Comments on: IBS-C – Naturally Heal Constipation Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 02 Jan 2018 17:50:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Savannah.

Hi Savannah – lemon juice can work well for some, it just depends on the person. Give it a try and see how you do!

By: Savannah About the lack of acid- I take a lot of pills (I’m severely ADD among other things, including IBS C) already, but I work in a nutrition and health store. We have research files that I took time to read about acid reflux, because I’ve been told I’ve struggled with that since I was an infant (I’m 19 now). I read that sometimes, lack of acid can be mistaken for reflux, and that you could take a teaspoon of lemon juice if your stomach was too basic. Will this work if I do it daily vs. the dietary supplements?
Just trying to avoid taking more pills, ha. Thanks!

By: Chels I have IBS-C and I was just wondering if anyone has eaten fried food and had any problems with it? I know that it is usually a problem for people with IBS-D but I’ve been afraid to try it. Can someone let me know if it works for them or not.

By: BRENDA SMITHERMAN In reply to Heather.

Constpation also started for me in my 30’s I am now 51 and still have no answer. I tested my thyroid was told normal. I am taking nascent iodine and Relora now and am going to add beltaine hcl , had colonosopy last year . Was told I have a beautiful colon , bummer was hoping for answer. Tried Amitiza caused so much pain I had to stop , and NO it did not work either. Like you it runs my life . I take laxatives in scary amounts and have gone off or them but c’mon after 2 and 1/2 weeks I had to start on them again because I was miserable, (yep went that long without pooping!) Wishing you best of luck.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alex.

Hi Alex, stress is the silent killer as we call it. I’ts very possible that stress is playing a big role here. You might want to try light exercise and some meditation to help calm the nerves if you haven’t tried that already. Here are some constipation resources for you:
The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:

Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Alex So I have a question… I’m not sure what I have, but I know I have some issue. Long story short… 4 years ago I gave birth to my son due to pre-e and hellp syndrome and I almost died. Fast forward to Nov. 2016 when I decided to go off depo (birth control). They said it would take up to a year to get my period back so I can get pregnant. Not naturally I suffer anxiety and depression for years but had no problem #2 at all. Now fast forward to may 2017. I started having constipation. My constipation is still present as on now Sept 2017. I went in 4 times, they suggest more fiber. They do blood and urine tests. All come back fine. I started in July (after 2 months of constipation) having lower left dull aches. Below hip but on the left of my side. They last 3-6 sec. It went on for 2 months. I had a ct done and they told me nothing is wrong and I have no blockage or any issue with anything shown in the ct. I had dye so they could see it all. I was shocked with the results… my next thought is colonoscopy. I first off want to know what’s causing long term constipation and 2nd I want to know what that pain was cuz I don’t doubt it would come back. Part of me things I’m so stressed knowing I can get pregnant I’m causing this issue upon myself. Is it possible??? I tried relaxing after months of worrying of the outcome of having a 2nd child. And I feel like I’m fairly relaxed… but maybe I’m not? Can stress cause dull aches and constipation for this Long? I feel like once I get my period each month I know I’m not pregnant and my pain went away oddly enough last week. Now it’s just the constipation issue… I do wonder if I have pstd. It was a traumatizing experience and the thought of if happening again has me over edge I know. I been waiting 4 years to do this and I’m not getting younger but I’m also worried going into a pregnancy with this issue. I know I over think things… I wish I knew if I’m causing this issue and if it’s possible for this issue to last so long due to pstd/depression/anxiety? I just have a hard time believing it. I know it’s a coincidence this all happened at the same time I started getting my period again. Just can’t believe I could do this to my body… What do you think? Could it actually be something more? You think it’s me? I’m looking for advice or answers from thoughts… I know you might not be a dr.

By: dawn oliver In reply to Jeremy D.

ha,ha, Jeremy, I had a good laugh! I understand your dillema! I am also a Christian and my son keeps telling me I must try it, but I have an inbred aversion (especially as my boys used to smoke it as teens and mom didnt have the easiest time!). But your post has made me reconsider. I will try to get the oil though – as I have never smoked in my life, cant see myself doing that.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to ZAC.

