Comments on: Celiac Disease 101 – A Beginner’s Guide to Healing Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 18:58:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Bethany.

Thanks Bethany – glad you found it helpful:)

By: Bethany I was diagnosed with CD last July.
I was absolutely Shocked by the Lake of info the hospital had for me. I literally mean they Bearly knew what it was. I was told I shouldn’t eat leafy greens, uncooked veggies, fruits,wheat,rye and nothing white. So no bread no rice no Noddles no potatoes. They didn’t give me a packet about it Nothing they acted like it was just a tummy ache.
My symptoms where Out of No where I was blind sided. One evening about 2am I feel like I needed to potty. So I go to the bathroom next thing I know I’m not able to potty I’m sweating nonstop and vomiting. I have Blood in my stool and in my vomit. That scared me to death. After about 2 hours of this is stops. I go to the ER they transferred me to another hospital and there I was for 3days and 3nights. I was not allowed to eat anything the 1st night or the 2nd next day and night. I mean nothing no jello, no pudding Only water.. then on the 3day they allowed me to get breakfast. One egg, oatmeal,milk, banana. That was what they gave me to eat.. This was after I was Diagnosed.. Most Doctors Are Clueless.. This has Been Hands down The MOST HELPFUL GUILD I HAVE CAME ACROSSED.
THANK YOU THANK YOU.. I feel like I now understand what CD is an how to manage it an fingers crossed Heal..

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sarah.

Hi Sarah – great question! There are many factors in why someone can end up with type 1 diabetes – Genetics, Gut health, and environmental factors.

It’s likely that the 6 year old has an impaired gut to some degree (there are many things that can cause a leaky gut – stress, sleep, diet, toxins, exercise level to name a few)
Chances are, focusing on gut health and diet will do wonders, as this is the case in our experience. Let us know if you have more questions:)

By: Sarah This article says that ALL autoimmune disease is caused by leaky gut. Does this apply to type 1 diabetes as well? Does a 6 year old get t1d from having a leaky gut????? I’m not upset just really curious.

By: Kratos In reply to Kratos.

* The question mark shouldn’t be there, it was a emoji that was changed after posting. Thanks again.

By: Kratos In reply to Jessica.

Jessica, thank you so much for that link! ?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jim Sligh.

HI Jim – both Jordan and Steve have had their thyroid checked out at various times and have needed to support they thyroid it one way or another. They Thyroid is such an important part of our health that it’s often a good idea to have it checked along with other things like the adrenals and possible gut infections.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marinela.

HI Marinela – really sorry to hear that and we hop you found the article helpful! There is hope that you can heal with diet and supplements, so just let us know if you have any questions.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Debbie Demmon.

HI Debbie – we really appreciate you taking the time to share this and would love to hear more of your story! What do you think made the biggest difference?

By: Marinela Hi, I have been diagnosed with CD as toddler after penicilin allergy. First they thought it is leukemia and kept me in hospital for 3 months. My mother went to medical school for nurses in former Yugoslavia and she remembered a test for CD that one old doctor told them. She didn`t believe it is leukemia and she tried that test – little piece of stool in a glass of water – if it floats and has gray-ish colour it is CD. It was positive. Doctors didn`t believe her. Then she took me to a different hospital where they have doctors for intestinal problems and they confirmed CD. 9 years later after gluten-free diet and high vitamin and mineral intake they told us i was cured, that there is no trace of CD anymore and that i should start eating gluten again. And I did. It was all fine for the next 20 years of consuming gluten but then it all went downhill. Last three years I got: hashimoto, hypothyroidism, insulin resistence, fatty liver, obesity, acne, joint pain and adrenal glands problem. Now it seems like it is all a CD domino effect. But doctors look at my papers and don`t even consider CD as potential root problem for all of this. They just give me more pills every month

By: Debbie Demmon THANK YOU for putting this all together in one place! I was diagnosed with celiac disease (finally) 8 1/2 years ago and did not improve on a gf diet. Amazing how many times I was told I must be cheating or I was crazy!!!!! After doing my own research and finding your site – I removed all grains and eat grass-fed meats, fruits and veges mostly. My life has changed πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ :). I also sleep more and workout way less. So thank you again for getting some real help out there for celiac people – and letting them know they are not cheating or crazy – you guys truly are heros!!!!!!!!!!

