Comments on: The Surprising Health Benefits of Pets Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:45:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Claudia Wow! I know my dogs keep me healthy. This is such good information. With two young energetic huskies I’m constantly hiking and walking. Our time spent in the forests of Western North Carolina feed my psychi like nothing else can.

By: Tarina Hi there, thank you for this article. I am glad that there is other people in the world that feel the same way. I believe that children must grow up with a pet or 2. This forms there character in a good way. My daughter and her family has 8 dogs. From a Great Dane to a Toy Pom and all of them are adorable. My children and grand children grew up with animals. They are a great comfort to us. The smaller dogs are all sleeping indoors.We love our dogs.
Kind Regards

By: Lori I have 5 dogs and walk them 3 times a day.. They keep me motivated to keep moving.
