Comments on: A Natural Vaccine for Autoimmune Disease? (Hmm) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:53:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alka.

HI Alka –
Research is showing that all autoimmune conditions are linked to leaky gut.

This article explains how leaky gut contributes to the development of autoimmunity:

However, it appears that these conditions may be reversible in some instances:

You may also find this podcast helpful with Dr. Amy Meyers:

We encourage you to watch one of our free webinars on how the Solving Leaky Gut Program can help reverse autoimmune conditions here:

I hope this information helps you take the next step in healing! Please let me know if you have any other questions 🙂

By: Alka My mother is having a autoimmune disease chronic Hypersensitivity pneumonitis which later on turns into fibrosis and is deadly .. her lung functions are reducing due to this disease
In your details related to autoimmune diseases this disease is no where to be mentioned .. can this also be related to Leaky gut?????

By: Mark Schoor In reply to Shannon Thompson.

That seems to be a bold statement about your probiotic brand. Care to elaborate about your research and brand name.


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mike B.

HI Mike – sorry you are suffering.
Research is showing that all autoimmune conditions are linked to leaky gut.

This article explains how leaky gut contributes to the development of autoimmunity:

However, it appears that these conditions may be reversible in some instances:

You may also find this podcast helpful with Dr. Amy Meyers:

We encourage you to watch one of our free webinars on how the Solving Leaky Gut Program can help reverse autoimmune conditions here:

I hope this information helps you take the next step in healing! Please let me know if you have any other questions 🙂

By: Mike B Hey more of a search to see if anyone else is dealing with an auto immune condition called wegener’s granulomatosis and successfully treating it naturally. This past 2 years has truly been a quest I was not expecting to start, as I was about to go back to college. At the time I was a very active 23 year old that liked to snowboard weekly, workout daily, but also a bit of a nerd that gamed nightly. It was right before I was planning to go back into college I was dealing with increasingly painful joints which I thought was from too much working out and past injuries. Also for about 3 years I couldn’t really breath through my nose prior to this time which later factors into my diagnosis.
I’ll try to shorten this up as much as possible. I finally went and got some blood work done around 2 and a half years ago I believe it was. The test came back with a positive RA factor in the high range. I later went to a Rheumatologist that told me that I may have RA with the current symptoms I had, along with some red marks I started getting around my ankles. At this time I also started getting even weirder symptoms like night sweats, more frequent head aches, bloodshot eyes, and worsening joint issues. The Doctor proscribed me to take 25mg of prednisone on a tapering dosage daily, until eventually putting me on methotrexate. I didn’t tell the doctor but I never did start taking the methotrexate out of fear of the drug, instead I continued on a lower does of prednisone around 5mg a day for a couple months. For sometime before starting to feel better I struggled to walk, and even move my blankets from the pain. Noted I also have a very high tolerance for pain but this was nothing like breaking a bone, or getting stiches. It was the well known constant pain that most people with auto immune diseases deal with. During this time I was in and out of the doctors office for different symptoms, or the 3 surgeries that I had on my face. The first 2 surgeries I had were on my nose to clear my sinus passage which was completely closed off. The last 1 I had was on my tear ducts because those also closed off from the disease as well, and I was getting bad tear duct infections prior to the surgery so it was a must. I went from being a very fit 215 pound 6’2 guy to a 137 pound guy =/.
During this time I started to look at natural cures for auto immune disease’s in general. I had no real direction not knowing what exactly I had yet, so I started on a vegan diet, which could of been great but I am VERY picky >..<. Eventually I settled on more of an AIP diet, and felt improvement. After awhile I stopped taking the steroids when I felt better from the diet. I felt great for about 6 months, but still sometimes would have tiny aches and pains here and there. I figured it was probably from damage that was already done. But 1 day came along when I was scheduled for a check up, they took a urine sample, blood showed up in the test. They had me get blood work done, that led to me a kidney doctor. She was already talking about putting me on very high doses of steroids in fear that my kidneys were on the road to failure. She then had me get a kidney biopsy which was a crappy experience but not the worst. After jabbing my kidney 6 times, and getting the results later the kidney doctor said the disease was no longer active in my kidneys so she could not treat it with the steroids. So I was happy about that hoping the diet was really working its magic. More recently I was finally diagnosis with something and it was called Wegener's Granulomatosis. I honestly kinda wrote it off since I was feeling great and seeing all the success of other people on an AIP/paleo diet online and in books that I had ordered.
Today I looked up if anyone had ever cured their Wegener's with a natural approach, but could find anything. The only thing I found were people sayinig Wegener's was different than other auto immune diseases and could not be controlled with a diet. So I'm at the point where I know the diet helps, but I'm not sure if I just temporarily shut the disease off with the steroids. I currently eat 2 coconut flour pancakes stuffed with blueberries and strawberries, and homemade ginger tea in the morning. Then a blender drink with 3 cups of kale, 1 cup of cauliflower, 1 cup of raspberries, half a can of full fat coconut milk, water, and some enzymes for mid day lunch. Then finally a sweet potato made into french fries, with either salmon, or grass fed beef. Along with some good natural spring water throughout the day. With this current diet I'm back up to 149 pounds and still feel pretty good, but still have the congested nose. I only worry now that it may come back. But also do not want to go through with the intravenous steroids they want to put me on out for fear of cancer and infections.
If anyone is currently dealing with the same condition or have a recommendation I am all ears!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lisa.

