Comments on: 6 Real Food Tips for Overcoming Constipation Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 08 Jan 2019 18:14:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary In reply to Mary.

Update: Bumping up my carbs has significantly helped me! But not the amount recommended in this article. The body converts fuel differently between carbs, protein, and fat. I was so constipated and so tired all the time. As soon as I bumped up my carb intake to about 300 grams a day, my bowel movements returned within two days! It’s been 5-6 weeks, and now I can cut the amount of carbs in half, and I’m still ok. I don’t feel 100%, but so so much better. (I do want to note that I know 300 grams is a lot, but I was about 97 lbs. I was over exercising and not eating enough. My hunger signals were out of sync. And the more constipated I got, the less I wanted to eat.)

By: cockapoowalker I found this site by Googling why do fats help my constipation. My question was answered. I had noticed that I am always able to go after a restaurant Meal which contains many more points than my dietary plan allows. Now I understand the secret importance of the fats and thank you for this.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to paula picariello.

HI Paula – many do feel less hungry with constipation as it leaves a heavy feeling that decreases the appetite. We’d recommend overcoming it by starting with the constipation program here:

By: paula picariello i love all comments and i am going to use it and try what is working for me. Want to find out more about SCD diet. Is anybody lost appetite and lost weight being constipated i would like to know how to bring my appetite back and get rid of constipation. Also i would like to look into SCD diet. thank you .Please reply

By: Jessica I have recently started drinking Smooth Move medicinal tea whenever I get constipated for over 2 days. I’ve been in a situation where I haven’t pooped for around 6-7 days and find myself so uncomfortable, I start consuming random foods that I wouldn’t typically just to see if anything would work (sugar, soda, bread, etc.). Also, a non diet remedy I find always helps, is going on a long run. It seems to usually do the trick, unless I’m in my normal daily running routine and still constipated.. that’s when the tea is so handy.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Matt.

HI Matt – thanks for sharing! It is amazing what real food can do:)

By: Matt This is such a great article! I’ve been feeling a little “sluggish” lately, which was a frequent problem before i made the switch to plant-based 7 months ago.

After reading the article, i ate a whole avocado (fat), a handful of pumpkin seeds (insoluble fiber), and a liter of water with a tablespoon of baking soda (electrolytes/salt).

An hour later, the “urge” hit me, and now I’m feeling back to normal.

Such a great article! Thanks for all the tips!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jess.

Hi Jess – We would only recommend eating high quality (grass fed) fermented dairy, like yogurt or kefir. However, many arent’ able to tolerate this right away and thus we’d wait to introduce it until your symptoms have calmed down.

By: Jess In reply to Suzanne.

I am always dealing with chronic constipation. I want to know if I am not allergic to dairy is it ok to eat it or should I keep away from it unless it’s fermented like kefir or yogurt?

By: Mary This is such a well-written article. I’m going to take these suggestions, and do my best to implement them slowly. Often I try too many things and it backfires on me, and I get disappointed and give up.

By: Stephanie In reply to Stephanie Taylor.

I agree with you! my constipation has been pretty terrible for over a year now (i go every 3-5 days) and my food sensitivities are spiking again. When I do actually poop, I get better relief if I raise my legs on something. I don’t actually have a squatty potty, but 100% swear by the position for better emptying of the bowels. I’ve also told my family they could get me one as a gift ?. My entire digestive track is a hot mess, but Dr’s are garbage when it comes to help and everything on here sounds like SOOOO MUCH work. I’ve basically given up and just bare the pain.

By: Carrie In reply to Elizabeth.

In Ayurveda, they suggest stewing the prunes first! This helps hydrate them which makes it easier for most constipated people to digest. This science of life believes constipation is a dryness in the bowels and therefore fats help lubricate, stewing dried fruit before eating and avoiding airy/crunchy foods such as rice cakes, toast, dried chickpeas, crackers etc.

By: Hannah In reply to Chris.

