Comments on: Sjögren’s Syndrome: What Causes It And How To Overcome It Naturally Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 26 Apr 2018 17:49:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Susan.

Thanks for sharing Susan! WE really appreciate you spreading hope and love:)

By: Susan In reply to Mary.

A young adult dgtr had symptoms of ibs for years and developed non-celiac sensitivity/sjogrens and ra before we realized what it was. Immediately she began the SCD diet/yogurt/no dairy, wheat, grain and within a few weeks started to improve. SCD diet may sound overwhelming but you will love it when it makes you feel so much better, sx subside and the food is so tasty and good! It is easy to follow once you begin to work with it. Her story is long..this is a Cliff Notes version but we are so blessed to have found it. There is hope!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mary.

HI Mary – we’d highly suggest watching the webinar we talk about in the article – this will explain what is happening in your body as well as what to do about it.

By: Mary Hello, my life has completely changed within a month and I would like to know what diet to use for my symptoms. I tested posted for Sjogren’s and my throat is really starting to hurt and I have a terrible rash all over my body. My cells are attacking my good cells and even though my blood work comes out negative for lupus my symptoms are lupus like. I started a steroid predezone 4 days ago for pain in my joints but I would like to go about this naturally. I want to be healed. I have two kids that need me. Please help me.

By: Nevin In reply to Lisa.

Hello Lisa… May I ask you what kind of practinioners you are dealing wiyh? My daughter is sufferring from Jschogen and I am at a loss. Medications are making her worse and I am looking for natural practinioers. She live in Faifax, VA… I am looking for all help that I can find. Thank you

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Janet.

Hi Janet – sorry for any inconvenience this has caused! WE’ll send you the replay to your email:)

By: Janet Hi,
I have registered for the webinar and it was suppose to start tonight and I didn’t receive a way to access it. Help I really want to listen to it.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Gail.

Hi Gail – you don’t have to tolerate dairy well to do the SCD Diet! SCD is actually dairy free beside the yogurt and there are other options for that. We think you’d start to notice quite a bid difference with the diet:)

By: Gail Hi Lori,
I have UC and sjorgrens.Currently on Stelara,methotrexate and prednisone,SO sick of all the meds.Haven’t tried SCD diet because I don’t tolerate dairy well.Any suggestions dietwise ?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kat.

Hi Kat – I think an autoimmune/Paleo type diet would be great for you. Have you tired any Licorice root (DGL) yet? It can help produce mucus to protect the stomahc lining and some have great results in helping with reflux. We recommend this brand:

By: Kat I have Sjogren’s and the digestive symptoms (upper GI bloating and raw pain) are so unpleasant and affect my ability to work. I do think that I have low stomach acid but I’ve had to start taking acid blockers (which dismays me as I know they can be so bad for your health). I have tried cider vinegar and at other times HCl but with the stomach lining being so compromised it just makes the pain awful. I am going to transition onto the autoimmune paleo diet as I’ve read some great success stories (and my doctor told me about a friend who has Sjogren’s who got rid of her symptoms including stomach pain by going paleo, not even full autoimmune paleo). I know different diets seem to work for different people. SCD doesn’t suit me as my hormones get upset without eating root vegetables and I lose too much weight also.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Melissa Hendrix.

Hi Melissa – sorry to hear you’re suffering right now. YOu may want to consider getting tested as directed in the article. Either way, changing your diet is going to be a great start if you haven’t done so already. We’d suggest starting by tuning in to the autoimmune webinar here:

By: Melissa Hendrix I have issues and my eye specialist thinks I have Sjogrens Syndrome. I jave had dry eyes, mouth and in the last 2 years have lost teeth amd in my upper gum have had infections. I also get iritis along with gut issues, hair loss and pain in my joints. I have burning tingling in my hands amd toss and turn to sleep and get agitated. I get fatigue and want to have my life back! I had a bout of colitis in 2010. In the last few months, a splinter sent me to the hospital with an infection, I have had a double ear infections and just want some relief. Its crazy because I don’t know what to expect anymore. I was sick in 2003 with some kind of infection not sure of…..but had alot of clean that was caught in my throat and thought I was never gonna get over it. I also was sick when I was a baby and dont know what that may have been. As far as I know….my grandmother has thyroid issues as so my cousin is thinking she does. Diabetes runs in the family but other than that….don’t seem to have anybody in my family that has anything like I have suffered. I started having small issues off and on since 2003 and in the last few years…a lot more.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lisa.

Thanks for sharing Lisa – let us know if we can support you further:)

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lisa.

Thanks for sharing Lisa – let us know if we can support you further:)

By: Lisa I was diagnosed with Sjögren 8 yrs ago . My mother was tested 6 months after that and was also diagnosed with it as well as RA . I have been working with practitioners for 6 yrs now in trying to control symptoms with nutrition and supplements. I have done the SCD diet with some success . It is a continual struggle but I’m determined. Thank you for your article. I always enjoy learning more .

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Wendy.

Thanks for the feedback, Wendy:) Hope it helped clarify some things!

By: Wendy Hi Lori,
This is an informative article. So many things to learn from this syndrome and its connection to the gut. You might normal when you have this syndrome but I guess, it’s hard to overcome.

By: James Carter Amazing article Lori Jo! Very interesting and informative. I’ve heard of Sjogren’s Syndrome but don’t think I have it. I suffer from dry eye syndrome as a result of my illnesses, but not Sjogren’s.
