Comments on: Methanogens: The Bloating Root Cause You Haven’t Heard of (and a New Solution for SIBO) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 19 Jan 2021 16:07:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: donita The first time I tried atrantril it did help me somewhat but I had sibo for awhile had took 2 round’s of xfaxin and did me no good at all then tried this but some relief well then I seen hostlic doctor instead I had more issues going on than I thought I had parasites Candida and sibo and my immune system compromised and my gut was 80percent leaking unfortunately I had to treat leaky gut first while treating the rest 4 months later my immune system was lifted all I had left was sibo so another 6 months on a different protocol with no probiotics just berberine allimax and need plus oil of oregano and low carb diet I got my methane number’s down to a 7 8 and 9 fluctuating so then I tried atrantril again with the other herbals and still the diet now I’m just taking atrantril with vitamin c tabs and nac for liver and digestive enzymes and diet. I’m doing great going to bathroom these days no bloating at all I pray someday I can end this sibo for good.i have faith in God that I will.i really miss a least having ice cream someday yes will stay with atrantril and see what happens I hope it’s okay to use zinc with carsinine and l glutime with this to heal my gut and no I don’t use probiotics ty I get good relief from this but if I eat any sweets I get a little bit of hives so I avoid them .I can at least say I don’t get them anywhere near what I use to but that can be caused by leaky gut still there

By: Jon Really good article.

What about the opposite case? I just got results back from uBiome Clinical, indicating I have low M. Smithii – the methanogen referred to in this piece.

As I understand it, the role of M. Smithii is to consume hydrogen byproducts produced by other bacteria. Therefore, lower M. Smithii means higher hydrogen levels in the gut, which is associated with lower fermentation in gut and a decrease in the ability for the body to absorb nutrients and lower weight (of which I have both).

I’ve been diagnosed with hydrogen-dominant SIBO, and the first round of Rifaxmin, as well as a second round of herbal antibiotics, haven’t changed my numbers one bit. Still high in hydrogen levels (methane levels are low, which also is consistent with low M. Smithii).

Is there a probiotic supplement or something I can take to INCREASE the levels of M. Smithii, which may be the linchpin to decrease the hydrogen observed in both breath tests. The high hydrogen levels are the cause or associated with the pain and IBS-like symptoms.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to KKate.

Hi Kate – interesting for sure. Can you try adjusting your atrantil dose just to see if that changes anything? Is there anything in atrantil that you are allergic to? Earaches are not a common die off symptom, so it is likely something else. Maybe try adjusting HEN you take it as well and see if that helps.

By: KKate I am on day 3 of atrantil for sibo extreme bloat. I am having a weird reaction since the first day, continuing all the other days. I am getting ear aches and ear pressure. The thing is,
I have had lyme disease, which is mostly under control now, and I remember the ear aches and ear pressure from the early days of lyme. So it seems to me that possibly the atrantil is causing a die off of the lyme, or else it is causing a problem, I am not sure. I do feel a decrease in bloating which is amazing. I took 2 pills 3X a day the first day, and then because of the ear aches I took 2 2X a day on day 2 and three. This morning after taking a break from the atrantil ( I waited till lunch to have it) the bloating increased and the earaches got better. then when I took them at lunch and dinner, the bloating decreased and the earaches got worse. I emailed atrantil and they said ear ache is not a common die off symptom. So I am not sure what this is doing to me. I am happy it is helping with the bloat and I hope this ear stuff passes quickly, but if it continues I cannot take it. I am not sure if it is causing the lyme to die off and this will actually clear that for me too eventually, or if it could be causing smething to flare? any thoughts on this? the earaches really hurt and I have not had ear aches in years, just since starting this.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Matt.

HI Matt – Atrantril is meant to be used as part of a multifaceted approach for SIBO. Which means diet, supplements and lifestyle changes:)

By: Matt If I read correctly it sounds like Atrantil is effective at treating the symptoms but doesn’t actually deal with the root cause of SIBO by eliminating the bacteria in the small intestine. Correct?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Deanna Ellis Griffin.

HI Deanna – you may want to reach out to the ATRANTIl company directly for this question, as they would be able to help you better.

