Comments on: Cheryl Cravino Beats Up Crohn’s Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:49:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: danielle Cheryl – you stated above you were compiling your recipes. Will you be selling them in a book or ebook form?

By: The Crohn's and IBS Breakthrough Blog » Blog Archive » Specific Carbohydrate Diet Testimonial […] I made a ton of mistakes when I started and it was frustrating, but believe me it gets much easier once you accept and embrace the new lifestyle. In the end Cheryl’s right it’s totally worth it I promise.So without further ado I’ll let Cheryl tell you about her healing journey. Source: […]

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Debbie.

Hi Debbie – congrats on being an incredible mom and working so hard to support your son! Can you find yogourmet yogurt starter in the UK? I’d start there and see what you can find.

Let us know how we can help 🙂


By: Debbie Hi there, I am hoping to support my son to start on scd- any help would be welcome I have read breaking the viscious cycle and bought some recipe books. Is there anywhere in the UK I can purchase the yogurt starter?

By: Sally Pike Hi Cheryl
Thanks for sharing your story and giving us some hope – my son was diagnosed 3 years ago with Crohns and we have just started the SCD diet as his doctor wants him on steroids which fills us with horror. Nearly a month into it he’s a little better but nothing miraculous has happened as yet – but we will keep trying as the alternatives are truly horrible.

By: Barbara Olsen-Henderson COMMENT? I thought i just left a big comment in my questions. hope this submits this time

By: Barbara Olsen-Henderson hello Cheryl. my husband suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome suffering particularly with gut problems and no energy and lots of other stuff associated with it. his mother had Crohns disease tho died of cancer. i think there’s a link with his mother’s Crohns and Alan’s gut related probs. we are vegetarian and although he eats fish, wants to try this dietary regime but feels going back to meat after 35 years without it, might create more problems than it solves. have you continued to eat meat or gone back to vegetarianism? do you have any suggestions around leaving the meat out? i have only just downloaded the book so haven’t read it yet. i am a chef and have a good understanding of nutrition so i’m hoping i can figure something out for him. we’re already using the Weston Price ideas regarding fermented food etc and that’s been a help already. thank you BARBARA

By: Sandy I like the term “healthy lifestyle change”. I’ve been looking for a way to explain what I’m doing without getting into the gory, personal details, and this sums it up. Especially because when you are skinner than everyone around you, people look at you strange when you say you are on a special diet. Thanks Cheryl.
