Comments on: The Four Dark Horsemen of SCD (What to Do When the Diet Isn’t Working) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:10:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jann.

Hi Jann – Each person will have to figure out how much is too much! It is a sweetener – so even if you can tolerate a large amount, we wouldn’t suggest it. For foods that aren’t strictly legal or illegal – test them out first.

By: Jann how much honey is “too much”… i usually take 2 tblsp in my cystus tea. seems to be working! By the way i found nothing about cystus tea being legal or illegal… do you know more?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Emily.

HI Emily – there isn’t exactly a direct replacement for eggs – you can just eat more of the other protein for those 3-5 days. The SCD diet is based on what foods are easiest to digest. So even though raw veggies and salad greens contain nutrients, they are hard to bread down (then we can’t actually absorb the nutrients they provide).

By: Emily Hello, I was just reading your free intro guide and it says to eat eggs for breakfast every morning. I am allergic to eggs…what can I substitute for them? Also I saw similar anti-yeast diets said to eat salad and/or steamed veggies the first few days–why are those not ok? Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Megi.

HI Megi – Yes nut free typically includes the category of seeds too but you can always test those out separately and see how you do:)

By: Megi Does the nut free also include seeds like sunflower seed etc..

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Emily.

Glad you were able to figure this out, Emily!

By: Emily My setback on the scd diet was histamines. For about a year my symptoms were getting worse the stricter I became with the diet. But after finding out and researching histamines, I’ve been having more success finding a ‘safe zone’. Still extremely sensitive to a lot of foods, but if the body has a chance to heal it can only get stronger.
Thank you for all your hard work on still important subject – health.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Fred Holtman.

Hi Fred – we apologize but don’t see any other comments from you! You can email us at and we’d be happy to help:)

By: Fred Holtman I wrote to you recently and a yet have not received a reply. Getting desperate for help.
Kind regards

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Scarlet.

The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:

Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Scarlet Most stories I hear on the SCD Diet complain of diarrhea symptoms. That is not the case for me. I tried the diet and became even more constipated which caused toxic build up. Would you recommend this diet for someone who doesn’t deal with diarrhea?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sara.

HI Sara – It is actually real important to eliminate all those hard to digest food (especially nuts and dairy at this point.) The easiest way to keep it all straight is to follow the SCD phases in the eBook. Digestive enzymes are also going to be really helpful. Here are some digestive enzymes we recommend:

Digest Gold –

Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)

Thorne Dipan 9 –

By: Sara Hi Everyone!
Thanks for all giving me such inspiration!
I’ve been on the diet for over 3 weeks and i am in crazy pain.
Thank God I do not have cravings so I don’t think it’s the carb issue. However it is lasting way too long to be “die off” issue.
I am so scared to eliminate the “horsemen”. I barely eat. Already lost 10 lbs starting it and am hungry. I eat an egg for breakfast, a little salmon and a little chicken/meat. I take an almond cookie to keep me going during the day with a fruit shake. Can’t imagine what I will eat! I’m not worried about the weight loss per se. I’m happy to lose and have another 30 lbs I’d like to lose but I fear the way i’m doing it is not real weight loss and will come back because I don’t think I’m eating normally.
I guess my real question is if I really have to eliminate it all!
Dairy I haven’t touched. Ground nuts maybe every other day….and eggs almost every day.
I basically am dizzy (my iron low, going tomorrow for injection) and my stomach hurts. It feels like gas pains kind of.
Any tips advice?! Thanks. I’m feeling really depressed about it 🙁
(PS I’ve done this diet 17 years ago for 3 months out of a hospital stay and ate e/t legal and it worked.)
Thanks to y’all!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lara.

Hi Lara – I’m sorry you’re frustrated. The great news is that 1) at first you’re only testing the 4 horseman to see if they are causing you issues. 2) it isn’t forever! I know that is hard to realize sometimes, but the sooner you eliminate all potential inflammatory foods, the sooner your body will heal and you’ll then be able to expand your customized diet.