By: Deanna Ellis Griffin I’m using a zpack for an URI. Should I use atrantil now or wait until I’m finished. I’d Just started Atrantil when I got sick.

By: Kat C Oops, I meant to say the joint problem is caused by Lyme, not SIBO.

By: Kat C Hi, I have Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, SIBO/constpation, and joint degeneration (2 total hip replacements at a young age) caused by SIBO.. My ND said it is very hard to get SIBO gone for good when you have chronic Lyme. True! Currently on Xifaxin and neomycin protocol with guar gum, recommended by Dr. Pimental and Chris Kressor (good interview on Chris’s site). They tell their patients to take guar gum and eat some foods that make the bacteria you want to kill active. Otherwise it hides until the threat is gone and than you have SIBO again. Also treat for biofilms. This is something you do in a Lyme protocol. Biofilms are a tough shell or covering the bacteria make to shield themselves from any threat. When the threat is gone, they come back. Who knew they were so smart?! Anyway, I did want to say I take 2 Atrantil, 2 NOW super enzymes, and 2 charcoal caps before meals that will bloat me. It does help. Detoxing as you go along is super important with Lyme or SIBO. It makes sense that as the bad bacteria dies you need to get it out or it will cause poblems. There is a good list of detox ideas on the site.

By: Elizabetj In reply to Ann.

I been struggling with digestive discomfort for 15 years about anithi ng I ate caused a lot of gas my life was miserable. During this years I have tried natural stuff and supplement it gave me some relief but the symptoms did not desapeared One day I was looking for a tea to support digestion and bought nettle tea I thank God I have found this tea it helped 100%.

By: Karen Peckover Functional medicine doctor suggested Atrantil-Neem combo for SIBO after Allium-Neem combo left me with gastric upset. The reaction was swift and amazing. My bloat was gone. No more belching. Still dealing with C. Suspect there may be undiagnosed thyroid issues but will figure it out eventually. Great product. Thanks

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Gero Ayala.

HI Gero – SIBO can cause enormous presser in the gut as well as near the end of the digestive tract (anus and rectum). We’d recommend getting tested if you think you have SIBO. Let us know if you need more support with that.

By: Gordon Well I’m very interested to try this as I’ve been getting worse C last few weeks, especially over Christmas! I had a lot of the bad foods like sausage rolls, roast potatoes and wine lol. But I made a point of avoiding chocolate and dairy which make things a lot worse.

Just curious, for those people who Atrantil hasn’t worked for, have you tried addressing all the other factors aswell? There are so many causes of constipation like lack of nitric oxide (from arginine/nitrates), tryptophan/serotonin, too much homocysteine (too much meat/lack of B6/B12/folate) , as well as the usual lack of water/fibre/exercise. I’ve made a list of about 20 things that can worsen constipation, and you have to address as many as possible to have any improvement.

Would be interested to hear from above people about arginine/nitrates in their diet (beetroot, strawberries, leeks, nuts etc.), thanks. I do have peppermint tea, but could I try horse chestnut supplement separately or is it best to take the correct ratios? Many thx and good luck to all.

By: Gero Ayala In reply to Mariel Heiss.

So I’m feeling discomfort in my rectum and anus thats where my problems are does that have anything to do with SIBO

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Harvey Olson.

Thanks for sharing, Harvey! Glad to hear things are gong better for you:)

By: Harvey Olson I’ve had bloating and explosive diarrhea for years. I do have trigger foods and try to avoid them. I met with a gastro doctor a few years back but after spending a bunch of money on recommended supplements, nothing really changed so I went back to the usual routine of trying to avoid certain foods and trying not to be too stressed, which always upsets my stomach even more. I decided to try Atrantil after hearing the commercial on the radio and reading the positive reviews. For $40, I figured it was worth a try. I didn’t take the recommended dose of two tablets, three times a day. Rather, I took two tablets the first day (with food). The effect was felt almost immediately – no bloating and no diarheaa. I’m only on day two and have decided to limit it to one pill a day only. Right now, I’m feeling great, and quite honestly, my tummy feels calm for the first time in years. I understand this doesn’t work for everyone, but this, so far at least, has worked wonders for me, and it did it with a day.

