Comments on: SCD Probiotics – What You Really Need to Know Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:10:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rob.

Hi Rob – There are many probiotics on the market and it is all about finding what will work for you. The one we suggest can be found here:

Password: scdlifestyle

By: Rob I’m wondering what you guys are recommending for probiotics these days? I’ve been on Klaire Labs Therbiotic Complete since 2012, but it’s been getting increasingly expensive in Canada.

By: Paul Richard Great blogging! Probiotics are being used in the treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation. Thanks for sharing

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to lara.

HI Lara – straining often removes the liquid on top which is the whey protein. (this is what they do to greek yogurt to make it thicker).. I don’t have any research that shows the straining process is removing the probiotics:)

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to lara.

HI Lara – straining often removes the liquid on top which is the whey protein. (this is what they do to greek yogurt to make it thicker).. I don’t have any research that shows the straining process is removing the probiotics:)

By: lara Hi!

Love your site. Used it to start my healing journey before hooking up w my naturopath.

I just went to a farmers market and noticed someone selling goat milk yogurt- which i have made w raw goat milk many time, the scd way. The vendor said her yogurt was runny because to strain it in order to make it thicker would remove the probiotics. I dont’t believe her as I found nothing in a quick internet search that suggests removing the whey removes probiotics. Any evidence to back up either of our theories? I have read removing the whey removes some of the sugars, carbs, and calcium.



By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Carol.

Thanks for sharing, Carola and we’re happy to help!

By: Carol Your site has been so helpful since Celiac diagnosis 5 years ago. Thank you! Have been making coconut yogurt in a Hotpot pressure cooker for probiotics. Easy and delicious w no milk products of any kind. Danielle Walker of Against All Grains developed the recipe for anyone interested. just google for recipe.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mary.

HI Mary, we’d recommend a soil based probiotic like Prescript Assist and you can find it here:

Also, here is a great article that will help you understand the world of probiotics:

By: Mary Hi guys,

I’ve been healing through diet (scd, low fodmap, etc) for over a year now. I haven’t taken any probiotics (except for eating sauerkraut) for ten months after learning that I had a SIBO issue. Now I’m very scared about re-introducing any probiotics but I think it could be a missing piece for me. Yogurt isn’t an option for me right now. My naturopath recommends Apex Sibiotica and it’s apparently specially formulated for SIBO however I’m confused because it contains lactobacillus caei, bifidobacterium breve and lactobacillus plantarum and these are not what’s recommended here. I see this post is from 2011…. I’m wondering if you have any new/updated information on probiotics for SIBO/ibs-d?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jolene Steen.

HI Jolene, thanks for reaching out. There is a time and place for prebiotics. For example, they can exacerbate certain things like SIBO or a FODMAP intolerance. You can test out a small amount of prebiotics (garlic, onion, banana) and see how you do. MOre research is needed to on the topic of how prebiotics affect symptoms, but it is clear that they increase our beneficial bacteria.

By: Jolene Steen I’ve been hearing so much about the importance of pre-biotics and was wondering what the SCD world has to say about it. Prebiotic supplements all seem to be starches that we can’t eat on our diet. Also…have been taking prescript assist
for a few months now, but haven’t noticed any change and am wondering if we should switch to something else. We have ASD issues and SCD diet has been very helpful! Thanks!

By: Ami In reply to Lisa.

Lisa, I have been reading post and came across yours. I also have the same thing happen πŸ™ But, what I have found out is that my liver becomes toxic and as long as I keep my liver flushed with dandelion tea or milk thistle drops or drops with milk thistle, dandelion and artichoke, the panic attacks stop within 10 minutes. I now have been able to catch them coming on. I am not on probiotics as I am still detoxifying. And they did make everything worse but I think these attacks have more to do with our livers. I am currently looking for a doctor who can tell me if there is more going on with my liver but I do think I am just very toxic and it is going to take sometime to clear this out…..

By: amy In reply to Lisa Brown.

