode of temp blindness and at 20 in 1980 I removed refined foods (flours and sugars), got rather healthy, danced my slender body throught the 80’s until 88 when I was preggie and the ‘whole healthy grain’ campaign was in full swing. I started with a bit here and there by ’94 at 33 yrs old I was suddenly paralyzed on my left side … IV and oral steroids, nsaids, opiates, uppers, shots, blah blah myriad of diagnoses .. MS, ibs, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, (I cant rmember them all) ending up with starting testing on early onset alzheimers. 4 years ago I woke up paralyzed again, Immediately removed gluten/all grains and within a month I went from $30k/yr of pharmaceuticals for over a decade to ZERO. .. I eat very little on the do not eat list … I am confused with the SCD … Do I remove coffee too or just the 4 horsemen (which I only eat of those … eggs, macadamias, grass fed butter, yams and tomatoes)? I have gained 30 pounds in the past 4 years, mapped my blood sugars and they go up when I fast to about 100 and come down to around 80 after I eat my protein/fat and salad. … I am unable to walk or exercise much (major body weakness prolly from the 20 year in/out of the wheelchair). I can’t seem to be able to build any stamina. I am a wreck and need some major help.

By: Tracey Hi Steven and Jordan,
I was on antibiotics for 9 mo. for acne about a year ago. In that time frame (about 6 mo. ago) I started eating Paleo. I have had loose stools ever since. I cant figure out if I cant digest the fats or what. My stool goes from supper loose to small formed pieces on and off. I go 1-2 times a day. I don’t have stomach pain, just occasional tiny twinge here or there. I have minimal gas too, but the loose stool freaks me out. Its like “pudding”. Sorry so descriptive. What also scares me is that I have to eat 2800+ calories a day to not loose weight. I was tested at the doctors for parasites and it came back negative. I am hungry every 2 hours and eat a lot of food. I have been cutting things out to see if things are causing inflammation, but its hard to do when I have to eat so many calories. Currently I only eat, chicken, eggs, nuts, healthy oils, fruit (raw) ad veggies (cooked) and quinoa. No sugar, gluten, starches, soy, dairy, etc. Nothing processed! I did have a test just recently come up with a slightly elevated Igm (36.2) for H. Pylori and inflammation. My estrogen is low and am on a hormone to try and up it. Could that be part of it? Should I try SCD? I am at loss. I just downloaded your free e-book but I will loose so much weight. Please help!!!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Renee Burcal.

Hi Renee,

We are happy to hear you have discovered the SCD diet! Keep us updated on how you are doing and let us know how we can help.

By: Renee Burcal Hi all I just discovered this site. I was diagnosed with SIBO 12 Days ago and just finished a course of $900.00 antibiotics and don’t feel or sense any difference in my symptoms. Screw the doctors and their pharmaceuticals I am going to try this SC diet and I am going to ingest 1 oz each of raw ginger and turmeric into my diet. I will check in after being on the diet for a week.

By: Justin How are you sposed to do this diet if you have a huge histamine intolerance and you are intolerant to all the stage 1 and 2 foods such as carrots, spinach, and zucchini butternut squash etc…

By: Aliyanna I am in a bit of a different place than what I am reading about. I started out with severe candida and allergies….50+!!! No gluten, no casein, no eggs or soy and no nuts. I have 6 kiddoes, 3 of whom are autistic and they are all like this…to a lesser degree.
I make lots of coconut nut milk kefir, water kefir and most of our veggies are fermented. We tried sourdough(gluten free) and it was fine for a while, but soon it got to where we were bothered by that. We are low sugar, and what little we do use is usually coconut sugar. The only grain we eat is oatmeal that is fermented in kefir. I have been on nystatin, grapefruit seed extract, candex and candiase until a mold outbreak in the house rendered me allergic to aspergilis and black mold so badly that even things made and then cleared sent me into a mild anaphalaxis episode. We got the house issue fixed. But we are still sick and I often feel so fatigued that it feels as if I will pass out. My stomach hurts pretty bad most of the time, and I have enough gas to solve the oil crisis!!! Oddly enough my poop is in the good area of stool size and shape and the color is good… We are not new to this journey….have been fighting it for over 10 years… We have tried enzymes, but most of them are grown on aspergilis niger mold and that is out for us now.