By: Elle MacLaren I have tried Antrantil for several months and it did not help me at all. I have been on the SCD diet for a year and a half. I tried Rixafim first, did not work. Allicin and berberine worked for awhile.

By: Meg Hi, I’ve had methane-producing SIBO for two years now and nothing has given me long-term relief. Enteric-coated peppermint capsules were one of the first things I tried (which didn’t help at all), and they did give me bad acid reflux. Has anyone else had success with Atrantil who also had this issue with peppermint alone? I did see some comments that a few people had to stop Atrantil due to acid reflux issues with the peppermint. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jaclyn.

Hi Jaclyn – thanks for reaching out! We’d recommend a gut infection protocol for SIBO such as this one here: The SCD diet is a lifestyle…and a customer version of that diet is what we recommend following forever (to stay healthy:)

By: Jaclyn I have had unexplainable abdominal pain and GI issues for over a year and a half (all blood word and scans came back normal). I’m supposed to be tested for SIBO in two weeks (have to wait because I was on probiotics). I just started the SCD diet and am so happy there are so many recipes and info available. I wanted to ask, if my test comes back positive, what alternative medicines/supplements are usually used and for how long? And how long does one usually stay on the SCD diet to ensure SIBO is eradicated? If it comes back positive I am planning on seeing a functional medicine doc as I do not want to use the antibiotics since they allegedly do not work as effectively and increase the chances of rebound. Any info is greatly appreciated!

By: Nate Atrantil contains (quebracho), for those who have allergy to pine, Atrantil is to be avoided. It did help me though, before the allergic response kicked in. It would be nice if there could be a redesign using an alternate substance for those of us who have Sibo-C and are allergy sufferers.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to BobbycDonald.

Hi Bobby – The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:

Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: BobbycDonald What is a good medicine to take for constipation other than Miralax?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Nabeelah.

HI – any improvement in SIBO related symptoms would be a good indicator it’s helping. Even if they are small improvements:)

By: Nabeelah I have SIBO and have recently started taking Atrantil – it’s day 7. I started taking it to help with my bloating. I have not felt any difference in the bloating but have felt an increase in bowel movements. The bloating is so frustrating. How do you know if the Atrantil is working?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Noel.

Hi Noel, I can’t say we’re aware of that amount being harmful, but always good to check with your doctor first:)

By: Noel Hello, can I take antratil more than 2 capsules 3 times a day? I eat small meals more than 3 times a day as this helps my stomach not bloat so much. Was wondering if that was harmful to take 1-2 each time I eat.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to jill.

Hi Jill –
From what you have said, I think your time, efforts, and energy would be best invested in a one-on-one consult with a functional medicine practitioner. They will be able to assess all the details and get you the attention you need to get healthy.

We have a recommended practitioners page now so you don’t have to look very far. Here are the details:

By: jill I am so tired of being so sick. its been well over a year. My PCP sent me for a breath odor test and today told me it was negative. So? Where do we go from here? I’ve only been back and forth with her and am quite ready to go to another hospital and start over. I can’t eat anything until around 2-2:30pm. I will have a yogurt and a few gf pretzels. maybe soup for dinner. I never know what is going to blow my stomach up to looking 4 months pregnant and hard as a rock. I have several autoimmune diseases. i’m exhausted and can’t do anything before noon. I am weak and my body hurts. if like next time it happens i’m going to ER and see what they do. I do dislike ERs for the fact that you usually have 10 people talking to you and then you see a doctor and hour later if you’re lucky. i’m preparing for a surgery on my Achilles in November and I can’t have this hanging over my head anymore. I feel like hey let me just get sicker and sicker until I’m really good and sick admitted to the hospital. I am at the end of my rope. :'(

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Wanda.

Hi Wanda – die off is the general term used to describe what changes the body goes through when adapting a new diet. Here is more information for you:

By: Jill In reply to Marlene.

First of all I am so grateful to have come across this site. Second, I was so happy to hear of your exhaustion. Sounds terrible but I am totally incapacitated in morning. I try to schedule appointments for afternoon. And then it’s a struggle to do anything. Thank you so much putting that issue in your comment. Jill ?

By: Wanda Could someone explain what they mean by “die off”.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to BAshB.

Hi – so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling. We recommend you stop taking Atrantil until you can talk to your doctor and dietician about the symptoms you’re experiencing.