Lisa, I have the exact same issue!!! I also have gastritis. Did you ever figure out why they cause the burning and have found any probiotics that don’t cause burning?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Phxrsng.

It sounds like you’re having a negative reaction to this probiotic.

Steve and Jordan recommend you spend about 30 days focusing on the diet before introducing probiotics. This gives your gut some time to heal before introducing new strains – if your gut is really in bad shape (you’re a Tough Case) you might not be ready for probiotics just yet.

You can start addressing your diet using this free guide:

By: Phxrsng I have severe ibs and constipation and have tried nearly everything. A lot of times probiotics make things worse. So sometimes it will help w constipation but make the bloating and pain worse. So more recently I wanted to try something more simple so I would know which strains I was reacting to. My diet is extremely limited and I can’t do any of the fermented foods.

So recently I started now acidophilus and I tried pearls also. They are all acidophilus bifidous strains and I got the most disgusting taste ever in my mouth. I thought maybe it was the rebalancing of bacteria but it’s so bad I am going to have to stop taking it and I don’t know that it’s working that well anyway. I upped my dose last night and woke up with tons of canker sores in my mouth, the skin behind my ears is raw and the post nasal drip I always have is significantly worse. The taste in my mouth is like I licked toxic waste. I actually woke up and had to brush my teeth and scrape my tongue numerous times during the night.

How do I know what to take and what my body is missing. I overdid hydrocolon therapy and laxatives due to being unable to move my bowels and antibiotics I believe are what messed me up for go. I’ve done tons of candida cleanses and parasite cleanses etc to no avail. Recent tests say I’m clear of all that which surprised me but I really think I need good bacteria. But I have no way of knowing what kind. I’ve heard of probiotics helping breath but mine is now so bad there is no way I can continue another day. I’ve tried about ten kinds now with mixed results but none the results I wanted.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to helene wishnev.

Hi Helene- It isn’t a bad idea to take two probiotics simultaneously. Steve and Jordan recommend one soil based probiotic like this one ( and one non-soil based probiotic, like acidophilus.

I hope this helps!

By: helene wishnev Hi,
My husband is suffering from UC. He has been on the diet for 7 weeks now and has shown some mild improvement although the diarrhea is still present. Our health care advisor has advised taking Saccharomyces Boulardii (probiotic 3 billion C.F.U. 2x daily) in addition to his regular probiotic with 12 billion lactobacillus acidophilus and other strains. Is this OK to take with the diet?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to sue.

Hey Sue, thanks so much for reaching out to us πŸ™‚

We recommend you watch this video for more information on probiotics:

Every person is unique and has a unique mix of bacteria in their gut – so everyone reacts differently to probiotics. Not everyone does well on the same strain.

Based on what you’ve written, I think you would gain a lot by registering for one of free webinars on how to heal intestinal permeability (leaky gut) – at the webinars we address a ton of issues like SIBO, autoimmune disease, infectious diseases like Lyme, food triggers for leaky gut, and tons more. Here’s a link where you can register for the free event and learn more:

I hope this information helps, Sue!

By: sue In reply to Ruth Buchweitz.

i also get terrible diarrhea with VSL3. my doctor told me to take it but I could not tolerate it at all. i have been ill a very long time, with CFS/Lyme and have IBS and SIBO.

i wonder why some are helped by VSL3 and some get worse?

incidentally, i also get diarrhea with other very powerful probiotics such as ultimate flora.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Eve Hunter.

Hey Eve, its great to supplement your probiotics with fermented foods. However, we don’t recommend introducing fermented foods when you’re experiencing a flare-up. We suggest you wait until your symptoms have stabilized and you’ve experienced some improvement to introduce fermented foods like yogurt or sauerkraut – usually between 2-4 weeks into the diet. Then we recommend introducing sauerkraut very slowly to see how your body responds. I hope that helps Eve πŸ™‚

By: Eve Hunter Hi, I’m thinking of adding sauerkraut juice to help boost probiotics in my diet. I’m already taking GIProHealth SCDophilus which seems to work fine. I’m in a flare right now and have had to go back to the intro diet. How much sauerkraut juice would it be best to start with per day?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lisa Brown.