Hi Lisa – we’d be happy to send you the replay (and it sounds like you could really benefit from watching!) To get the replay, make sure you register here:

By: Lisa In reply to Sheri Macaya.

I can t attend but would appreciate the recording sent to my e mail please. I m suffering with a few auto-immune diseases, leaky gut, Hashimoto s, a skin issue, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome,PCOS, excess DHEA, fibromyalgia . Just a few.. I tried one dr. To help me heal it, but it s so expensive. So I m gonna try doing it on my own. I wish the insurance companies helped out more here and the rest of the medical world. I ve been learning about gluten intolerance and paleo diets for chronic inflammation. So much to learn there. Any help is greatly appreciated.. thank you Lisa Stults

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jack.

Hello Jack – sorry to hear you’re suffering with all those symptoms. WE highly recommend registering for one of our FREE webinars on autoimmune disease and what to do about it:

By: Jack I have a problem like i have autoimmune
But after i go to hospital(rhematology spesialist) he told me that i should take some blood test to know if i have autoimmune or not.i have check ana & rhematoid factor and the result is negative
the symptom that i feel is fatigue,dry eye,my saliva is also reduced,hard to sweat,nausea especially in the morning,pins and needles,and my bone is always make some noise
Anybody know how reduced or cured my symptom

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Swapnali.

Thanks for reaching out! Being diagnosed with MS is a scary moment – but you have natural treatment options. I suggest this podcast:

By: Swapnali Hi,

I have been diagnosed as patient for Multiple Sclerosis. I am fade up of injection treatment. Please suggest me something which will really help me to come out of this phase.

Hoping for your reply.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Tom Pascal.

Hi Tom – thanks for commenting.

If you think you have an autoimmune condition, the first place to go is to your doctor – they can run all the right tests based on your symptoms (they’ll likely start with some simple blood tests like C-reactive protein and ANA – but your doctor will know which tests will be best in your specific situation).

Hope this helps!

By: Tom Pascal I have been dealing with so many different symptoms for over 2 years and am still trying to still find out what is wrong with me. I’ve done research for the past 2 years and I’m almost positive that I have one or more autoimmune diseases. What are all the tests givin to find out if it is

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kimberly Judd-Pennie.

Hi Kimberly! Thanks for commenting 🙂 Steve and Jordan discuss their recommendations in the webinar, but the decision to test is really up to you – Steve and Jordan think it’s okay to proceed with treatment based on symptomology in many cases. They also will discuss their treatment plan for root causes of digestive problems like parasites. If you attend the webinar you’ll learn more about which specific tests they recommend for testing for parasites, SIBO and more and how to order them. Here’s the link to register for the free webinar if you haven’t already:

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Deb.

Hi Deb! Thanks for reaching out. The best place to start is by taking the personalized Leaky Gut quiz, which will help you sort through some of your issues and symptoms and give you direction:

We also highly recommend you register for one of our free Solving Leaky Gut Webinars, where the following will be addressed and much more:

-Why your digestion is often the root cause behind problems like brain fog, bad skin, hormone problems, food sensitivities, autoimmunity, and more

-Your top digestive risk factor – what it means and how to fix it

-The 19 triggers that poke holes in your gut wall

-The 3 step process to rebuilding your gut

-Specific anti-inflammatory foods to eat (and not eat) to stop suffering

-2 game-changing supplements that can fix your digestive complaints tomorrow

Link to register:

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jennifer H.

Hi Jennifer! Everyone who registers for the webinar is sent a link a attend a a replay link the next day in case they can’t attend live. Please check your inbox (and your spam and junk folders, too, they sometimes end up there on accident!)

We’re so glad you’re going to be attending the webinar! Based on what you’ve written, I think you’ll learn a ton of useful information from the webinar. Email us at if you have any questions!

