Comments on: The 2-Step Approach To Healthy Skin Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 07 Dec 2018 17:10:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carol D In reply to James Carter.

James – I’d recommend you also look into a keto diet, as many of your symptoms are in line with insulin resistance and the results of too high a carb level. High carbs lead to high blood sugars – which encourage the overgrowth of harmful yeasts and bacteria and also high insulin as your body attempts to bring down the blood sugars. As time goes on, you become insulin resistant and your body stores all that extra blood sugar as fat.

After a couple of months eating a keto diet, I know I feel fantastic compared to how I used to feel. My arthritis pain is nearly gone, my brain fog is also pretty much gone, my skin is better. This, along with the other great recommendations on this website could be a huge help to you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James Carter.

HI James – you may want to take a look at this article on skin health and leaky gut I think this will be really helpful to you!

By: James Carter In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

No worries. Sure, I have copied my question and put it in a new comment 🙂

By: James Carter Hi Lori Jo – No worries, that’s fine. What I will do is copy and paste what I said in the old comment and post it in this comment 🙂
Below is copied from my previous comment:

“When they first did tests on me for my skin issues, they said there were no allergies or nutrient/vitamin deficiencies present. Now, they have done resent testes and found I am deficient in folate, ferritin and vitamin D. They’re not sure if malabsorption is the culprit. I have atopic eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis, and chronic urticaria (hives), all of which can have a number of causes, but all drive me insane with endless itching and skin rashes, redness, and inflammation. When they diagnosed me with fibromyalgia syndrome and secondary adrenal insufficiency, they told me that systemic symptoms were common like severe fatigue, lack of appetite, tingling legs and feet, itchiness, sweating and temperature regulation issues, excessive thirst, frequent urinating, insomnia, brainfog, chronic pain, skin changes, and several others that I experience but I won’t go too far as this comment will be monstrous. I always had skin problems as a child that went away when I was 15, but seemed to come back at the onset of my systemic illnesses. I never had hives before fibromyalgia, adrenal failure and hypogonadism though, so the link between my skin problems and systemic illnesses is possibly there but I would have to say it’s quite likely giving that adrenal insufficiency and fibromyalgia alone are known to cause skin changes. Vitamin A and B12 play an important role in skin health, too!
Your opinions are welcome.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James Carter.

Hi James – really sorry about that! That can happen from time to time as we rely on technology. I’d be happy to address your other question if you’d like:)

By: James Carter In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi Lori Jo – Forgive me, but I think you may have replied to the wrong comment, going by the name you greeted and the fact that my comment was about my eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, fibromyalgia, and adrenal insufficiency.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James Carter.

HI Moni- you’ll still introduce foods according to the article and you’ll be looking for other negative changes such as runny nose, worse constipation, headaches, fatigue, etc.

By: James Carter When they first did tests on me for my skin issues, they said there were no allergies or nutrient/vitamin deficiencies present. Now, they have done resent testes and found I am deficient in folate, ferritin and vitamin D. They’re not sure if malabsorption is the culprit. I have atopic eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis, and chronic urticaria (hives), all of which can have a number of causes, but all drive me insane with endless itching and skin rashes, redness, and inflammation. When they diagnosed me with fibromyalgia syndrome and secondary adrenal insufficiency, they told me that systemic symptoms were common like severe fatigue, lack of appetite, tingling legs and feet, itchiness, sweating and temperature regulation issues, excessive thirst, frequent urinating, insomnia, brainfog, chronic pain, skin changes, and several others that I experience but I won’t go too far as this comment will be monstrous. I always had skin problems as a child that went away when I was 15, but seemed to come back at the onset of my systemic illnesses. I never had hives before fibromyalgia, adrenal failure and hypogonadism though, so the link between my skin problems and systemic illnesses is possibly there but I would have to say it’s quite likely giving that adrenal insufficiency and fibromyalgia alone are known to cause skin changes. Vitamin A and B12 play an important role in skin health, too!
Your opinions are welcome.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kymber.

Hi Kimber – I can’t say I’m totally sure about the zinc/oyster question, as I think it would depend on the quality. High quality oysters can be a good source of zinc. ( I am sure you could do a little google search and get some good information) The fish oil we recommend can be found here:

By: Kymber Curious if you could recommend a trustworthy brand of fish oil, as I know there’s a lot of yucky ones out there.

Also, do canned oysters also provide zinc?? Been wondering this for a while & would love to know.