HI Zac – These tests can help detect underlying issues that may be contributing or causing the constipation. They are very insightful and helpful tests we recommend for those struggling with GI issues.

By: ZAC You mentioned in type D, “We recommend 2 stool tests: A BioHealth #401 GI pathogen screen and Doctor’s Data Parasitology X3.”. Are there similar tests for IBS-C?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lexie.

The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

Continue with the magnesium and start the diet as soon as you can:)

By: Lexie Hi, so long story…
I had my son with pre-e and hellp and almost died 3 years ago. He was born at 28 weeks. I had no problems digesting until last fall. When I went off birth control. I had one issue last fall and 3 so far within the last 3 months. I’m not sure if I’m stressing myself out or what but for me I had the issue last fall and I was backed up to my lungs. What th3 doctor found odd was that I had no pain or discomfort and I felt normal besides a little full feeling all the time. After a month though I went to get all of their helpful remedies and nothing worked until I used their powder stuff that took 6 days to kick in. Fast forward to this year, that stuff doesn’t help at all. The only thing that works a little is phillips, but it only helps get some out, not all of it that I knows in there. I recently used magnesium citrate and it works for me. For some reason it is the only thing that works to get it out. However unlike last time my body isn’t digesting normal after use. My problem is that I’m having small skinny shaving like bathroom visits. I can’t just seem to go a normal size! I’m so annoyed and I’m sure it’s stressing me out more. I want to have another child but I’m annoyed I have this issue as well and worried I can’t take anything if I do get pregnant. What can I do? What are your suggestions? They didn’t check me for gluten but she said for gluten it’s diarrhea and I read online it could be both. Idk maybe my Dr was an idiot. Personally when I go in I like to be checked to make sure my body is ok. When I went last fall they said I had no obstruction or issue that they saw even my bloodwork was fine. What do I do? Do you feel I’m stressing myself out? Should I take something to help??! What do I need to do because I can’t live like this forever I’m only 30 and I have pstd and depression and no I’m not on any meds. Part of me thinks me having another child is stressing me to do this but I don’t honestly think of it that much to where I don’t know how I could be. Please help. What can I do or take to help me a little more naturally.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Maria.

Hello Maria – thanks for reaching out. We encourage each person to find the diet that works for them and for you, that may mean less meat.
We have some other articles on constipation that you may find helpful:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Maria In reply to Steven Wright.

Hi Steven,
I just ran into your website as I took L-Glutamine with a 3 day pre-cleanse diet from Dr Oz’s website. I have serious digestive (and health) problems.
I was reading the comments and I ran into the one saying maybe the amount of meat eaten as part of the SCD diet was making his/her more constipated. I suffer from Sjogren’s Syndrome (that was the first autoimmune disease I was diagnosed with, now it’s secondary as I have Lupus, MCTD, etc) which means my moisture glands are being attacked by my immune system. I have been part of studies at NIH, and have been told by the Drs constipation is a common complaint of patients with Sjogren’s, and adviced to AVOID MEAT AS IT IS HARD TO DIGEST. There is a theory we humans are nor equipped with claws and strong big canines to reap meat as carnivore animals do. I don’t know and don’t care if this is true, but it is a fact meat takes longer to digest in humans. With Sjogren’s, salivary glands (as well as the rest of the glands that produce moisturewhich aid with digestion) are being attacked by the immune system.
I am on disability now and I hate it. Constipation is part of my daily living. I pretty much know what foods to avoid, but it is hard to live like this. I am going to continue reading your website as it has interesting suggestions and will try some of them, hopefully something will work! You are right when saying Drs give you Miralax, etc and don’t take care of the problem, just the symptoms.
Hope to hear you comment on my message!

By: May In reply to robin.