Have you ever tried Colon Max? It’s something you can look up on Amazon – a mix of magnesium oxide and a few softener teas.

By: Hannah I’ve learned so much on my own – like never eat undercooked cruciferous veggies, limit grain intake, and if I do eat a lentil soup, make sure it is red lentil! Brown and green lentils are heartier, and more fibrous. Red lentils have a little less fiber and do cook up differently. And, my goodness, I do need sodium. And water. If I dare have a glass of wine with dinner, I need at least 3-5 cups of water after dinner. And magnesium is a girl’s best friend!

By: jackie One important thing: Don’t forget to drink enough water. I’ve learned that from experience as a constipation sufferer!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Deb.

HI Deb – Instead of adding plain water, you’d add the herbal tea water (cooled a bit) to make what Michelle is suggesting:)

By: Deb In reply to Michelle.

How do you make this ?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chris.

Hi Chris – we think HCL and digestive enzymes are some of the most important supplements you can use.

Here’s info on both:

By: Chris Any supplements I can take for my constipation. I change diet so yeah constipated drink lats of water that is like warm. Any dangers in taking hcl Nd digestion enzymes

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chris.

Chris – these tips have helped a lot of people when nothing else has:

Yoga, massage, acupuncture, or chiropractic care might be able to help as well.

By: Chris I have been on and off the SCD diet for the past 1-2 years due to constipation issues. Even increasing fiber doesn’t work for me. My gut motility has been extremely slow in one part of the colon, and the doctor and surgeon have considered removing my sigmoid colon since it is distended, redundant, and filling up with stool that doesn’t appear to be moving. I was taking stimulant herbs for the past 3 months (senna, cascara), and I have been trying to wean off of them. Unfortunately, taking magnesium, miralax, and lots of water just makes fluid sit in my intestines, but there is no motility. I have even tried prunes, and increasing my fats with coconut oil, but with little success. I have some success using buffered vitamin C (magnesium ascorbate), but it never gets much solids out. I hope there are some other options before resorting to surgery.

By: Hannah I have been dealing with constipation since I turned 22. All of a sudden I wasn’t going every day like I used to, and I assumed that was just me getting older. The only times I did have a good BM the next morning would be after a high fat, no carb dinner which I try to have every night for the past 7 years. It means I can have a sandwich or wrap for lunch once in a while. But I have to say, if I do get backed up for any reason, I take magnesium chloride(or sulfate-the epsom salts) in a really big glass of water. It has helped me so much more than mag citrate in pill or liquid form!

By: Hannah In reply to Steven Wright.

Basmati brown rice is very digestible and doesn’t seem to bother me too much I am diagnosed ibs-c with evacuation problems and sometimes having lemon butter rice with my chicken and spinach dinner helps me move completely the next morning.

By: Anne I forgot to mention I am now completely vegetarian

By: Anne I have struggled with constipation most of my life, this year has been the worst. I am quite active and eat only semi healthy. I was constipated for 16 days in December, it was awful, I felt like I was 3 months pregnant. I tried everything! laxitives did not work. I went to hospital after an X-ray showing how full my stomach was they did an enema (didn’t work). I went to another doc the next day who ordered the same, the results were better but not by much. Frustrated I decided to go home juice for a few days and increase my activity. Swimming helped. It’s been two weeks and I’m eating better exercising every day twice a day, there are movements once sometimes twice small pebbles but it’s something. I can’t go on like this it has consumed my life! Anyway graphic I know buthat we are here because we all suffer or have suffered. I will try the SCD diet, thank you for this article. I am off to buy avos and good fats.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Patricia Gatesman.

Hi Patricia – thanks for commenting!

We know how you’re feeling – Steve and Jordan tried what seemed like everything before finding success on SCD.

We can’t promise you’ll have success – and we wouldn’t want you to trust anyone who did – but we can the;; you we have seen so many people have incredible results by customizing the SCD diet to work for them.

