Comments on: Gain Weight and Heal Faster on SCD: In One Hour a Week Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:10:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick I’m totally in agreement with this article, minimizing unnecessary strain on the body is exactly where I’m at now, as I’ve a case of probably what would be classed as stage 3 adrenal burnout.

For me I even have to keep it to the level at the moment right now of just doing a couple of walks a day, and maybe a low intensity bike ride. There’s no doubt that movement is really important for physical health (including brain health) but when your adrenals are depleted, in my experience you have to be super slow and careful not to back step by burning yourself out even more.

By: Alan Rossiter I would highly recommend to all your followers who are looking at getting exercise to investigate kettlebells. It is short and intensive (15 minutes of a 1 hour session is actual exercise – the remainder warming up, recovery and warming down). But a colleague of mine also has UC and this is what she saw recently:
“3 years ago I was told I had osteopina in my spine. I was advised to increase my intake of diary,take calcium supplement and weight bearing exercise. I hate milk and taking any type of tabs. Sandra Goodison invited me up to the gym one Saturday morning to meet Mick. He told me he could help my spine and hips with exercise. I started off doing circuit training and within 6 months did my first competition I didn’t take any supplements I did take two yogurts each day and trained 3 times a week with kettlebell club. Today I had another bone density scan and the results were unbelievable. My osteopina is gone. My hip bones and spine density have increased by 18%. The radiologist was stunned she thought I was going to be diagnosed with brittle bone disease today but instead told me I’ve the bone mass of a 20 year old. She said she’s never seen a reversal like it. It wasn’t done by drugs because I wouldn’t touch them it was done by training with kettlebells.”
Sort of answers all questions, doesn’t it. And the lady in the excerpt above competed in the European Championships last May!
So, go find kettlebells…

By: alan carlson Thanks again for answering my problem concerning the need
to gain weight, can’t wait to change my routine in the gym,again
thanks. from a blessed 80 yr. old man and wife.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to J.

Hi J, based on the stomach gurgling you’re talking about you might really benefit from supplementing with Betaine HCL.

Check out this article:

You may not be digesting food well, and that’s preventing you from absorbing nutrients (and calories).


By: J How can someone gain weight whilst doing this? I dont think I’m dire with digestive problems…but I get a lot of bloating, constipation or mushy, undigested stool, stitches in my ribs, gurgling stomach (like gas is trapped there)..but I’m only 80 lbs and almost 5 feet 2. I eat a lot of healthy fats as it is , so I worry that makes all the symptoms worse? (since I’ve been like this for so so long)…i cannot cannot afford to lose weight…also starting to worry what if i have intolerances like to eggs and stuff since i eat the SAME things all the time…
(to clarify i’m not currently doing SCD…but am TOO intimidated by the starting phases, etc…plus i can’t do things like broths…where i live hormone-free chicken is very very difficult to get, so i can’t eat frequently…i cannot lose weight so i dont know what route to go

By: Steven Wright In reply to Odddlycrunchy.

@ Odddlycrunchy – MED is really about only doing the minimum necessary to get the result you want. So for instance as you talked about MED is NOT running on a cardio machine to lose weight. It is also not doing 6 sets of an exercise if 2 sets will produce the equivalent results.

There is a fine line between pushing the body pain and injury pain. Athletes are very in tune with this and unfortunately usually only understand it because they’ve crossed into injury pain too many times. What I’m saying is don’t generalize it because you haven’t experienced it. Exercise to build muscle must be a sufficient stimulus which will require some struggle and work. But in no way am I adovcating that everything must be painful or am I advocating for over-exercising. The point of this post is that most people over exercise and that there is a much better way to do things.

By: Odddlycrunchy In reply to Matt.

Not sure I understand the MED concept.

“If you do it right, it hurts” seems to contradict “it is so freeing, esp. for those who grew up in the [NO PAIN, NO GAIN] school”.

I’ve always said, NO PAIN, NO PAIN. But then, I”m no athlete, so I can hardly convince others that pushing to the point of pain can be counterproductive. The fact is, my family needs me to be functional, so I can’t risk injury or even muscle ache from over-exercising.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Samara.