By: Jim Sligh Did either you or Jordan have any thyroid issues?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sheree hennessy.

WOw Sherry, what a wild ride! Sorry, that must have been super difficult to go through. We have come a long way since then:)

By: Sheree hennessy Hi
I was going to drs for at least 12 years with stomach pain bloating ,sick after eating gluten sent me into early labour ,i was giving reflux tablets or pain tablets ,i ended up in hospital nearly dying ,i was lucky to be alive ,i had no iron stores ,no iron so i didnt have enough oxygen going around in my body ,my lungs filled up with blood clots ,half callapsed and full of fluid .my blood was so out of order the specialist didnt know were too start ,they did every test possible my blood was showing up that i had cancer so they assumed i had cancer on the lungs ,they wete going to operate yhe next morning,that afternoon one of my specialist rang a lung proffessor in sydney and told him the situation ,he said have you tested her for celiac disease ?the only thing they didnt test me for ,the tested me for celiac and went from there 3 months later i was sent home and had to go to my gp ,she didnt think celiac disease was a problem and said continue as normal ,i booked in to see a dietian ,she had to look up what i should eat and get back too me .this is 20 years ago .im sure they have come along since then .but it nearly took my life

By: Darah In reply to Le-Ann.

Who is your Dr and Where..? He sounds amazing

By: Lora Mountain In reply to Darlene.

The tooth loss factor is real. I have several autoimmune disorders, and one in particular is the culprit for my tooth loss: SJOGRENS DISEASE. A simple blood test will confirm it.

By: Nathan Such a great article, thanks for making it! Not sure where the ‘A LOT’ of meat comes from? As overeating meat will stress the digestive system too..? Would have thought it would be in same section as fruits and veg- as in eat more and adequate amounts of all of them? But thank you for making will be sending to clients πŸ™‚

By: Gretchen Miller Great website!! Thanks for your work!!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Joy.

Hi Joy! I can’t say we’ve done any research on this specifically, but it seems that first soaking them in hot soapy water and then running them through the wash would be sufficient:)

By: Joy Is washing dishes in the dishwasher enough to clean the gluten off of dishes? I’ve read multiple articles and they all seem to disagree – some say the dishwasher is sufficient, others say you need to rinse the dishes with dish soap and water after washing them in the dishwasher, etc. What would you guys suggest as the best thing to do? Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jessica.

HI Jessica – meat is not created equal and this is where the confusion comes in! Grass fed meat is a totall different product than grain fed feed lot operation type meat. We only suggest grassfed, free range, organic meat and this is actually very good for you. If you find you can’t digest it, you may need to test your HCL levels. HEre is a great website for you to look into and get both sides of the story:

By: Jessica In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Anything I’ve ever read or documentaries I’ve ever seen has concluded that meat causes inflammation. Is that not what we are trying to avoid? And what nutrients, other than possibly B12 (which I get from from fortified almond milk and/or supplements) could we possibly be missing?

By: Greg Just a quick email to say thanks for the work that you do, this issue needs more media attention to aware people before its to late

Thanks again

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tovog.

Hello – you can read more information on how zonulin regulates intestinal permeability by tuning into this interview here:

By: Tovog I think the information about zonulin is not correct. Zonulin do not cause increased intestinal permeability, but decreases it. This is what A.Fasano discovered.

By: Claire In reply to Fjpatacsil.

Which company did you use to analyse your 23and me results? I too would like to know any gluten/celiac genes in my results. Thanks

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ahmad.

Hello Ahmad – while some may be able to tolerate a small amount from time to time it really isn’t advised to dive back into eating gluten. Gluten directly damages the gut lining, especially for those with celiac. If you’re looking to add in some grain to your diet, you can try quinoa or millet.

By: Ahmad Can a patient of celiac disease ever start gluten diet again???

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Tyra.