Robin, I actually agree with your husband that you seems don’t eat enough, so you don’t have much waste? I don’t know but it’s makes sense to me.

By: Tracey In reply to Eileen.

I’m wondering if anyone else has heard of porphyria? My brother and I have had problems for years when I went to an ER in CA (after several times) and finally discovered I have AIP.. Acute Intermittent Porphyria. Look it up, you may be surprised. Especially if others in your family suffer from same issues.

By: Tracey In reply to Eileen.

I’m wondering if anyone else has heard of porphyria? My brother and I have had problems for years when I went to an ER in CA (after several times) and finally discovered I have AIP.. Acute Intermittent Porphyria. Look it up, you may be surprised. Especially if others in your family suffer from same issues.

By: Skb In reply to Karen ann.

ANY chance you are allergic to chicken? I am. It just sits there…Won’t process.

By: Skb In reply to Chelle.

Could it be oxalate or oxalic acid causing pain?

By: Brett In reply to Leia Christine.

You sound like me! How are you today? 2
Years later. Any improvement ?

By: Supps I read a book called The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Solution by Dr. Stephen Wagen (founder, IBS treatment center) and he covers a lot of this same stuff, which is all very helpful.

I have suffered with IBS for 12 years and the best advise I took from this book was to use a probiotic that contained: Lactobacilli acidophilus and Bifidobacterium with about 4 billion organisms per capsule. He says that you want a prebiotic along with the probiotic mix because the prebiotics keep the friendly bacteria (probiotic) alive. The prebiotic I found (that was included in the probiotic capsule) is FOS: fructooligosaccharides. I have tried many different probiotics over the years and some worked for a while and others didn’t work at all…this recent mix has worked wonders.

I also recommend acupuncture, this helps a lot as well. Some insurance companies DO cover a percentage of office visit fee. May be worth checking out.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kelly.

Hi Kelly – Sorry you’re in this position. Let us know how we can support you!

By: Kelly In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi I’ve got a colonoscopy next week so scared

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kelly.

Hi Kelly – sorry to hear you’re suffering. We’d highly suggest implementing some of the recommendations in teh article as well as ordering some digestive enzymes. Changing your diet is going to be a great first step in your path to healing.

By: Kelly In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

I don’t have a gallbladder and I’m finding I get awful constipation and my tummy feels bloated and like a load of poison is swishing around in there

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sarah.

Hi Sarah -it sounds like you need to see a doctor immediately. It sounds like you could be dealing with a condition called endometriosis – it causes severe pain during the time of your period. I encourage you to NOT take matters into your on hands until you’ve seen your doctor.

By: Sarah Hi Steve, Although I have not been diagnosed with IBS-C all the signs and symptoms point to this. ( I have been diagnosed with constipation) 21 years ago the pain would just come when I started menstruating. I had been to the doctors, even rushed to the hospital with SEVERE abdominal pain. Though the doctors said each time this was very common they didn’t know what it was or what caused it. Each month I would get physically ill, faint, hot sweats, cold sweats, dizziness, extreme lower abdomin pain to the point I would be screaming, circulation would cut off in my hands, I would go to the washroom and feel better after ( but completely exhausted) etc..Now after having my child 18 months ago the pain during this time of the month went away…. Here is the issue now. Its just happening at random times. Just this morning I was at work and WHAM!! Very embarrassing to be laying on the bathroom floor in the middle of my male bosses house screaming in agony waiting to have a bowel movement. I’m horrified and I am sure my co-workers are as well. My question to you is, is there anything I can do right now for myself to try and lessen the flare ups until I see a doctor and am properly diagnosed.

By: Isabel In reply to Karen.