Hi Lisa, probiotics can be tricky to figure out and we suggest reading more here:

By: Lisa Brown I have been trying to take probiotics for leaky gut and colon issues, and every time I take them, they cause burning to my stomach. Multi-strains, blends of Acidophilus and Bifodo, different strengths, all cause burning, some more than others. The really sad thing is that they help my overall condition and colon. I have not tried a single strain like Acidophilus yet. Why do probiotics cause stomach burning? I am eating some yogurt to get a bit of probiotic, but I think I may have an allergy to it and will to stop eating it. Any clue as to why probiotics cause stomach issues?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sally.

Hi Sally, thanks for reaching out. We recommend looking here, as these practitioners work via telephone or skype:

By: Sally In reply to Raewyn.

I would love recommendations for a functional medicine practitioner in the Uk. I can’t find any!

By: Raewyn In reply to lee.

I think it’s really important that you get tested, and also if you can purchase the Clean Gut book by Dr Alejandro Junger, who is a Medical Doctor practising Functional Medicine, it will open your eyes.

There are few functional medicine practitioners in the UK but if you’d like recommendations, I would be happy to help as I know a few and they are helping me tremendously after 5 years of seeing various Gastroenterologists and nutritional therapists and being diagnosed with candidiasis… my FMP has identified the root cause through very specific tests as Leaky Gut, and I’m now finally on my way to recovery.

I was initially on VSL #3 for years along with Udo’s Digestive enzymes, Biocare’s Oregano complex, and another EcoBalance supplement…

I definitely improved but the committment recommended by the nutritionists of sticking to the anti-candida diet for over 3 months alongside all these supplements proved to be too much, and I failed every time.

Find yourself a Functional Medicine Practitioner, get tested and then get on the right treatment protocol (I’m now on an anti-inflammatory diet plus BioDoph 7, saccharomyces boulardii, interenzyme, betaine HP plus, and wholly immune which you can order online from

I know how frustrating (exhausting and depressing) this search for healing and relief can be.

I wish you much luck.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Changexpert.

Hi, thanks for reaching out! Please email us at and we will be happy to assist you.

By: Changexpert So what’s the consensus on acidophillus vs bifido strains? Chris Kresser warned about taking acidophillus if you suspect SIBO. Also, Low Histamine Chef and Chris Kresser both posted that bifido strains lower histamine levels in the body.

Dear Steven and Jordan, does any of you have research papers that support your statement about bifido overgrowth activity? As far as I know, your website and Breaking the Vicious Cycle website are the only one suggesting potential downfall of consuming bifido strains. I would sincerely appreciate your response.

By: Tanya In reply to Kelly.

I agree with your comment Kelly. The more I’m reading about acidophilus the more I read that people say it is a lactic acid-producing bacteria and not to take it, especially for those like me who have CFS/fibromyalgia.

I know your comment is from a while back Kelly but do you have any references to your comment on FODMAPs and Bifidus clearing this up? I’m fascinated by the possibility of this as I’m beginning to think I have FODMAP issues.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lisa.

Hi Lisa, thanks for reaching out! The probiotic we recommend can be found here: Also, you may have an underlying condition going on and it would be a good idea for you to see a trusted practitioner if you are unable to improve with diet and supplements. You can search for one here:

By: Lisa In reply to Sarah B..

This is me! I have been on probiotics for a decade now… and have had horrible racing thoughts and irrational fears the entire time. A lightbulb went off that I was acne free and more mentally stable (just constipated with stomach pain) prior to the probiotics. Well – I finally took a week off of them and instantly regained clarity. The only catch 22 is the pain returned with the constipation and my dust allergies came back. So after a week I said screw it and went back on. The racing thoughts are horrible though. How on earth can I do this? I’ve tried all sorts of did probiorics allergen free, l-glutamine, stomach acid tablets etc. Maybe there is something else going on but I’ve done hummaworm and strict candida cleanses! Maybe TRG treating leaky gut again :/

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Naima.