By: Kimberly Judd-Pennie I would love to attend! I have tried many things and had a dr test me for parasites. I was told I had leaky gut, celiacs and hashimotos. I learn and try everything. I have been dojng amazing on Isagenix which detoxes the body and fixes nutritional deficiencies. But I am very interested in having this parasite thought investigated. I had a protozoa when I was testdd which they said would go away and was probably from eating sushi. I never did anything else after this. What is the best lab to be tested? Or do you just treat as if hou have one?

By: Deb I have many of the symptoms. How does one get a diagnosis?

By: Jennifer H In reply to Jennifer H.

Oh, and please email me a response so that I’m sure to receive it! Thank you!

By: Jennifer H Hi! I got registered for the webinar, but how will I access it? Do I go to a certain website…please let me know.
Also, I believe a strong trigger for autoimmune disorders is a traumatic event. I suffer from 5 autoimmune disorders that I know of (Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, food allergies- getting tested for Celiac, firbromyalgia, chronic IBS & borderline for Lupus) . I did the SIBO testing and it came back positive as well, so the Dr did say that I have leaky gut. Each time that I started showing signs of a new autoimmune disorder or had major flare ups, it has been during or after a highly traumatic event in my life.
I’m excited to attend the webinar and gain some more insight on healing myself, and helping others to heal.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Michelle.

Hi Michelle, thanks for reaching out. We know changing your (and even mores your kids!) diet is difficult, but based on our research skin problems like eczema are a sign of leaky gut, and changing your diet and lifestyle are key to healing.

We recommend you check out this podcast to start:

This is another resource we recommend for kids:

By: Michelle Hi! My 7 year old daughter has extreme eczema all over her body. I know we need to limit her diet but how? She already feels different because of her skin and gluten and dairy free diet. Sticking to the diet is so tough! In need of some major help! Any suggestions for kids on the webinar?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Norma.

Hi Norma! Everyone who registers for the event is automatically sent a replay the morning following the event 🙂 You can always reach out to us at too if you have questions!

By: Norma Hi Brent, I’ve registered for the webinar event in July 29/15, I will not he able to attend it alive, would you please send me a reply the following morning. Thank you very much for the hard work and helping others to reverse their autoinmune desorders. Thank you all.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to JackWebb.

Hi JackWebb, thanks for your question. Bloodletting is a great example of a generally accepted way to treat illness back in the day which relates to how we’re probably going to be looking back at how autoimmune disease is being medically treated today and wonder “What the heck were we/they thinking? (depending whose shoes your in of course) There’s a link to more information on bloodletting in the article if you like, but it really isn’t the focus of the article per se. The overarching idea is that we’re seeing massive results in those with autoimmune issues following the principles we teach in our webinar. Hope that clears it up some =)

By: Priya You forgot to mention Granulomatous Mastitis.

By: JackWebb Interesting article but..

It started off with blood letting which I found very interesting because I had never heard that before as it relates to autoimmune. And it ended with leaky gut which we have all heard 1000 times before. What was this article about? What happened to the blood letting? How does this all tie in i don’t get it. I’m always looking for some alternative treatment because autoimmune as you know can be quite elusive in it’s response to different treatments. I’m really curious about the blood letting.


By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Rachel Geary.

Hi Rachel, thanks for the feedback! Please register for the presentation and we’ll send out a replay the next morning.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Sheri Macaya.

Hi Sheri, thanks for your question about the presentation! Please register and we’ll send you a replay the morning after.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Marion roderick.

Hi Marion, thanks for reaching out about the presentation. For those that register for the event, there will be a replay sent out via email the morning after.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Lauren Powell.

Hi Lauren, thanks for registering and reaching out about the replay! We’ll be sending out the replay the morning after, so please stay tuned to your inbox.

By: eve I have AS and dairy and gluten are my triggers. Once I eliminated these foods and sugar I was able to reduce my pain and how often I take methotrexate.

Eating these trigger foods is not worth the pain. I believe in the leaky gut theory.

By: Marta Im with you on point 1&2 but you loose me on 3. Up until a few months ago, I would have been on board but since then I’ve met a man who has (and I hate using this word regarding autoimmune disease, but there is no better alternative) ‘cured’ numerous people of Celiac disease within weeks of seeing them. Friends who have had it for years – severe – are eating breads,croissants and other gluten products with no problems whatsoever. He is working on my autoimmune disease (Wegeners Granulomatosis – but I’m in medically induced remission, but he’s gotten rid of all the aches/pains I thought would plague me for life despite the remission.) His theory is that most autoimmune disease is caused by metal toxicity, and/or a parasite infection. He has 100% success rate with Celiac disease with only a few weeks (at most) treatment.