By: BAshB Hi! I am currently on antratil as prescribed by my dietician for my tummy troubles. I was diagnosed with methane sibo/candida/ and adrenal fatigue. I have been on low fodmaps as well as a restrictive diet for 2 months. I have in all honesty not felt any better, my tummy did seem to calm down but after eating something off my list I was back to square one. Thankfully i recieved this and began taking 3 days ago. Since i have experienced raging sugar cravings, extreme fatigue, an odd facial rash with breakouts and swelling of my sinuses and left upper cheek and eye. I am sensitive to alott of medications so am unsure as to whether this is die off or an allergic reaction? The best way to describe myself overall is having an extreme flu.

By: Cathy I am currently on Atranril and have been for about 6 weeks. The diarrhea is better but nothing else has changed. I am on a beta blocker for blood pressure and have tried to increase the Atrantil for 2 a day to 3. I can’t take more than 2 a day because my BP goes to low. I’m hoping it will work in time for the bloating on only taking 2 a day.

By: Tammy In reply to Mariel Heiss.

I’m wondering if the overall feelings tiredness, nausea, etc, for Marlene could be related to die off? I know from personal experience that much of the gut healing process can cause one to feel worse before we start feeling better. Give it more time?

By: Christie I’ve been dealing with UC since my 20’s (I’m 57 now). I’ve been able to manage it OK? I’ve had mild to bad episodes off and on. One of my worst was while pregnant with my 2nd son, treated with hydro-cortisone, I made it through and I had a healthy baby!! This past year my UC has returned in full force. I had a stool test and it showed strep, so my alternative doctor has been treating it with antibiotics, probiotics, Ultra-Clear supplement, etc. About week ago I decided to try Atrantil and I felt it was working, they told me not to use the probiotic while taking it….well yesterday everything went bad. I’m not sure if I got a stomach flu or a reaction or die off? I’m thinking its a stomach flu, because I had a temp, achey, major diarrhea and now bleeding. I do feel a little better today, but still diarrhea and bleeding. 🙁

By: Fabi In reply to Ann.

Hi Ann, were you able to contact the company to find out the answer? I’m also on probiotics and just started RESTORE and am curious if I need to stop everything while taking Atrantil. And good info on not mixing probiotics with RESTORE…I had no idea! Just read the indications from RESTORE’s website. Guess I was so desperate for a solution that I rushed to buy the bottle without fully reading all the research.


By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Marlene.

Sorry to hear it didn’t work out for you Marlene. How long did you use it for? I do know that for Tough Cases, it can take several weeks to feel a difference.

By: Marlene I tried Atrantil and it didn’t work. I have such bad constipation and bloating! I had high hopes for this product. It made me nausea and abdominal pain and worsened the constipation.
On a side note I didn’t like how I felt overall. Its hard to describe but I was more tired than usual and it took most of the day to have the feeling wear off.
Sorry wish I could have been more positive about the product.
Hopefully I can request the refund with no hassle!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mary Beth.

Thanks for sharing your experience Mary!!

By: Mary Beth I’ve used Atrantil and have had good results from it! It definitely works!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to C.

That’s awesome to hear!! Thanks for sharing your experience with it 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ann.

Hi Ann – you can sue Atrantil with probiotics but I’m not sure about with Restore – you might want to reach out to Atrantil about that.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Pam Beauchamp.

Sorry to hear that Pam 🙁 It just goes to show that one supplement doesn’t work for everyone – but I am glad to hear it is helping your husband!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Rini.

Hi Rini – yes, Biocidin is a treatment that works to kill the SIBO. Atrantil is for people who’ve tried other treatments and still have symptoms. I’m sorry it didn’t seem to work for you.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Anne Fernandez.

Hi Anne – sorry to hear you’ve been struggling for so long! You can learn more about Atrantil and try it out here:

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Michelle.

Hi Michelle – Atrantil can help with symptoms of SIBO, as well as bloating and constipation. You can learn more about it here: It isn’t specifically for weight gain – but when your gut is healthy, it’s easier to gain/lose weight (depending on what you need).

By: Michelle Will this help with SIBO/SIFO-C? Also will it help me gain weight? I need to gain!
