Comments on: The 7 Best Fats For A Healthy Gut (And 5 To Avoid) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 07 Dec 2018 17:09:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to MsDee.

Hell0 – while very nutritious, many do not react well to flax seeds so that is why it didn’t make the list.

By: MsDee I am surprised that cold pressed flax seed oil hasn’t made the list. It is full of omega 3 acids, which is very good for us. Has it been considered?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Visnja.

Hello – great question. We can’t give you specific numbers to strive for, but we can say that the number one cause of high cholesterol is a high sugar/processed food diet. We’d recommend you address the cholesterol by switching to a whole foods, nutrient dense diet like SCD, paleo, or a whole foods diet. Let us know if you have questions!

By: Visnja In reply to Visnja.

EVOO – not evolution!

By: Visnja I had been using coconut oil for a few months and cholesterol level, in particular bad cholesterol went up. GP is concerned and wants me to go on meds. I don’t! Have stopped coconut products for the time being to see if it will make a difference but will continue with other good fats evolution, avocado and will try ghee- am lactose intolerant. what’s your take on coconut and cholesterol? How high is high cholesterol?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Hannah.

Hi Hannah – we very much disagree. I personally do NOT eat grapeseed oil and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. There are SO many other better, safer, more natural fats you can use than grapeseed (like any of the alternatives on this list). We don’t recommend grapeseed oil. Plus – grapeseed fails both of my “tests” I mention at the beginning of the article.

If you’re looking for a high-heat safe oil, go with avocado oil or lard.

By: Hannah Grapeseed oil is relatively safe even though it contains significant omega-6s. It has more nutritional benefits, but is better for the gut as a replacement to canola oil. Organic versions are supposed to contain more vitamin E than olive oil, too.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to pam.

Hi Pam – absolutely!!!!!!! If there is more fat on the top of your broth than you prefer, you can just skim some off and store it in a glass jar in the fridge to use for cooking. Make sure you’re using grass-fed and pastured animals only for your bone broth, though 🙂

By: pam What about the fat that is on top after I make my bone broth? Is that good to use for cooking or not?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Dianne.

You’re welcome!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Amber.

Hi Amber! Glad you enjoyed the article 🙂

It really depends on the brand – Nutiva is one where the refined coconut oil is OK – they use steam to refine their coconut oil (you can always check out the company’s website or email their customer service for more info!)

However, a lot of the time coconut oil is refined using chemical or really harsh processes – very high temperatures, bleaching agents, hexanes, deodorizers etc. Unless I know HOW a company refines the coconut oil, I prefer virgin, cold-pressed oil. If I don’t want something to have the coconut oil taste I usually just use another oil (avocado oil has basically no flavor, and I love the flavors of grass-fed butter and olive oil in just about everything!)

By: Dianne Good article, solid facts. Thank you!

By: Amber Hi Mariel,
I love using sll these fats listed. Great article. I try to always use unrefined virgin coconut oil but occasionally use refined. Costco was recently selling Nutiva in the gallon bucket buf it was refined. I went ahead and bought it because we use a lot of coconut oil!
What is the reasoning behind not using refined? Is it unhealthy? Or just less healthy than unrefined?
Amber ?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mister E.

Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

This is definitely not a comprehensive list – there are many other healthy fats out there – and hemp oil is one of them. I didn’t include it in this list because I think of hemp oil more as a garnish than a “staple” healthy fat I use all the time. Don’t cook with hemp oil (use it cold), and make sure you choose a cold-pressed, virgin oil – ideally in a dark container (not a clear bottle!) – quality definitely matters with hemp oil, as it does with all fats 🙂 Personally, I prefer to use the whole hemp seed if I’m going to eat hemp – but be aware that hemp is a more advanced food and if you’re following SCD or in the early stages of healing your gut, you’d want to wait until you have your “food safe zone” before trying it out (just like other nuts and seeds!).

For joint pain, I’d try a fish oil supplement and plenty of grass-fed butter blend before hemp oil – here’s a good fish oil we like

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Irma Peña.

You’re welcome Irma!! So glad you enjoyed the article

By: Mister E Mariel- Great list! I have been seeing hemp oil start to pop up in cycling shops touted as a healthy oil with a good balance of omegas and useful for joint pain reduction. Would this make it into the top 10?

By: Irma Peña Thank you very much for this information and helping us make important informed choices. Very much appreciated.