Hi Tyra – I’m sorry yo hear your wife is struggling! Please read this article:

By: Tyra I really need some answer … So my wife has Celiac’s n has lost aalot of weight n is always truly sick … We have switched to GF on everything down to our shampoo lotions ect please someone reach out to me n give me some relief …. Yours truly a worried wife ??

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Marie.

Hey Marie – great question. It can be positive in those with other autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto’s. You can read more here:

By: Marie You mentioned that having a positive result from the tTg-IgA blood test doesn’t necessarily mean you have celiac, what other kinds of diseases could it indicate?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Peter.

Hi Peter – there are some foods that science suggests could be cross-reactors for gluten. If you’re gluten sensitive, the best solution is to follow an elimination diet like our Solving Leaky Gut program so that you can then do a reintroduction challenge with these foods and see if they are an issue for you.

By: Peter Hey guys do you know if butter coffee or bulletproof coffee is safe for celiacs?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to pip wood.

Hi pip – thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling to digest fat. You may be having some issues with your gallbladder and we suggest seeing your doctor about that. To support your gallbladder, you can use an ox bile supplements, eat more beets, and use a digestive enzyme ( Most people find that coconut oil is the easiest-to-absorb fat because it doesn’t require bile.

Regarding supplements – we think small amounts of rice or potato flour either as a filler or as a prebiotic food for probiotics are fine if the supplement is otherwise helpful to you.

By: pip wood Have been on the scd diet and removed ALL grains but is just holding not improving, I get the opposite of constipation if i eat anything with oils eg olive or avocado oil on salad, oil with garlic and avocado ( yes organic oils yes organic virgin first cold pressed, yes reputable brands here in Australia) any idea why? Also can you recommend any supplements that do not have grains/starches/sugars/clays as filling agents I see so many peeps trying to reduce sugars then undoing everything with supplements. Very difficult to get legume/dairy/starch free protein powders, I did find one but it still spikes blood sugars. Potato/white rice etc rockets my blood sugars. Dr Datis Kharrazian has good stuff on cross-reaction pathways. Any recommended labs in Australia for intolerence testing, or direct send in USA (can’t afford Cyrex the American dollar is too strong for us.) Thanks for your great responses above

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to janetm.

Hi Janet – thanks for commenting! We certainly agree that there is a strong link between anxiety and other mental symptoms and the health of the gut. For example, here’s one of our favorite success stories about how anxiety was relieved when the gut healed:

It sounds like you’re back on the right track with SCD. Hang in there!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Darlene.

Hi Darlene – thanks so much for reaching out! We don’t doubt the is true, but we don’t have any experience with it unfortunately πŸ™

Hopefully someone reading the comments here will, however.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Le-Ann.

Hi Le-Ann – thanks for reaching out!

We’re not sure what you mean by meat sweats?

Regarding nuts – they are not a bad food, but they are difficult to digest and can cause a lot of problems for many people. We talk about it more here:

Most people only need to cut out nuts temporarily while they do some healing, and then can reintroduce them. You’ll learn more about it at the webinar – looking forward to connecting with you there!