The idea is that the elemental toxicity is at microscopic level (base elements from the periodic table) that there is no current diagnostic tools in Western Medicine that can test for it. The body is trying to eliminate the toxicity and it appears like the immune system is attacking the self but it’s not. The parasite discussion is heavy with Celiac but is also a factor with other AI diseases. My neighbor (Celiac) just saw him was diagnosed with a tapeworm. She couldn’t believe it, went to her medical doctor to get him to check. They did all sorts of tests but told her she was clear and there was no parasite in her. She hummed and hawed and finally decided to give it a go. Within a week of starting the anti parasitic, she excreted a 14 foot tapeworm. She is now eating gluten. Same with another friend who was Celiac for 7 years. Ringworm with her. Gone within a month and she had her first croissant in 7 years. Leonard combines disciplines that normally don’t talk to each other when it comes to healthcare. Particle physics (they’re busy looking for the God particle,) chemistry (left only for the pharmaceutical companies interested in our awesome ‘return customer for life’ quality,) and chronic illness.
My mom is a new woman after seeing him, from over a decade of pain and not eating food due to diverticular disease (another diagnosis that is the same as saying ‘we haven’t got a clue’) and other chronic conditions that the doctors told her are in her head (the usual response you get when a doctor is stumped) are all gone now after two months of seeing Leonard.
He’s so onto something, we will read about him in the future. If you’re in the Vancouver area you can get rid of your chronic issues just by thinking slightly outside the box.

By: Lauren Powell HI I have registered but cannot make the connect can you please tell me how to watch it after. Thanks

By: Rebecca You mentioned every autoimmune disorders except one I have Chronic. Sacoidosis were my body continues to attack itself and form polyps hardens and weakens my immune system when did u not at this one that kills many ethnic groups as well

By: Marion roderick Will there be a presentation at another time as Middle of the night in uk when this one will be held?

By: Sheri Macaya I can’t attend at the time it’s presented. How do I get the recording of it? Should I sign up as if I could attend?

By: Shannon Thompson I am so excited to see what you have learned and are sharing! I work with a company that has the only probiotic on the market that has properties to break down the exoskeleton of the bad gut bacteria allowing the good gut bacteria to assist in healing leaky gut. So many probiotic products seem to believe that massive overpopulation is the way to go but that still doesn’t get rid of the bad, problem bacteria. This company actually came up with a product that works and you won’t be finding it anywhere else anytime soon. Using this particular probiotic and implementing a good diet of the right foods is what I believe will be key to regaining good health for so many suffering from autoimmune diseases. Looking forward to seeing what your plan is! If you’d like to talk more about this probiotic feel free to message me. Maybe you could turn it into a combo offering to your clients.

By: Rachel Geary Great article thanks. I seem to be one of those who have had this for so long, I come up with a brick wall at every turn. Healing your gut isn’t as easy as it sounds for some. The webinar would probably be at a bad time for us in the southern hemisphere, can we access it anytime?

By: wendelyn This research sounds so encouraging. My mom had RA; was the trigger my dad’s chain-smokin. My sister has hashimoto’s and fibromyalgia, her daughter has Lupus. I just lost part of my colon after decades of gut issues. Thanks for making a recording of the webinar available.

By: Aisha I’m really interested in finding out how to cure celiac disease as my sister has been diagnosed with this for 3 years now

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Cathy.

Hi Cathy,

Sorry about that. We’re experiencing a tech issue on our mobile site with that link. You can also try here on your mobile device:

If that doesn’t work, then I’d head over to the blog post on your computer and register there if possible.

If the troubles continue, please email us at and one of our Customer Happiness Engineers will take care of you as soon as possible.

Thanks for reaching out!

By: Cathy Same story as Julie. The link takes me to a privacy statement. So, how do I register?

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Julie.

Hi Julie,

Our apologies for the inconvenience. We’re experiencing a tech hangup with this link on our mobile site. I’d recommend, for the most reliable way to register, to head over to the blog post on your computer and register there. You can also try here on your mobile device:

If the troubles continue, please email us at and one of our Customer Happiness Engineers will take care of you as soon as possible.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to veronica.

Sorry to hear that veronica! Glad to hear that you’re taking matters into your own hands though. Keep choosing health… moment by moment.

By: veronica I have been working on healing my body for the past three years. I have posterior uveitis and was damaged by conventional treatment and decided to stop with the medical “experts” and have recently come across the benefits of healing leaky gut. I am interested in healing this condition to save my sight. Thank you for the article.

By: Julie How do register for the autoimmune webinar. Links go to privacy statement…
