Comments on: How To Properly Prepare Beans (So They’re Gut-Healthy) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 04 Mar 2021 21:07:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harsh Godbole In reply to Cindy Blase.

Hey Cindy!

Ive been living on Khichidi cooked by my mom for 4 weeks now and it has greatly improved my symptoms.
Here is the recipe I use:
1) moong split peas ( Called moong dal, in an indian store) (1/2cup)
2) kalajeera Rice ( its a short grain rice. Any short grain would suffice) (1/2Cup)
3) Turmeric , coriander and cumin powder
4) Ghee ( indian butter, very healthy scd replacement for other types of oils)

If you have green moong peas, soak them for 18hours, but in a store you may also get the yellow split peas which wont require the soaking. For yellow split peas Thoroughly clean the rice and beans untill you dont see any white residue coming from the water. For the green moong, do the same before soaking. Rice need not be soaked, only cleaned.

Take 1 teaspoon of ghee, 3/4 teaspoon turmeric, coriander and cumin powders, and heat them up in a pressure cooker.

Add rice and moong and saute on medium flame for 10-12 mins. Add 3-4 cups of water and pressure cook for 20 mins. Depending on how you like the consistenacy, change the amount of water. Add salt to taste.

I hope this helps. Send me a message if you need a video too. Ill be glad to help.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Cindy Blase.

Hi Cindy, I’ve never worked with mung beans myself, but I think the soak you did would be fine. For any dried bean I’m uncertain of, I usually just soak in plain water overnight. I hope the mung beans help your son and that he is feeling better soon.

By: Cindy Blase Hi Mariel!
I just recently found a recipe for Khichadi. It’s a rice and Mung Bean Porridge. It is an Indian dish to help with digestion and refered to me by a UC suffer that while in a flare, found it calming and helped to pull him out of the flare. I treated the split green Mung bean like a split pea. Is this correct? 24 hours In baking soda, and pressure cooked. My son is deep in a flare now and we are struggling with what he can eat. The intro soup, has begun to make him too gassy. Thoughts?

By: Marc Thx, will try kidneys in chili for my wife. Side note, Your text says 4:1 beans to water and your graphic says 4:1 water to beans, from recollection of Maman’s french canadian beans it’s 4:1 water to beans but I’ll leave it to you as the expert to advise.

By: Elin Skadberg Leite In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Thank you for your help! 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Elin Skadberg Leite.

Hi Elin – you don’t need to soak fresh green beans sugar snaps, etc.

Nuts like cashews and peanuts can be soaked, but I didn’t get a chance to over it in this article 🙂

By: Elin Skadberg Leite Thank you for this! But I’ve always wondered about green beans, sugar snaps and green peas. Do they need soaking as well? Or is it only when they are mature, like dried beans and split peas? And what about peanuts and cashew nuts, they are also in the same plant family. I’m so confused!

By: Lori Fernandez Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Michelle.

Hi Michelle – soaking the beans in a glass container on the counter (at room temperate). Happy soaking!

By: Michelle Does it matter what kind of container you soak them in? I’m assuming with a lid?
And where do you soak them, just on the counter? Away from sunlight? In refrigerator? Does it matter? Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kathy.

Hi Kathy! Thanks for sharing and we do recommend you try it next time:)

By: Kathy Interesting. I never soak beans. Just rinse and start cooking. As long as there is enough liquid, they seem fine. I never hear of adding acid. Might try that next time.

By: Andra In reply to James Carter.

Thanks James, very helpful information!

By: James Carter In reply to Eva.

Also something to bare in mind, Eva, is that alot of people with issues like leaky gut and it’s associated problems have an issue with decreased histamine tolerance. Peanuts are very high in histamine, and if you have a reduced tolerance to histamine, eating peanuts could cause symptoms such as tingling and itchiness in the mouth, tongue and face, urticaria, red watering eyes, a sudden sensation of anxiety, headache, runny nose, diarrhoea, a cough, and nausea. Other foods high in histamine can be alcohol, caffeine, nuts, mature cheese, vinegar, salted snacks (such as salty nuts or salted crisps), chocolate, and and others. Hope this helps.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James Carter.

Hi James – the calories should not change:) This just makes it easier to digest the beans.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Eva.

Thanks Eva 🙂

Personally I stay away from peanuts. Peanuts aren’t prepared the way other legumes are (they aren’t soaked and then cooked until soft) so it’s hard to say what the effect of peanut lectins might be. Plus there are often mold issues with peanuts – Chris Kresser goes into it a bit in this great article:

To be super clear though – I wouldn’t recommend you try any beans until you’ve got a great “safe zone” diet established of meats, fruits and veggies – foods you tolerate really well that leave you feeling good – once you have that down, then you can start experiementing with these “gray zone” foods like properly preapred beans 🙂

By: Eva Mariel! You’re always full of great tips!

What about peanuts? Can we eat peanut butter in the beans phase of the intro diet?

By: James Carter In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

If I did have a question, which may sound like a daft one but it’s genuine in my case, it would be about calories. Does this make the beans any lower in calories or is it a healthier way in terms of people struggling with their weight? Due to certain medications, stubborn weight gain is an issue I’m faced with.
Thanks! 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ella Frank.

Hi Ella – yes there are a lot of beans 🙂 For any bean I’m not sure (or any kidney-shaped bean like pinto beans) I use the guidelines for kidney beans. When all else fails, soaking overnight in water is always better than nothing.

By: Ella Frank Pinto beans? Scarlett runners? the list of beans is endless. How can you tell which beans require which type of soak? Thnx!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lynne Emmons.

I use the kidney beans guidelines for these types of beans 🙂

If I’m ever totally unsure, an overnight soak in water in always better than nothing!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Susan.

I use the kidney bean guidelines for navy beans!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Deb.

Hi Deb – no, the pressure cooking is in addition to the soaking – you always want to soak the beans before you cook them according to the directions ehre, and then you can cook them according to any recipe for dried beans you have (including in a pressure cooker). You might find that soaked beans cook up faster than do non-soaked beans – and that they are much creamier, too!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Laurie West.

Hi Laurie –

I don’t recommend canned beans – it’s impossible to know exactly how they were prepared. It is so easy to soak and cook them yourself, much cheaper, they taste better, are easier to digest, you don’t have to worry about BPA in the cans – there are just many reasons to not eat canned beans and prepare them from dried instead. If I had to chosoe between not eating beans or eating canned beans, I would choose to not eat beans (personally!)

By: Alicia Pressure cook my beans with a strip of kombu so as not to fart.

By: Laurie West how do you feel about canned beans. i do fine on canned pinto but i had canned navy mixed with butter beans and i became inflammed within an hr. of ingesting them. difference?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James Carter.

You’re welcome!! Glad you found it helpful:)

By: James Carter Thanks for this!! Seriously, there’s alot of information here that I didn’t know and I eat beans quite alot. I don’t think I will ever look at a bean the same way again after this xD – Thanks muchly.

By: Deb My husband grew up eating bean soup and is missing, especially this time of year. I have a question – You mention pressure cooking for 7.5 minutes. Is this instead of the soak? If so, water and acid/base quantities the same?

By: Lynne Emmons What about navy beans, or white beans, or northern beans, or Lima beans?

By: Susan Hi Mariel, I was wondering about navy beans (soaking time, etc.) …
