Comments on: Antibiotics In Grain-Fed Meat: What You Need To Know Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 07 Dec 2018 17:11:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marie In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Sorry, i forgot to mention it 😀 I live outside of the US, butcher box unfortunately is not available in my country 🙁

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marie.

Hi Marie- This is exactly what Butcher Box is great for! They have smaller boxes for those who simply don’t have the space. We’d suggest giving it a try!

By: Marie Hi, thank’s for the artice 🙂

I am convinced that I have to eat to high quality meat, unfortunately it is virtually impossible to buy it here locally, only internationally, frozen, and only huge amounts like 100 pounds at once, i don’t have that much space in my freezer 😀 After a few hours of research and visits to the local butcher, i was not able to find grass fed meat 🙁

What should i do? Should i limit the consumption of meat because i do not have access to high quality meat? I am worried because i am on the SCD Diet and in the Leaky Gut healing Process for over a year and my symptoms are still bothering me, now i am afraid that it is the meat that causes trouble…

I would love to hear your advice 🙂

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jenny.

HI Jenny – thank for sharing! Enjoy:)

By: Jenny Hi Steve,

I don’t usually eat meat because I am more on fruits and veggies, but I then I realize that these food I eat are not complete without eating meat. Can’t wait to have this Butcher Box :).
