Comments on: The Imodium AD – Opium Connection (How They Stop Diarrhea) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 03 Oct 2023 01:17:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you. 20bet

By: The point of view of your article has taught me a lot, and I already know how to improve the paper on gate.oi, thank you.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to kate Jorgensen.

Thanks for sharing, Kate! Glad to hear you’re doing great on a healthy diet.

By: kate Jorgensen Most of the women in my family have IBD. I am the only one flourishing without bouts of chronic diarrhea etc , etc all by following SCD diet for 2 yrs. Ive healed enough to tweak my diet to include some Paleo treats too.

By: Jenna In reply to Rapid Transit.

Yes. It is *extremely* common.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rapid Transit.

Hi Ryan, we suggest following the SCD Intro diet and then moving to the phases to allow the gut to heal. You will also need some digestive enzymes to help with the symptoms and food digestion.

By: Rapid Transit Is it possible that rapid transit could be genetic and not caused by diet? I’ve ruled almost everything at this point and am considering immodium to show things down a bit.

By: HM Hmmm. Really interesting article. I have used Immodium very very sparingly because I have pancolitis (also haven’t responded to meds) and am at risk for developing toxic megacolon. I read others’ stories with uncontrolled UC and they use Immodium all the time. I’ve wondered about this because it seems safer to take Immodium than immunosuppresants. I’ve also experienced a dramatic decrease in diarrhea and urgency when I had to take Tylenol with codeine. (this was wonderful because I broke a bone in my leg and I couldn’t do my usual sprinting to the W/C.

I recently persuaded my GI to let me try LDN and it’s made a substantial dent in my symptoms. LDN works on the opiode receptors too but I never understood the why behind it until your explanation. Thanks so much

By: Peg Brucker Hi~
I actually was an Imodium ad addict or so I told myself. I took up to 15 tabs a day to stop the chronic diarrhea that plagued me for most of my life. What I did not know is that I was causing a more serious problem. I was contributing to an infection in my intestines by slowing them to a halt…this was also due to other medications that my (MD) doctor gave me for this problem. My intestines actually just stopped working and that was dangerous and painful and kept me off work for 3 months. Finally, when my Naturapath helped me the end result is now I am on the SCD diet, prescribed by her. I am also Gluten free and GMO free feeling that those two contributed to my overall health issues. I can honestly say it feels good to be able to control my bowel movements by eating the right things…drinking enough fresh water and resting. I went from chronic diarrhea to bowel movement every ten days if I was lucky to now I am completely regular and perfect on the scale…(I call it my poo scale LOL)
Thank you so much for helping so many enjoy better health.