By: Lara In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

Hello, I’ve been on SCD since last June. I’ve significantly decreased my meds and have been feeling relatively well, besides moments of pain/diarrhea here and there. I’ve been in a flare this week with what seems like new symptoms outside of the GI – joint pain (legs/hands) & today have had really bad stomach pain. I am assuming it is because I have decreased my meds so much and now probably have inflammation. You mention to remove the four “dark horseman” but really- what is left to eat on this diet without all of that??? All I eat anyway is eggs, protein (chicken/meat), fruit, & nuts, yogurt, larabars and rx bars (which is eggs and dried fruit). So yes I am probably having way too much fruit and nuts but what else am I supposed to eat— meat 10 times a day?! Sorry, so very frustrated at this point. Thank you for any help.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Micaela.

THanks for sharing, Micaela. Glad you’ve been able to tweak the diet and find what works for you!

By: Micaela I know this is an old article, but it still pops up on Google when I search SCD, which is great!

I just wanted to say that I think peanuts should be added to this list. They are not technically nuts, but perhaps should be added under that category. Peanuts are a major allergy for a lot of people. Most people think if you’re allergic or sensitive to peanuts, you’ll get a major reaction, such anaphylactic shock. However, this often isn’t the case. I did SCD a few years ago, and kept having peanuts (especially all natural peanut butter because I love it) and I had no idea I had a problem with them. But I continued to have bloating, gas, diarrhea, pain, etc. I cut them out later, and it made a HUGE difference.

I’m currently doing SCD without all four “dark horsemen”, and without peanuts, as well as without garlic, citrus fruits, bananas, pears, broccoli, and cauliflower. It can be done!

By: APRIL C In reply to jamie.

Raw milk contains enzymes that help you digest it.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Todd.

Hey Todd – thanks for reaching out to us.

First, please don’t stop ANY prescription medications without talking it over with your doctor. The SCD diet has an additive effect and works synergistically with your medications – for most people this allows them to lower their dose and eventually stop using them entirely.

If you’re still struggling 5 weeks in with diarrhea we recommend you make sure you’re using digestive enzymes and cut out the 4 horsemen! More info on digestive enzymes:

By: Todd Hey guys,
Thanks for all the work you put in on the website, its been a huge help. I have been on the diet for 5 weeks now with some constipation at first and now back to loose stool. I still have been taking Colazol but not sure whether its scd legal or not. Is this enough to throw off my stomach and if I find meds that are scd legal would I need to start over with the intro diet?


By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jennifer Fritsch.

@Jennifer GI Pro Health Prozymes are SCD-legal – you can get them here:

By: Jennifer Fritsch In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

Is this enzyme scd approved?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Theodor.

Hi Theodor – we think coconut milk is OK to test. The best way to find out about any food is to introduce it slowly like we describe here:

By: Theodor I really miss coconut milk. If shredded cocunut is ok, why cant coconut milk containing shredded coconut and water be ok?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to eric.

Hey there Eric 🙂

Many people do have issues with egg white specifically over egg yolks – but many people also have issues with both. To be certain which one is causing the issue, it is best to remove both, and then reintroduce them separately (yolk first, then white)

By: eric great list thank you! should the list say egg whites (the part of the egg that includes albumen) instead of egg? ive found that taking out egg whites has completely taken care of the really intense constipation i was having.

i just think this list might scare people away from egg and its great nutrition by seeing it on the list, when actually it seems the egg whites are the troubling part? keep up the great work!

By: Doris Thank you for your prompt answer Mariel. The HCL actually seems to work for a time after I have eaten, but the reflux is back about 4 hours later. My stomach should be empty by now. I only had a beef patty and some carrots. I am not a big eater and never have been, so the diet as such doesn’t bother me. Since I have no problems with fats either I added a tbsp of coconut oil to the soup at lunch. That turned the taste from alright to yummm. No reflux after that!
I seem to be the only one who has the opposite reactions to food from every one else with acid reflux. It is a matter of trial and error.
If the HCL quits working this winter I will definitely try the colostrum. Right now I am back to yoghurt for relief.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Doris.

Hi Doris – sorry to hear you’re struggling with reflux.

Not everyone does well with bone broth. Our friend, Dr. Alison Siebecker says those with SIBO may react to the GAGs in bone broth.

If you’re struggling with bone broth, you might consider trying a colostrum supplement instead.

Hope you’re feeling better soon.