Following the diet starts with a three month commitment – whether or not you have success on SCD those three months are going to pass, and if you’re successful, they’ll be the first three months of your new life.

We hope you’ll give it a try! You can get started here:

By: Patricia Gatesman I have chronic constipation caused by stress & anti biotics. I used to have IBS regular BMS. Now I have a rectocele, no signals to the brain. I am on 3 stimulant laxatives & Peristene (like enema).
I would like to try the diet bit I have tried so many diets with no success. What do you suggest??

By: angela First comment for me I had been struggling since the end of 2013 with constipation. Prior I always experienced diarrhea. But as for the the last two weeks and I have lost weight as well. I started something one because I was running out of ideas I ran the gammit of trial and error mostly error. But I have been doing so good I have to share. Flaxseeds 2tablesoopns roughly didn’t measure then the same with quinoa all uncooked mix together with 4-5 ounces of unsweetened applesauce and go about my day I would do this every afternoon around 3 pm. Before I realized it I was going. And miraculously more than once a day. Never changing this daily ritual. Amen. 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Random Reader.

Sorry to hear you’re still struggling with constipation!

Our first suggestion is always to add more fat to your diet. Follow the tips in this article or add 1 tablespoon of fat (like coconut oil) at each meal, increasing to 2 tbsp per meal if needed (up to 6 tablespoons per day).

Give this a try and hopefully you’ll be feeling better soon 🙂

By: Random Reader I still consume 1 apple a day after I eat, and I’m still constipated. I usually use to go to the bathroom right after eating a watermelon slice and now I don’t. Fiber and fruit doesn’t work well much anymore. What’s wrong with me?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Alice.

Hi Alice – Steve really struggled with gas as well. It was switching to SCD plus the use of HCL that really helped him in the end.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

To learn more about HCL, check out this article:

Hope this helps and your gas is cleared up soon!

By: Alice Hi thanks for everyone’s comments and a great article. I’ve been struggling on and off with constipation for years and have found prunes help me as do eating all sorts of berries and cutting down on white bread, pasta and rice. My main issue is the terrible flatulence I have with constipation. I sometimes have terrible stomach aches with really bad smelling gas that I can’t hold in and it’s making me not want to go outside! Does anyone else have this from constipation? Are there any ways to get rid of this?
Thanks for any advice x

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to lina.

Hi Lina, thanks for commenting. All of our first recommendations for constipation can be found here:
Please check your inbox for an email from, too!

By: lina Any ideas for gastoparesis…SEVERE constipation. …I’ve tried almost everything. ..pls help

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Becca.

Hi Becca, please try some buffered Vitamin C and powdered magnesium to help with the constipation.

By: Becca I’m on my first week of SCD, did the intro diet and have now introduced bananas and apples…. and I’m not pooping! I didn’t have diarrhea before I started but I’ve been battling digestive issues for years and have done SCD before to great success. I’m really frustrated and wondering if this is common. Can I likely expect the constipation to be alleviated as my body adjusts, or should I wander from the phase chart in order to find relief? I know everyone is different but just wondering If anyone has had this problem before and has any tips.

By: Cheri I was suffering for so long…gluten and dairy free for almost 4 years….still having C problems, and it was getting worse. I printed out a FODMAP diet chart. I was eating apples everyday, along with a half of sandwich, with nut butter, either almond or sunflower. I was at my wits end! I cut out apples (which I have suspected), and then the real culprit the bread, and it was not the bread, the inulin in the bread. Since I have removed all bread with inulin, and bars with chicory root, I feel like a new girl. Look up and read about inulin and what it can do to you. I guess some people do okay with it, I of course got the rare reaction! Constipation, and I am so thankful it is gone!!!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Meg.

HI Meg,
The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:
Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:
We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Meg In reply to Sherry.

I’ve just eaten a bowl of brown rice and quinoa. Yes I know, rice is a grain, so shoot me. As for the quinoa … I can only hope for a better outcome than you Sherry!