Hi Naima, thank you for reaching out! The yogurt provides powerful inoculation of healthy bacteria to your gut, which is necessary for the gut to heal. For those that can not tolerate cow dairy, you can try goat yogurt. And certainly, if you can not tolerate that, don’t consume that either right away. If you try either of the yogurts and can’t tolerate them, you can always try later as the gut has had more time to heal.

By: Naima Hello,
I’m new to the SCD but a I’ve had IBD for about 10 years. It has more recently progressed which is the reason I am now here. All that to say,
I’ve been reading through the (SCD) website(s) and have some confusion. I was just reading the article about probiotics. I have been taking pretty high doses of these for years. But more recently, I realized my Brand (New Chapter) may not always be as free of things that could be harmful to me as I would like. So I’ve stopped using them. Since, I’ve stated a new brand that seems to be free and clear of potentially confounding things. But because I’m starting the SCD diet, I’ve stopped all of my supplements to reintroduce. This is pretty scary for me actually because, I’m so deficient but I’m trying to do this right.
But my main question, I suppose, is about the probiotic issue. I do wonder why dairy is so heavily promoted for the SCD yogurt when it seems that non-dairy yogurt could be just as, if not, more beneficial because we aren’t suffering from the dairy itself. I haven’t seen this addressed anywhere. But I’m sure that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I am very curious about your feedback on this. I would like to try the yogurt hopefully in the not too distant future, but (dairy) milk having been a problem for me almost since birth, I am not very keen on the idea of pushing that issue. At the same time, I don’t want to be left out of all of this healing I hear about from the SCD. I am at this point still left out of eggs and nuts too. I do have to wonder when/if I will be able to get this healing when I can’t take advantage, it seems, of much of the diet.
Again, I would greatly appreciate whatever feedback you might be able to offer. I thank you in advance.
Kind regards,

By: KathyB In reply to solomani.

When I saw you ate paleo — I can tell you it is paleo which gave me ulcerative colitis. I was juicing veggies galore — eating almond everything. Salicylate intolerance is one of the core issues I have now discovered. My UC is gone by eliminating them everywhere I can find them. My GI doc said she would call me in remission for now — so I don’t have to be on the Lialda — which made me so sick. Why? It is a salicylate!!!!

By: Linn Is this a high fat diet? What are the percentages or grams of fat, protein, and carbs required in a 1500 calorie a day diet?

By: Christine In reply to Kate.

For anyone wanting probiotics in the UK, it seems as though do suitable ones. I am not connected to or affiliated to them in any way, but just a customer of theirs.

By: Christine In reply to Tina.

I think that Elaine Gottschall (author of the SCD book Breaking the Vicious Cycle) recommended starting with L.Acidophilus & I think that is probably because at the time it was the most researched & safest probiotic around. L. Acidophilus is about as community-minded a bacterial strain as you will find.

Also, I have just found this:-

“Elaine spent a year doing library research on probiotics and realised that the whole area is very iffy. The one conclusion that she came out with is: β€œThat Lactobacillus acidophilus had been shown to be very helpful for many schizophrenics, bowel patients, etc. over a period of 100 years.”

However, a report was published in the New England Journal of Medicine by a gastroenterologist that stated that one doctor found that all his Crohn’s patients had an OVERGROWTH of Lactobacillus acidophilus which he felt was contributing to the disease. Unfortunately this found its way into the reference books that pharmacies use.

Elaine feels that we should keep our probiotic ingestion to a minimum and get helpful bacteria from our SCD yoghurt and so displace the harmful bacteria.”

Taken from

By: Supplements and Other Products – Cat Food is Good For You […] guys with this. Yuri Elkaim has an article at UG Wellness that helped me choose the right one, and SCD Lifestyle has some invaluable info […]

By: lee Hi,

I’m also in the U.K and looking for suitable probiotics, and as I am trying to rid myself of candida too, was recommended Healthy Origins 30 Billion CFU. Is this ok? Any advise would be welcome!