Hi Karen ,
I had the same problem with probiotics , they worked wonders at the beginning and they just stopped working one day , I even started doing tests to the tablets I was buying to make sure the bacteria was still alive and to my disappointment they were usually dead so I decided to start making my own kombucha about 5 months ago and it took a while to get used to and find the perfect dose but almost all my IBS symptoms have disappeared I now go to the toilet every day and it’s just effortless , I never though that would happened as I have suffered from IBS-C since I was about 11 , I also take lglutamin in the morning and when I remember digestive enzymes , I feel there is a lot I can still do but I fell better and have the energy to keep my research now my bowel moments are what I will call perfect ? and I don’t have to worry about it anymore .
Hope it helps .
Good luck

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chris.

Hi Chris – congrats on your decision to start SCD!

It can be hard to tell at first if you’re reacting to the Intro Diet foods or just experiencing some die-off. I’d give the carrot puree one more try – if you have the same symptoms, you can swap out the carrots for zucchini.

We recommend starting HCL and digestive enzymes as soon as possible.

By: Chris Hi, I started the SCD diet yesterday. Had the carrot puree for the first time today and it ran straight through me, do you recommend not to eat it anymore or is this normal? Also do you recommend taking betaine hcl with the intro diet or after the initial 3-5 days?

By: Noor Ullah Jan Thanks for the nice information.
Constipation is on the rise at global level due to the lifestyle we are adoption. Natural remedies are the best solutions to cure constipation as it has no side effects, cure the cause along with disease and are more cost effective.
Natural remedies for constipation are used for thousands of years and have outstanding results. I am a pharmacist by profession and have seen thousands that have got relief by the option to natural remedies to cure their constipation issue.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Robbie.

Hey Robbie – we’re so sorry to hear what you’re going through. Addressing JUST your diet or JUST adding in a supplement might help some people, but for Tough Cases like you we think you need to address your diet, supplements, and lifestyle all at once (we call this a pleiotropic approach).

I’d suggest you attend our free webinar on how to use this approach to get lasting relief from IBS here:

By: Robbie I’ve had I IBS C for about 10 years, I’ve tried Lindsess ‘s and it cramp me so bad I had diarrhea. I was told to take a cuturell, how do you know the best which one is best. I suffer with burning pain, constipation and severe cramps. I’ve tried a diet and nothing works. I’ve heard a lot talk about weed, but it is not legal in my state. Any suggestions it has stopped a lot of my activity.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Anna.

Hey Anna – Steve and Jordan recommend this brand (Gaia Herbs Sweetish Bitters) and it doesn’t contain senna:

By: Anna I’ve heard a lot of good things about Swedish Bitters, but this contains Senna Leaf. I know it’s just a fraction of a Senna Tea, but should this be of concern for someone who is trying to avoid laxatives?

By: Nick This is a good article. I was diagnosed with IBS-C at age 17. For years it was a living hell. Like one of the posters above, I started smoking weed. It helped me sleep and helped me eat, which definitely improved my quality of life a lot, but I still wasn’t regular.

I went to various doctors, got all the tests you can imagine – even colonoscopy at age 20, and various other endoscopies – all negative. My body is fine.

I eat healthy food and plenty of fiber and probiotics. My issue was never one of consistency anyway – it was one of not feeling the urge.

I started noticing improvements when I randomly started crouching on the toilet seat one day because that felt comfortable for some reason. Now, in the morning, when I wake up, I drink a glass of water and just let my body do its work. I think what had started happening was that I had gotten in my own head and was straining even when I didn’t ned to. In the last year, I had a BM where I literally just “let go”, which is how it’s supposed to go, and I realized that it had been years since I had had that feeling.

Now, it’s not perfect, but I am in way better shape than I was before. Like I said, I am able to go every day, sometimes twice, and feel almost complete evacuation in a way that I hadn’t experienced in years.

I think there are two takeaways from my story:

(1) It might not be all in your head, but your head might be an important part of the feedback loop. If I focus on relaxation, in particular visualizing relaxing your pelvic floor with each breath, I start to feel things movement.

(2) More specifically, try varying the angle at which you go to the bathroom. Western toilets are terrible!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Bonnie.