I have SIBO and other food sensitivities (probably secondary to the SIBO, so getting rid of the SIBO is my top priority). On a low FODMAPs diet plus avoidance of other amines and glutamates my bowel function used to be pretty well normal. After a course of Rifaximin I relaxed the diet a bit, the SIBO returned and the end result is worse bowel problems than I had before – namely constipation. I am upping my insoluble fibre intake to try and deal with that – hence the rice and quinoa.

The net is a minefield if you are trying to diagnose and treat yourself. But this article at least gives a few options that are safe and cheap.(Spent the morning watching a video about MMS and then googling ‘MMS dangers’ – and deciding that is NOT for me!)

If anyone can point me in the direction of a constipation cure that does not have fermentable starch or amines or glutamates in I will be very grateful.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Solomon.

Hi Solomon, it sounds like you need to address your diet and you can start by going here: Here is a helpful article on constipation as well:

By: Solomon Solomon

Hi I read many of the posts and comments that many people posted I feel so good about it. Thank you I am greaful?. but I couldn’t find anything similar to what I feel / With my pain).

Five years ago I was a college student in Addis Ababa Ethiopia and suddenly constipation started me. At the same time my foot started to smell. Then followed by the constipation my pop started to smell in public. When this happen I was in my last year of college studies then I couldn’t continue having smelly pop in school And I quit. Ever since I was always alone. Couldn’t participate any socials affairs. After having used traditional remedies i get rid off the constipation but I couldn’t get rid off the smell of the pop that comes out of my Rectum.

I started to understand that I feel little safer from mt pop smell when I am alone in a clean area. Any thing that has good or bad smell wakes and aggravates the Illness.

I went to several doctors but non of them couldn’t do any good. I used Itraconazole for two weeks and it helped me 70/70% for my foot smell. I am suffering with the pop smell and I beg you to help me out.

Thank you

By: Michelle In reply to Suzanne.

Try making herbal tea infused gelatine squares, and eating them daily. Great for a healthy gut!

By: Michelle In reply to Marcy.

I have IBS, and I find the best thing for me is to stay away from cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, for example), as they irritate my stomach. I make herbal tea infused gelatine squares and eat them daily. The gelatine helps keep me regular!

By: Robin I have found 1-2 tablespoons of organic, unsulfered molasses makes me regular. It’s easy and I love the taste.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kira.

Hi Kira, thank you for reaching out! It is our experience and belief that pharmaceuticals are not the cure for constipation, while diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes are. We suggest finding the right version of the SCD diet or one similar and begin adding in these tips from the article to relieve the constiption.

By: Kira In reply to Stephanie Taylor.

What is this medicine called because my constipation is horrible

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to carol grace.

Thanks for sharing Carol! Magnesium is a great thing to have in the tool box for sure.

By: Christina Really good article!! 🙂

By: carol grace After cancer surgery and partial removal of the colon, constipation can be a problem. After all else failed, a nutritionist friend suggested taking magnesium and lo and behold, after several days, it worked. This included following a good diet with fiber and low carbs. No one at the cancer center knew about it, but an alternative nutritionist did. Makes you wonder. Check it out as we are the ones with the problem and need to be our own advocates for good health.

By: Geraldine In reply to Aly.

Ali, I recommend taking probiotics including natural ferments eg sauerkraut and coconut yoghurt. Lack of enough friendly gut bacteria is so often behind longterm constipation. I recommend Bravo yohurt, which contains 42 species of bacteria and friendly yeasts and 10,000 other good things for the gut. The best on the planet apparently!! And if you are dairy intolerant, you can use the Bravo suppositories which innoculates the bowel fro the bottom up. …..they are more exy but apparently you take them for 3 months and your bowel is pretty much self reliant so long as you keep eating the sauerkraut etc and a good diet with leafy greens etc to keep feeding the good bacteria.
