Comments on: What Are Oxalates? (Foods to Eat or Not Eat For Health) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 08 Jan 2019 17:13:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to cindy.

Hi Cindy – from what you’ve said, it sounds like you could really benefit from the help of a practitioner – You are likely a tough case and they will be able to help you sort it out (we know it can be frustrating – sorry!)

By: cindy In reply to Karen creedon.

Karen, I can relate to your issues so well. I am feeling very frustrated as I was doing really well on a low lectin diet and keeping out spinach and beets but then had a problem coming out of ketosis and now I feel lost as to what to do….the inflammation all returned and my weight soared. My doctor highly recommends low lectins for inflammatory issues which really does help, but also don’t believe I do well with nuts, eggs or dairy and then have the high oxalate issue. It truly gets to the point where you don’t know what to eat and that is very stressful. I have dysbiosis, high oxalates, MTHFR (2), leaky gut, autoimmune issues, Klebsiella +4. Ugh.

By: Jane In reply to Sugar.

I feel like you just described the last 12 months of my life. I developed chronic interstitial cystitis after taking a long course of flagyl. Does anyone from the scdlifestyle site know how to replenish the microbes that help us process oxalates? Ill be doing more research into this, thanks Sugar.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to cathy.

Hi Cathy, thanks for commenting.

One of the issues with trying to follow a low oxalate diet is that even scientists disagree about which foods are high and low oxalate and there is no one definitive list or way of measuring oxalates that is used by all researchers. That is why one list might describe berries as high oxalate and another might define this as medium. The amount you eat matters, too, of course.

By: cathy To make my smoothie, I use romaine, boston, green leaf, and red leaf lettuce, not at the same time. they are low for 1 cup, and romaine lettuce is very low. I also add 1/4 teaspoon of dr. cowans low oxalate powder, or 1/4 teaspoon of chlorella.

I don’t touch the high oxalate foods anymore. I don’t think I have an oxalate problem because I had a 24 urine test and it came back normal, but I have gut issues.

By: cathy Not all these foods are high oxalate
Dark chocolate (High)
Nuts (High) but macadamia nuts are medium per 12 nuts
Berries (like blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries) all are low for 1/2 cup except blackberrie are high. Fresh cranberries are very low for 1/2 cup
Citrus fruits (high
Kale, spinach and other dark leafy greens( Dino Kale is low for 1/2 cup. not all leafy greens are high.
Beets (very high)
Sweet potatoes (very high)
Zucchini and other summer squash(low for half cup)
raw collard greens, are low for 1/2 cup.
For more axalate information visit the link below.

By: Laura In reply to Sugar.

Thank you, Great comment, I intend to research more here.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Karen creedon.

Hi Karen – thanks for commenting and sorry to hear you’re struggling right now. These are complex issues and questions – we’d recommend you talk one-on-one with your practitioner about these things. In the meantime, you can try replacing some of the high-oxalate foods you eat with lower ones and see if it makes you feel better.

By: Lynn Learning about Oxalates has taken my health to a new level;) I have been eating low Oxalate for about 1 year now. Like anything–there is a learning curve and you just start where you are. I have found an app called “Oxalator”that I downloaded onto my iphone helpful to know levels of Oxalates in foods. The yahoo group Trying Low Oxalates is an amazing resource and they keep updated records of Oxalate levels in foods. Find it here:
Best of luck!!

By: Rosemary Does anyone know if moringa leaves, either dried or fresh, are high in oxalate?

By: Ez There is some evidence that magnesium and citrate reduce incidences of kidney oxalate based stones. A balanced – Meaning not based on one nutrient or food group over others – diet seems to help mitigate risks.

By: Karen creedon I’ve had an organic acids test that showed high oxalates. I’m one of the unlucky that fall into both groups- following a paleo diet and have auto immune problems. I am now very concerned about the oxalate load going into my body. I also read that certain SNPs make you susceptible to this, which I also have. MTHFR and SULT being two that I personally have, but there are other SNPs that effect the sulphur/oxalate issue. My question is the sulphur portion. Would taking sulphur such as MSM help with oxalate issue? And also, this is now the second time I’ve heard aspergillus molds leading to high oxalates. I take digestive enzymes at every meal due to low stomach acid and poor absorption etc, but am I now adding to an oxalate issue with the enzymes? (Digestive enzymes are made from aspergillus molds) I’d really appreciate some insight with these two questions. (Please read )

By: Jane In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Thanks, Mariel!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jane.