Hey Bonnie – thanks for reaching out to us! We recommend you go to your doctor if you normally have IBS-D and this is an unusual change for you. Your doctor can help you determine what caused this shift to happen so radically

By: Bonnie Hey! Great article. Need advice please. I have ibs-d and I’m now so constipated. It’s been about a week with no bm. I have the urge to go but when I go I just push and push with nothing really happening. My stomach hurts so bad. What should I do?

By: Sara In reply to Teryl (Teri) Barrett.

The best thing to help heal your bodies is Swedish Bitters and fermented foods.

If you are having problems with digesting food it is because it is not being broken down properly.

In the UK, the best source of Swedish Bitters is Granary Herbs Ltd, run by Herbalist Christine Brown.

I used to haemorrhage at least three times daily, had to retire from working as unable to leave my house, forget travelling anywhere, had a massive stomach ulcer and was admitted into hospital for tests regularly every three months whilst undergoing every possible tests, including a Meckel Scan.

Having been told by an Austrian friend to try SB, my bleeding stopped within two days.

I take it every day, twice a day, a teaspoonful in luke warm water before eating, and I eat Sauerkraut and drink homemade Kefir from RAW goats milk, this milk is supplied by Ellie’s Dairy.
They sell their milk at various farmers markets at weekends in London and at Borough Market.

Try these and I hope they will free you from pain and discomfort like they did me.
Best wishes and better health to you all. Sara

By: Nancy Hi, this is a great article and very informational. However, the opposite seems to be happening with me when I take coconut oil. I tend to experience constipation when I eat it. Any possible reasons for this?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Shae.

Hi Shae – it sounds like you’e on the right path to healing your gut 🙂 I think you would benefit from one of our free webinars on how to heal leaky gut through diet, lifestyle and supplements. It may be what helps you take the next step and achieve the health you’re seeking. You can register for free here:

By: Shae Hi I’ve had Ibs-c and acid reflux since I was 18, I’m 20 now. The dr had given me pantoprazole which I took on and off for a year and I don’t take it anymore because I don’t really experience heartburn anymore or most of the symptoms I was before. I just bought beta in hcl with peptin. I’ve definitely gained weight I would say about 15 pounds the last two years even though I eat very healthy, dairy free, gluten free, and soy free and a lot of the food I eat is vegan and I cook everything myself although ilI don’t eat much meat but I will try the beta in hcl with meat very soon to see how it works for me. I had lots of issues before, I feel like they have improved but I still feel very fatigued and always sore aside from that I do have brain fog. About a month ago I started seeing a functional medicine practitioner and he said I have leaky gut and lots of food sensitivities and he started a treatment called NAET I personally have never heard of it but it seems to be working. I also supplement with L-Glutamine and I drink lactose free kefir although I still feel constipated although I just started taking beta in hcl yesterday. Is there anything you can recommend that could help ?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Natasha.

Hi Natasha! We think these tips could all help you – we also have more here:

While there is no way to KNOW what will or won’t work, we think any of these suggestion could help.

By: Natasha (Pre warning, my spellings aren’t great cause im dyslexic)
Hi I have IBS-C, which Ive been told is associated with EDS (hypermobility type). I have suffered from it forever, (as long as i can remember) and one doc ive seen says theres nothing that can be done until my uncureable genetic condition is fixed and well managed, while another says i need to stop the spazaming before i can help build my core strength. I am 21 and sick to death with this. I can go days without a bowel movement and then pass rabbit pellets, or weeks without a decent bowel movement and then diarreaha. Would these tips help, or could you recommend anything, as im pretty sure its the main cause of my weight gain and crap feeling (pun intended ;P). If there is anything you can recommend, could you try and ensure it is reasonably cheap as im a broke arse student paying an extortionate rent in London. I welcome suggestions for a quick and long term fix. Thanks

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Karen.

Hi Karen –

It sounds like some of the foods you’re eating could be causing these problems – thinks like soy and wheat.