By: janetm Great article, but as you say we need to do our personal tweaking.
Over the past few months, bread and rice starting creeping back into my diet.
Not connecting the dots, however, I began to feel lightheaded and anxious, not exactly knowing why.
By default and sort of in a half daze, I began rereading some of the past articles here and branched out to bile acid malabsorption in other places.
Wow, a missing puzzle piece that had been confounding me for exactly a decade, finally came into place!
I had asked my doctor if I could have bile acid sequestrant instead of the statin drug she kindly prescribed for my very high cholesterol.
This was really a spot on diagnosis by myself who was in a sorry state back then.
The only problem, it didn’t really make me feel any better, just the opposite.
I tried it again on various occasions but couldn’t understand why it didn’t help.
Well, think about it, if the small intestine is compromised by grains, in particular, gluten, of course, all that irritating bile will course down to the large intestine.
I was reading the post with the pains of 1000 knives. I have been going around with cramps for years where the colon is, knowing darn well this is bile acid.
Previous to cramping, like 20 years ago, it just used to be irritating on the way out.
I thought that the bile acid sequestrant would solve the problem. It didn’t, although I do feel happy for those who swear by it.
I am back to strict SCD. It didn’t take too long for things to go back to “normal” but these is residual irritation.
As per the above article, my own tweaks are to avoid like the plague, bread, rice and any other grains.
A couple months ago I also gave up alcohol completely, for the very reason that it is concentrated sugar. I was sad to give up to give up the temporary pain reliever for my cramps that I would look forward to at the end of a miserable day. At least for a couple hours, I would not be in pain.
However, it is not getting to the source of the problem which is a compromised small intestine. This has to heal first and it seems the only way is to exclude anything that irritates it.
I enjoy reading the articles and have profited much by this site, also gotten some encouragement by proxy as it were. Gottshall’s “Breaking the Cycle” I will now take much more seriously than before. 10 years ago I was reading Shipko’s articles about bile reflux and the anxiety connection. Actually, I am interested if anyone has any experience or information about it. It seems to me that it all goes together.
I am of the opinion now, even if a wild bile secretion may have been caused by stress, anxiety is a by-product of over production of bile and its malabsorption.

By: Le-Ann Hi and thank you for the great information. I have been a diagnosed coeliac for 4 yrs now and I. Went to my GP, who was hopeless. He said that I must’ve cheated as I’m saying I’m still sick with bloating symptoms and told me to stop eating ….. I changed Dr and found an INTERGRATIVE Dr, who did tests and found I also have CANDIDA. This plays havoc with the body so much. I have found eating FERMENTED foods, that have L-Plantarium probiotic in it helps with the candida. He also found that I have leaky gut, parasites, pyrolies, hi copper, low zinc and low methylation. I am still having trouble with my body and I never knew that the GF grains would also be upsetting for me. So thank you for that.
I have a question, about MEAT SWEATS? Wot is that? As I’ve never heard of it before.
I love eating nuts, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, etc, are these bad for me as well?
I have put my name down for your free webinar looking forward to it ..

By: Darlene Hi. Enjoyed your article very much. My question is, have you ever heard of a case of a celiac disease patient losing all their teeth due to severe bone loss (obviously because it took years to be diagnosed) & any suggestions on convincing your medical insurance company that this is a medical problem & not a dental problem? I will not be able to get my mouth fixed if my insurance refuses to cover either implants or bone grafting. Thank you.

By: FJP I have had this problem for about 3 years. I did see a wonderful natural medicine person who guided me to a non proses diet, juicing and vitamins. That was one and a head years ago. It has made a tremendous difference in my life. I have also found I can not tolerate any of the beans like black beans and some other beans and peas along the dark high tannin foods.

By: Fjpatacsil In reply to Salus.

I did the 23 and me testing. The 23 and me doesn’t proved the genetic data to you in that degree of detail. Iamvseeing a natural medicine person who could access the data 23 and me gathered. Then I paid her around 35 dollars to send the data to another company that sorted the data and sent it back to us. I ended up with about 44 pages of genetics and the gluten gene was among rhem.

By: Jl Todd In reply to Salus.

In order to have your raw data interpreted from, you then have to upload that data to or & they will send it to you. Hope this helps.

By: Lynn Shannon Thompson was talking about a probiotic but did not say what it was

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lynne.

Hey lynne – I’m so sorry to hear what you and your friend are going through. In a situation like this, we don’t recommend doing anything without talking it over with your doctor. That being said, digestive enzymes might be able to help. You can learn more here:

By: Lynne i have a friend with celiac who is in serious trouble in the hospital. since conventional medicine isn’t attuned to this disease, he is not getting what he needs and is wasting away. won’t go into the whole story, but right now they have put him on a PEG tube (feeding directly into his stomach from an incision) but he is throwing it up. he is not getting nourishment. i’m wondering if some digestive enzymes can be put with the feeding would be helpful? or any suggestions anyone may have that the docs would listen to…we’ll try it. he is desperately hanging on to life.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Curious.

Hi – you’ll find Steve’s sources if you click the blue hyperlinks throughout the article πŸ™‚

By: Curious Could you post your sources?