By: Doris Hi, I have acid reflux usually only in the winter months. I cannot figure out why. I eat pretty much the same foods year round. In the winter I cannot eat my home baked sourdough bread at all. Yesterday I started the introductory diet with the chicken soup and got really bad acid reflux. Contrary to all the advice I ate some “Seven Stars” yoghurt. (The only yoghurt from raw milk on the market) This stopped the acid reflux in it’s tracks. I have also found that I do better with raw vegetables, either in a salad or pureed in my VitaMix. Ditto for fruit. Spicy foods don’t cause me any problems at all.
Why is my system so contrarian? BTW I am in my 70s and am otherwise very healthy and am on no drugs. I refuse to go to a doctor because I know that all I will get is a prescription for some chemicals that my body doesn’t care to deal with.

I will have the soup again today with some HCL with pepsin. I hope…………………

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sharon.

HI Sharon – we’re so sorry to hear you’re struggling with constipation. The best place to start is with a simple diet like SCD – you can get the quick start guide for free here:

By: Sharon I have not had a normal bowel movement for yrs I now can barely walk osmolax is not helping help me

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Gabe.

You’re welcome Gabe!

If you ever have more question you can at us at too!

By: Gabe Hi Mariel

Thanks very much for your quick reply. This is what I suspected too and your confirmation gives me more confidence to try and take care of this. I really appreciate it!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Gabe.

Hi Gabe – we’re so sorry you’re experiencing these symptoms. Since your symptoms developed after traveling, our first recommendation would be to be tested for parasites and infections (often picked up while traveling) like c. difficile, blast, etc. Your doctor can order stool tests, you can work with a practitioner, or you can look into ordering tests on your own (check out this article:

Gut Infections are a root cause of so many digestive problems, and Jordan and Steve didn’t get completely well until they addressed their underlying gut infections.

You can learn more about our recommended practitioners here:

If you have any questions or need more support, please email us at

By: Gabe Hello – I’ve been on the SCD diet for about 6 months, and had good progress through the first 4.5 months. BMs were consistently Type 4-5 on the BSC and developed a food safe zone. I also did this without supplements, as I’m pretty sensitive and try to limit them. However I had to travel for work in August and although I stayed on the diet I haven’t been the same since. For the past 1.5 months I can’t seem to get rid of my Type 6 BMs. During the trip I broke out with a full body rash after eating 2 dates; rashes are rare for me. Thinking this was due to bad bacteria I proceeded to up my SCD yogurt intake, with no improvements. I started betaine HCL and digestive enzymes with no improvements. I spent weeks at a time not consuming yogurt, eggs and fruit and I don’t even bother with nuts now – no improvements. I’m now losing weight again. I’ve gone back to the intro diet and within my food safe zone and even then I still can’t get consistent BMs and frequently having Type 6 and 5.5s. I almost feel constipated but yet have Type 6s. Please help, I’m totally confused. Thanks alot.

By: Chantelle Thank you, Mariel – the podcast was great (my kids listened, too, and found it helpful) and the food allergy vs food intolerance was also helpful. You guys are such a wonderful resource, and I’m really grateful for all that you do! 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chantelle.

You’re welcome Chantelle! So glad we could connect here! I recommend this video too:

It helps explain why you might be able to tolerate them later on!

By: Chantelle Mariel, thank you so much for replying, and SO quickly 🙂 That’s really hopeful to hear that Jordan was able to eventually reintroduce them. Thank you for the podcast link – I’ll check that out now. Cheers! 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chantelle.

Hi Chantelle – onion is definitely a problem food for many people. It is a high FODMAP food and many people do better on a modified low-FODMAP version of SCD, at least in the beginning.

You can learn more here:

The most important rule of SCD is customizing the diet for you – if onions cause a problem for you then they are a horseman for the “Chantelle Diet” and we advise you avoid them and maybe try reintroducing them later (Jordan couldn’t tolerate onions or garlic for a long time, but he can now!)

I hope this helps!

By: Chantelle So I did 2 days of the intro diet. Day 1: felt awful, and day 2: felt pretty good and had a couple of symptom improvements already! YAY! Day 3: Introduced stewed pear this morning and felt great. Felt really good all day and made more chicken/carrot soup in time for dinner (3 in our family are on SCD so we went through the first batch pretty quickly). I have had terrible stomach pains for about 3 1/2 hours now (it started about 20 minutes after dinner). The only difference to the chicken/carrot soup I had on day 1-2 and this evening was… ONION! High fructan onion! I left onion and garlic out of the first batch of soup that I made (since I didn’t have any), so could onion (or simply high fructan) possibly be another “Dark Horseman” along with high fructose?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Tammy.