I recommend checking out this article:

By: Karen Hi everyone. Most of my adult life, I had IBS. Occasionally, I would be briefly constipated, but the vast majority of the time, I would go too much in one sitting, accompanied by stomach ache. It was as if my body would say, “OK, everybody out, now!” Sometimes emotional upset, food trigger, or no apparent reason would cause it. Occasionally, diarrhea would occur. Then, during peri-menopause, things started slowing down, and eventually ground to a halt. I started, and still am, taking bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, but nothing changed. Frequency, size, and appearance went out the window. When I become too full of #!%@, I develop heartburn, which is immediately relieved if I’m able to have a movement. I’ve gone from drinking my usual 0-1 glasses of water a day (years ago) to now 8-12. I’ve tried hot water, non-chlorinated water (to protect the flora), bile acids, and psyllium husks. Psyllium worked well, at first, but lost effectiveness. Still, if I don’t take it 2x a day, I’ll be worse off. When I feel sick, full, and have heartburn, I will take non-stimulant magnesium citrate or oxide, infrequently. I refuse to take stimulants because I’m wondering if my constipation arose from a lifetime of overstimulation, and I burned out my nervous system. If I don’t take magnesium when I’m at wit’s end, I can’t eat, and am afraid that one day I’ll have a bowel obstruction. My big question is this: I have tried different probiotics, which worked beautifully at first, then fizzled out. I would take a vacation from them, then start them again. They worked, but not as long as the first time, and so on. Now, they DO NOT work. I am a medical professional, and was a biology major in college, and it perplexes me as to why the probiotics just stopped working. I vigorously exercise, 2-4 times a week, eat vegetables, fruit, etc, but do eat popcorn and other corn. I somewhat limit wheat, but love my morning cereal (with soy milk). I have greatly cut back on sugar. Does anyone have suggestions, please?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to robin.

Hey Robin – so sorry you’re dealing with this. Have you had your hormone levels tested? That might be another avenue to consider.

Also – I recommend checking out this article:

By: robin Currently i have constipation and have dealt with it for almost 8 years since the birth of my son and having my tubes tied. Anyway. One minute im bloated and cant go and then all of a sudden i go but its like i have went foe the days i missed. I saw a gastro and had uooer and colonoscpy done, nothing!! I was perfectly healthy. I have had ct of abdomen as well as ultrasound of abdomen and gallbladder. It drives me crazy. I eat nothing but raw veggies.. my hubby says i dont wat enough. Morning i eat 1 boiled egg and a carrott. Lunch i eat another boiled egg and some celery carrots and natural peanut butter. Dinner is meat and salad and i use mustard as dressing. Drink tons of water.. i will snack on nuts apples and anything fresh. Tried supplements, magnesium, b vitamn, olive oil, casada sagrada, tons of fruit veggies , acv..
What is going on

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Laura.

Hi Laura – thanks for reaching out.

We have seen the SCD diet work for many people with varying symptoms and conditions.

I suggest checking out this article:

Many different conditions are related to gut issues and chances are, healing your gut can only help you regain your health. You can get started here:

By: Laura Hi, I was diagnosed with IBS-C about 10 years ago. I have been trying to deal with this for a long time. I have been on just about every diet there is. I also have a health condition that does effect the nervous system, it is called dysautonomia. One of the problems that it causes is problems with the intestinal tract. I have been doing everything possible, but I do know that the meds I am on also cause constipation. Problem is I have to be on the meds. I am gluten free, I take probiotics every evening, and now I am going to try lactose free milk to see if that makes any difference. I can’t hardly deal with this anymore. I also have other medical conditions that came from the dysautonomia: I have fibromyalgia, IBS-C, anxiety, depression, raynauds, and sinus tachycardia (heart condition). Oh, I forgot about mitral valve prolapse (very very mild). Also, while I am dealing with peri – menopause. I am at my wits end, please help!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Natalya.

Natalya – welcome to the SCD Lifestyle community! So glad to have you here.

The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:

Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:
