Comments on: What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis (and How to Turn it Off) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:05:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Iolanda Thank you very much!

By: Alan To me, leaky gut is tied to damage in the intestineal tract due to antibiotic use. Antibiotics destroy the lining and cause permeability of the gut wall.

And I feel the Root Cause of the joint issues is hidden excess unbound iron bein stored in the joints destroying them as well.

But NOBODY is looking there, they are all looking at other reasons, and not looking deep enough.

By: Andrea In reply to ann.

Ann, I also was just diagnosed with schleroderma after years of being treated for RA..Joint pain and also Rynauds.. this all started with a bacterial overgrowth in my gut 5 years ago but our doctors don’t acknowledge that that was the cause. Hope this can help us. I’m reaching out for anything to take my pain away and cure my gut..

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Midori S..

Hi Midori – thanks for reaching out!

I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with eczema, vitiligo, and alopecia.

I personally struggled with vitiligo and eczema, but both are in remission now that I have healed my gut.

In our opinion, there are 3 factors which lead to autoimmunity developing: genetic predisposition, a leaky gut, and an environmental trigger. All autoimmune diseases have these same 3 requirements – from vitiligo to MS to RA and Celiac.

Sometimes the environmental trigger is something we can control and contributes to a leaky gut – and other times the environmental trigger is outside our control. In the webinar, we’ll be sharing common triggers for leaky gut and what you can do to overcome leaky gut and get on the path to healing.

The best way to learn more is here:

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Dee.

Hi Dee – we recommend you sign up for the webinar here:

All autoimmune diseases are related to a leaky gut – by healing the gut, we believe you can reduce your AI symptoms of any condition – like Celiac or RA.

We hope to see you at the webinar!

By: Midori S. Thank you for the very informative article. I am suffering from Alopecia Areata, Eczema and Vitiligo for quite some time and now at age 40, Vitiligo in remission, however, Eczema gets slightly worse every year (but manageable) and AA is significantly worse every flare ups, having lost 60% of my hair at this point.

You talk about RA and Celiac here but does the theory applies to other autoimmune conditions like mine? As I understand, the triggers for autoimmunity differs with each persons even if the conditions are the same. That explains the genetic part, I guess, but as for the environmental factors, would you say that you must first change the environment before you start fixing your leaky gut? Or by fixing your leaky gut, you’ll become more resistant to the harmful environment?

And if I may ask, how long did it take for you to overcome your autoimmunity and which autoimmunity were you suffering from?

Thank you!

By: Dee Hi I’m from India and I’m affected by RA. I jus came across ur article sent by a friend. Is there anything like RA specific diet I need to follow and has any proven cases been there where people with RA have been cured or the diseases been reveresed.I was jus diagnosed this march and been on n off meds. I would like to stay meds free and would like to reverse my condition …can u help with me n me being in India will the generic scd diet work out.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to stacey.

Hi Stacey – thats a hard question and I don’t think anyone knows the answer 100%. That being said, the body is capable of INCREDIBLE things. It sounds like your body has been through a lot in the past couple months between pregnancy, childbirth, that vaccine, and now the stresses of being a new mom. That is a lot for anyone to handle at once.

We obviously are not doctors and can’t make any promises – but our research and first-hand experience has shown us that health and healing begin with a healthy gut – and by getting your gut as healthy as it can be, you’ll only benefit your own health and the health of your baby.

I really suggest you sign up for a free webinar on how to heal the gut here:

By: stacey In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Hi i was wondering if arthiritis can be reversed if the damage was from a vaccine. In march 1 day after having a baby i was given the mmr even though i refused several times. I was angry fir a while however anger is exhusting and its done now i just wasnt to concentrate on getting back to myself. My arms joints and hands ache really bad i was tested for ms abd thank god no signs and it was suggested could be rhumitism. I have nevet had such problems i read it coukd be new mum syndrome however pain bad and so im in dibt does any one have any insight that if it is vaccine damage can it be reversed.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to JM.

Hi Jm – thanks so much!

YES – we think it is never too alt to star healing the body naturally. No one can promise how much recovery can take place, but once you know the possibilities, it seems crazy NOT to give healing this way an honest shot. At best, your mom could overcome some RA symptoms – at “worst” she’ll be improving her health overall through a healthy diet and lifestyle.

By: JM Hi! This webinar sounds very interesting and I can’t wait to watch it!! My mother has had RA for a long time and the flare ups are very debilitating. She is 78 and was diagnosed when she was in her 50’s though she had symptoms prior to that. She’s a trooper and has done really well, but she broke down and bought a walker last week! Can so many years of damage be reversed even in someone who is already older?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Petra.

Hi petra – thanks for your comment!

Sorry but Steve and Jordan don’t have any research available on vaccines.

Our general belief is that all conditions are helped by improving gut health through a healthy diet and lifestyle.

By: Petra Hello
I love the articles the post about different illnesses and how you incorporate research stats. Do you by any chance have anything about polyneuropathy caused by vaccine? I’m wondering if there is any chance it could be reversed not improved with diet and supplements.
Thanks much Petra

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Helene.

Hi Helene, regardless of what the exact diagnosis may be, it sounds like you need to address your leaky gut, as this will give you a baseline to go off of. We highly suggest tuning into the webinar, as this will help you gain more clarity around autoimmunity.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Josette.

Hi Josette, we apologize for any technical difficulties you may have experienced. Please use this link here to sign up for the webinar: Please reach out to us at if you are unable to register.

By: Josette I cannot seem to get the link to sign up to work!!! Help

By: Helene I have been tested by blood tests, x-rays & physical manipulation but every Dr says I do not have RA! Funny, but my finger joints have been doing exactly what you describe & flare up w/certain foods/drinks.. I believe its from leaky gut but is it RA or like RA ???

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Irini.

Hi Irini, thanks for reaching out! Please email us at and we will be happy to assist you.

By: Irini I live in Greece so I am not sure about the exact hour of the webinar and if I will be able to watch it. Is there a possibilitty that you sender me a recorded video? Thank you in advance!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to deb.

Hi Deb, thank you for reaching out! There will be several opportunities to listen to one of our webinar on Leaky Gut. Please make sure you are a subscriber to SCD lifestyle and stay tuned to your email for more opportunities.

By: deb I would love to listen to this webinar but an working this day. Will you run more?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to ann.

Hi Ann, we are excited to have you as well! You can find a practitioner here:

By: Cheri Yes, you can reverse autoimmune disease through diet. Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2012, one antibody marker is normal (after raging at 300+ points above normal), and the other is one point away from undetectable two years later. Diet, stress reduction, sensible exercise and making choices for ME everyday has transformed my life and I believe has saved it. At age 48, I’m also a two-time breast cancer survivor. Thanks Jordan and Steve for getting the word out. It real does work if you work it. 🙂

By: Gina Catalano I’m SOOOO excited to see this. I was diagnosed with RA in Jan 2009. I’ve fired so many doctors, my insurance company probably has red flags all over my files (ALL of them gave me a death sentence because I’m so young and said my only option were Disease Modifying AntiRheumatic Drugs and Tumor Necrosis Factor inhibitors (all with HORRIBLE side effects). I’ve been working on my testimony to share with you guys. Your program (SCD) was sent to me STRAIGHT from God! I started this past March on the Severe Case diet plans when you guys offered it 50% off. And I haven’t regretted it once. I had my challenges and setbacks, but you guys were so helpful with your daily posts and emails and links and leaky gut webinar. I let my prescription run out in April and didn’t refill it. With alot of prayer, some troubleshooting, and a few U turns, as of today, I’ve been 99% symptom free since September 15th and it FEELS GREAT! I thank God for you and your willingness to share your knowledge and experiences with me and others.

By: ann Really appreciate this webinar and I’m looking forward to it! I hope you can include testing for autoimmunity in general and not just RA. I have been diagnosed with Scleroderma, which although not one of the common forms of autoimmunity can manifest in nasty ways. Although my symptoms are minor and I’m not taking any meds, I’d like to learn how to work with a functional practitioner. Thanks!