Hey Tammy, I’m so sorry you’re struggling with a flare right now. Based on what you’ve written, I think you would really benefit from a consult with one of our recommended practitioners. They take a functional medicine approach that is very different from a traditional GI. you can learn more here:

In the meantime, it sounds like you’re doing the right things. Healing is a long road and we have to be kind and patient with ourselves. Jordan recommends a day in bed and funny movies when you’re having a flare, and I agree. I hope you’re feeling much better really soon, Tammy.

By: Tammy I have been eating SCD for a few years and was doing great, yet tried some bread in May and it gave me a flare. I started over with the intro for the first month and about 4 weeks ago I removed eggs, all dairy (wasn’t eating nuts) and cut way back on fruits and honey, yet still the blood and the mucus.

Taking the same supplements, all SCD legal (fish oil, l-gludamine, etc). Eating every veggie cooked. Taking digestive enzymes. Even eating lofodmaps SCD veggies.

Loose stools have almost a chemical smell. Passing a lot of mucus, several times a day.

I am avoiding going back to the GI, as their drugs will only suppress my immune system and will never heal me anyway, plus they always want to do another scope and I am not interested in that, at this point. I only walk away with less money in my pocket and drugs that will never heal my gut.

Any suggestions?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Gabe.

Hi Gabe, thanks for commenting! I’m so glad you’re seeing great progress. Nuts just aren’t for everyone – read about Steve’s experience with nut flour here:’s-scd-diet-healing-journal-week-18/

Regarding honey, you might want to check out this article on fructose malabsorption:

There is no average healing time for leaky gut, but it sounds like you’re making great progress so far, Gabe. Remember you can reach out to us anytime you need support!

By: Gabe Hi All – Lori Jo thanks for your advice back in April. I was able to get away with enzyme rich foods and everything fell into place after that. I’m currently in stage 3 and digesting cooked foods nicely but noticed when I include almond or pecan flour I get brain fog and my brain is slow days after. I know phytates in nuts can be an issue but understand that most of the phytates in almonds are in the skin, and the almond flour I use is blanched with no skins. I’ve even soaked and roasted them and it’s still an issue. Do you have any idea why I’m able to process stage 3 foods but can’t get past nuts? Honey is an issue too – if I have a teaspoon I’m a zombie for 2 days. I know I have leaky gut issues and honey may make my blood sugar spike. Is this potentially bad gut bacteria feeding on nuts and sugar? What is the typical healing time for leaky gut? I’ve been on SCD since mid-March. Thanks very much.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jennifer.

Hi Jennifer, thanks for reaching out to us. We recommend you check out this article: Hormones are often linked to weight, and our Solving leaky Gut program addresses hormone imbalances. You can learn more by signing up for a free webinar here:

By: Jennifer I have GERD, ileitis, and gastritis. I am already dairy, egg, grain free. I occasionally do seeds ground-few times a month. My issue is that I cannot LOSE weight!! My food sits in my stomach for over 6 hours even though I tested negative for gastroparesis. I am fine only eating meat and fat and veggies but why can’t I lose a pound. I went from 108 to 130 within 2 years and I am getting so depressed esp with such a limited diet. My GI Dr. gave me VSL#3 with has done nothing but bloat me for weeks. I am not trying to sound negative but I am too cute for this!! My saliva testing showed low estrogen, DHEA and low normal progesterone and cortisol. I am taking Armour thyroid as well but not sure it is doing anything. I am open to suggestions please….

By: Kathy If the diet isn’t getting you into remission, try adding Essiac tea to your regimen. Get it bulk at a good health food store or purchase Flor-Essence from Amazon. Follow brewing and storing instructions carefully. This plus the SCD diet did the trick for us. Good Luck!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Chris.

Hi Chris, The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:
Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:
We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Chris I have been doing scd diet for 7 days, intro, then phase one. I have always been, and am still constipated. Most of the advice is for diarrhea and I am getting worried…And really bored with what I am eating…help.