Hi Jane –

Glad this was helpful for you!!

You cna find lots of lsits of high and low oxalate foods online – but the results aren’t always relaible with ven schoalrly sources disagreeing about the oxalate levels of foods.

In genreal, choosing fresh fruit over dried fruit is a good choice. Avocados, berries, and kiwi are considered to be the highest oxalate fruits by msot sources – so anything other than those is a good choice.

Spinach is the highest-oxalate veggie – cruciferous veggies like broccoli generally have less.

Remember that this doesn’t mean you can never eat high-oxalate foods – jsut that you might want to eat them in smaller portions.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ian.

Hi Ian – this is one of the issues with trying to follow a low-oxalate diet – experts disagree on which foods have high levels. This article does a good job explaining the debate over berries (esp. blueberries Furthermore, what really matters isn’t specific high vs. low oxalate foods but the overall oxalate load of your diet. I.e. you might be able to tolerate some spinach if that is the only high-oxalate food you eat.

Some leafy greens like spinach are really high in oxalates – others like lacinto kale are relatively low. If you’re worried about oxalates in greens, I’d suggest you try the Low-Oxalate greens powder Steve talks about in this article.

Hope this helps clear things up for you!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Al.

Thanks for sharing this suggestion 🙂

By: Ian i read your info on oxalates

you have some facts wrong, blueberries are low so is certain kinds of kale and zucchini
I don’t think you mentioned spinach which is off the charts high

By: Jane Thank you for this information – it explains a whole lot for me! Any suggestions on healthy fruits and vegs that are low-oxalate?

By: Al People with oxalate and digestive issues should also research mold illness. Aspergillis molds in particular can lead to high oxalates in the body as well as gut permeability and Carbohydrate Malabsorption..

By: Sugar We are born with a microbe in our intestinal tract called Oxalobactor Formigenes. These microbes are responsible for emiting an enzyme that breaks down and dissolves oxalates, which are a natural chemical in plants to protect them from being eaten. Some Humans start to have problems with these chemicals after taking certain man-made antibiotics, like Flagyl ( metronidazole) because Flagyl kills the Oxalobactor Formigenes microbes in our intestinal tract and once they are gone, they cannot recolonize in the intestinal tract. So the human is left with a serious problem when consuming chemical oxalates. ( go look up research on those microbe, it has been proven). So afterward, whenever you eat foods with lots of oxalates( there are lists on the internet), these oxalates act like microscopic razor blades and imbed themselves in certain soft tissues in the body. They cause painful inflammation and pain. ( the chemical oxalates actually just irritate the tissue causing pain and inflammation). Joint inflammation and all kinds of pain are caused from these chemical oxalates. Many people get this problem after taking different doses of various antibiotics. Most people can take the antibiotics that cause this problem, without this life long side affect, but there are MANY people that suffer this side affect and don’t know it. Women in particular use metronidazole in the form ” Metrogel” for a condition called bacterial vaginosis. Little by little, each time they use this gel antibiotic, they are most likely killing the oxalate dissolving bacteria in their guts. I have read research linking the use of metronidazole to the reason so many wimen( and mostly women) contract the condition called Interstitial Cystitis. It is a very painful inflammatory condition of the bladder. The bladder( made of soft tissue) is constantly being bombarded with these chemical oxalates because the individual no longer has the ability to break down the oxalates because their guts dont have anymore of the proper microbes to break down and dissolve the oxalates. So they go for years suffering from intense bladder pain and it basically ruins there life forever. They go from doctor to doctor without finding out what is really wrong, because conventional doctors don’t understand WHY our bodies start being sensitive to the oxalates. Now you know. So choose carefully which antibiotics you use, look them up on the internet for the “list” of potential Oxalobactor Formigenes destroyers. High oxalates are also known to be the cause of other conditions like Fibromyalgia, and other super painful nerve issues.
I hope they allow this post and that it helps you discover the root and mystery of your pains. I know all about oxalates personally, I contracted the condition interstitial cystitis, Fibromyalgia, and several other oxalate producing health problems , after using metronidazole gel about 6 times over 10 years and then after a 10 day course of metronidazole by mouth. If I can find the list of antibiotics that researchers have proven to kill the Oxalobactor Formigenes microbes in our guts, I will post it here. Incidentally, researchers are working on ways to repopulate the intestinal tract with the Oxalobactor Formigenes microbes so that they can and will recolonize the intestinal tract. I personally PRAY for that day.