@ Samara – No yoga is not going to burn too many calories, don’t worry about that. You could easily walk 30 minutes a day and do 30 minutes of Yoga and not burn that many extra calories (everyone will be different its impossible to put a real number on it but probably less than 4 oz of meat). No they won’t increase muscle mass over time unless you were starting from a bed ridden state. Muscle mass is built in response to a stimulus, you have to over stimulate your muscle fibers to build muscle, normally yoga is not going to do this. So moving to strength training as fast as possible is usually the best option.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Reid B. Kimball.

@ Reid – CrossFit is a great program but it is pretty demanding, what I mean by that is that it’s very taxing not only on the muscles but also neurological system. They use a lot of complex lifts that take advanced motor skills which is great when your looking to build your athletic base, or a higher level of work capacity. If you have digestive issues and still don’t have your symptoms under control CrossFit in my opinion is too demanding and your going to end up stealing resources from your ability to heal. It would be better to start with walking, yoga, a few months of HIT and then progress into CrossFit. But again its all about your goals. If you want to look good and get strong HIT is probably a better choice than CrossFit. If your an athlete, after getting some of your strength and muscle back CrossFit is most likely better.

By: Samara Awesome advice thanks guys, i’m sticking with walking and yoga a few times a week so far, then hope to get a home gym or membership again to be able to get into some strength training other than yoga. Does the strength training from yoga using static asana (postures) and some vinyasa (‘flow yoga’) such as sun salutations not burn too many calories? and will they increase muscle mass/tone over time?

By: Reid B. Kimball Nice, been thinking of checking out CrossFit after I attended the Ancestral Health Symposium in early August. What do you think of CrossFit?

By: steven wright In reply to Matt.

@ Matt – All Great points man, thanks for bringing them up. Yoga and daily walking is a great place to start if your having a very hard time getting out of bed or up the stairs. I would agree if your that sick, daily walking is about all you should be doing. But once your getting stronger I think it is important to keep pushing each day until you can handle the MED (minimum effective dose) like you said.

Great points on MED and Rest I will try to address them next! The short answer is resting is not training 🙂

By: Steven Wright In reply to Rachel.

@ Rachel – Thanks for contributing, most people who do lots of cardio always seem to be hurt. Just walk instead! Unless your training for a specific event.

By: Matt Steve,
This is a good topic for a post; it’s something people are concerned about. I have a few thoughts:
1. I would caution people not to get ahead of their guts, so to speak. It’s good to want to be in shape, but to heal, rest is your mantra. If you’re too sick to lift, walk or do light Yoga. If you’re too sick to walk, sit outside and get some sun. Give your body time. That said…
2. I think what I was waiting for you to elaborate on is the HIT concept of the minimum effective dose of exercise. Proper load stimulation + proper intensity (each at the minimum dose necessary) for your desired adaptation = significant gains. Don’t be fooled; the term makes this sound easy, but if you do it right, it hurts. Even better, as you get stronger, the pain stays the same, because you’ve upped the intensity and work load…

This concept of minimal effective dose is worth talking about, because it is so freeing, especially for those of us who grew up in the “more is better: pain, pain, pain = gain, gain, gain” school.

You mean I can workout for 6 minutes (for example), and get better results than if I spend an hour in the gym? Any day, except for my worst days of flare up, I could muster for 6 minutes. That is encouraging.

3. Resting. Can you define resting for everyone? It’s the most beneficial, and least understood part of training. What does resting look like for those with IBD? How does it change as you heal?

Thanks guys.

By: Rachel I found this helpful as I go to the gym almost every day. I struggled for awhile with wanting to do more cardio but I would need to eat SO MUCH during the day to make up for what I burned and I was getting too thin. Then I got tendonitis and was forced to chill out on the cardio and focused more on weights. I found that my body didn’t change much even though I had almost cut out the cardio completely. In fact, I think it actually improved! This eased my mind and made me think that I’m probably doing what I should be doing, and it’s ok if I’m not doing more than 10 minutes of cardio! Thanks!!