By: melinda shondeff Hi Steven, I have heard a lot about many bowel dysfunctions, however, my 24 yr old daughter was recently diagnosed with idiopathic gastroparesis. Are you familiar with this disorder? I have not heard it mentioned on any of your sites. After several trips to the emergency room, 3 gastro specialist and really no good treatment available we are so frustrated. Any help or suggestions you can give us would be so greatly appreciated.
Thank you’
Melinda Shondeff

By: Paula If you do not have the severe symptoms of diarrhea but have a positive breath test do you have to do the into diet or can you skip to just avoided foods on the restrictive list?

By: R. Durham In reply to Ilse Broekaert.

When I was first diagnosed with celiac and went GF my iron dropped dramatically as well. I spent a year fighting extreme fatigue due to anemia with iron supplements and then Rx strength iron as well. What finally worked was folic acid and red meat. Most GF foods are not enriched with folic acid like wheat flour is, and it is necessary for absorption of iron. It’s worth a try anyway. I know every body is different, but beef and folic acid were my missing links.

By: Kristy Just started the Intro today. My am feeling a little nauseated, but I will take it over the usual burning and pain I normally have (still there, but it is less – maybe I just mentally feel better because I know I am helping myself!) . I am hoping this means it is working:)
I like that I don’t have to think about it – just do it! We will see how it goes!! I am shooting for four days of this before I move to Phase 1.

By: Lindsay mecham Hi guys. I am one week into scd diet and introduced the butternut squash with no issues. Added the pears last night and am definitely reacting to them. My question is do I stop them and just go on for 4 days and add in the next vegetable? And so forth and if I react just don’t eat them ever again!

By: Lisette Goodmorning,

Hope you’ll answer my question, because I’m at a loss! I’ve followed the Paleo Auto Immune Protocol for 45 days now and my belly has never been this calm, yay! But my candida is still there and itching. Do you think it would be a good idea to integrate SCD in the PAIP? And if so, should I do the 2-5 days intro or can I skip that? Also, I’m using a lot of healing foods the intro doesn’t mention, like cod liver oil/butter oil, probiotics, water kefir, L-glutamine, bone broth, liver, coconut, ginger, garlic and other spices. If I should do the intro, can I keep using those? I’d love to hear from you!

The Netherlands

By: Chris Hey guys – just wanted to say thanks for all of this info. My 10 year old daughter has been struggling with chronic diarrhea for years and when traditional tests showed nothing, I was told it was nerves (but knew it was more). She then tested positive for SIBO over and over and I knew I had to do something “unconventional” to try and help her live the fun and carefree life every 10 year old deserves. We are gearing up to start the SCD diet and I have to admit, I’m feeling as overwhelmed as I am hopeful. With crazy kid schedules and work and likf busier than ever, I’m nervous that I’ll drop the ball. A lot of planning. Even more cooking. Not things were are generally used to doing a lot of in our busy, family lifestyle. But I know it’s time. Wish me luck! And thanks again. Relying on all of this info to get me started!

By: Ilse Broekaert In reply to Boispw.

suffering from iron-deficiency myself. One of the tricks that may help: stop drinking black tea (I was told the tea associates with iron and makes it unavailable) and reduce dairy (calcium does the same). x

By: Hilary Allen Hi. Has the SCD diet been effective in dealing with CFS/ME?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Beth.

Hey Beth I’d start with the SCD intro diet that you can start from our free download at the top of the page. Do the non dairy version.

By: Beth Hi, I have just now found your site and am wondering if you can help? I have multiple food an environmental sensitivities, am Salicylate sensitive, have really stuffy nose although really dry,no mucous,and a nasal polyp that bleeds often, especially after alcohol or other foods on the Salicylate list.I don’t have bowel problems as such, although have read that more than 12 food sensitivities would mean leaky gut, candida has been a problem over the years,What do you think? Regards Beth