By: Robert Hi,

Do you have an opinion for Soil Based Probiotics? I have been taking various different probiotics for a few months now, without noticing much of a difference. Including home made Kefir, and Saurkraut. I still have burps after eating most food types, and occasional bloating though.

I’ve read that SBO’s are better for the gut than Lactose based, what are your thoughts?

Thanks for a great, and informative website.

By: Stage 1, or “Why change my lifestyle when modern medicine is so incredible?” | Draco Infans, Lady Invictus […] That will form the basis of your entire diet in stage 1. Meat stock or bone broth, boiled meats and soft tissues, gelatin and animal fat, cooked non-fibrous vegetables like squash, carrots, and spinach, tea with honey, and of course, like we discussed last time, your probiotic. […]

By: Tina In reply to Kelly.

I would also like to know the answer to this poster’s question. I just read Steve’s podcast with Chris Kresser ( (search D-lactate) where Chris says specifically to NOT take L.Acidophilus if you have SIBO, but you guys are specifically recommending TO take it (and therefore I’ve been taking it for the last month). Would you mind please explaining your and Chris’s differing views on it? I’m going to order Prescript Assist next since you both seem to agree on that one as helpful, but would still like to understand the differing perspectives. Thank you!

By: Brittany Why is sauerkraut ok but kefir is not? Don’t they both contain yeasts? If the kefir is fermented 48hours it has same lactose content as yogurt.. Just want clarification cuz I thought GAPS was about fermented foods and SCD was not.

By: Janice What are your thoughts on Florastor? I have been on a SCD diet for 4 months after Xifaxan for SIBO. I also have fructose malabsorption. The only probiotic prior to Florastor was raw milk yogurt (24 hr cook time) and then goat milk kefir. The goat milk kefir made some improvements.

By: Jon Ainsworth Hi,

I’ve had severe food intolerances for over 20 years and about three months ago I started on the GAPS diet from the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Campbell-McBride. Things started to improve after the first few weeks and I was about to move onto the second stage when I suddenly had a lot of pain and bloating in my stomach and my symptoms worsened again. I did start taking sauerkraut and I felt it helped initially but I still have bad symptoms. I initially thought it was a stomach bug but it has been going on for over two months.

Anyway after seeing your website I would like to start on a probiotic and Betaine Hcl + Pepsin regime. I found the HCL your site recommended but can’t find the same probiotic that you suggest as I live in the UK. I’ve found a few probiotics but am not sure if these are ok or not as I have never taken them before. Anyway here is a list of probiotics I’ve found and I just wanted to know if any of these are suitable as one does have bifidobacteria as well as Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Sorry for the long message but if you have any suggestions at all it would be greatly appreciated.

By: Kelli Hi
i have diverticulosis and was just told by my doctor to take VSL#3. I took it and it caused manjor gas, bloating, pain, and diarreah! I saw that you don’t highly recommend it, and its because it has the Bifidobacteria in it right? Which you don’t recommend during the beggining stages of healing. So my question is what do you recommend , so i can ask my doctor.

By: Anna During what stage can you add homemade sauerkraut? Would that be the same for just the sauerkraut juice? Thank you so much!

By: Penny Hi guys!

I’ve learned so much from you:-) Was curious if you could culture soil based organisms in yogurt – like Biokult or Prescript Assist – I know they do it with beans (Natto) but my kid probably wouldn’t eat Natto – or sauerkraut -actually, thinking about it, you could probably just buy some Natto at a Japanese food place and use the slime for a probiotic – probably way more potent than Biokult anyway:-)

By: Steven Wright In reply to Sarah B..

Hey Sarah – our gut flora communicates directly to the brain so this isn’t a surprise to me. Sounds like you still have a leaky gut, likely a leaky blood brain barrier as well. I’d focus on finding out if you have any GI infections or other chronic infections in the body.
