Comments on: 4 Common Signs of Constipation Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sat, 09 Sep 2023 16:36:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dawn.

Hi Dawn – The first thing we’d do is check out our constipation program here: If you don’t have regular bowl movements, the toxins and waste ca get reabsorbed into the blood stream, creating a toxic environment for the body. It’s important to go once a day, so we’d suggest addressing this with the program link given right away!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Deven Sachdeva.

Hi Deven – we’d suggest changing your diet first, starting here: Next, you’ll want to address the constipation, starting here:

By: Claudia In reply to Jb.

jb push it further with your doc. Thin stools can be signs of bigger issues. I’ve been having problems myself with my stomch and will be Seeing the doc this Friday.

By: Dawn In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi I have had severe constipation for 40+ years now. It has gotten progressively worse the older I’ve gotten. I am 53 now and post menopausal. My question is, if you don’t poop, where does it go? I go two to three weeks without a bowel movement. I take Lactulose. But it doesn’t get the job done. I’m bloated all the time. And when I finally do go it is so painful and extremely exhausting. On the chart of poop mine is a three but with a twist. I’m sorry for the visual. The thickness is that of a Pringles can. So you can imagine the pain. The process is not quick but on the good side, I don’t have hemorrhoids. I just had a colonoscopy. All they found were a few polyps which were removed. But the amount of poop never seems to correspond to the amount it should be. So where does it go for those weeks that I don’t go? And do you have any advice on how to improve my constipation?

By: Deven Sachdeva Hi, I m 22 yrs old and since last 1 week I am passing a lot of gas, around 20-30 times a day, and i also feel my colon is not empty whole day, in morning my colon doesn’t empty, only gas passes away. My stomach also feels a little swollen
Then during the day, when stool get passed away, first of all I have this feeling that my colon is not completely empty after that, and secondly my stools are in partial liquid state along with some foam around it.
I am also going to have my xms next week, so I am all day at home since last 1 month,

Pls Suggest??

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jordan Chicago.

Hi Jordan – this is all related to constipaiton and we’d recommend you start here:

By: Jordan Chicago I have a weird problem in the same family as constipation. I feel my stomach gurgle (that feeling you get before you feel a fart to let out) but instead of the fart easing out normally I have to wait for it or push really hard for it to come out, sometimes I have to position my body a certain way (push legs up lying down) for them to come out. I do have some constipation issues and hemmoroids, but for the most part I have normal bowel movements. It’s not being able to fart that gets me. It feels like the farts implode back inside me.

By: Rosie In reply to Leslie.

Hi, I have had chronic constipation for about 30 years so know how you feel. Are your problems worse when you are premenstrual? It definitely has an effect. There are abdominal massages that you can do to help get things moving, have a look on you tube. Nothing seemed to work for me apart from senokot, it says not to take it long term, but on and off I have taken it for years. I also have laxido now too. Also, have you tried prebiotics? Some people find that they work really well.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Leslie.

HI Leslie – sorry to hear that. We’d recommend a multi-facted approach of diet, lifestyle and supplement changes for the constipation issue (as well as consulting with your doctor to make sure nothing else is going on). FOr dietary changes, we’d recommend starting here: For supplements and lifestyle, you can go here:

By: Leslie I am a teenager and I have been in the hospital at least four times within this year due to chronic constipation. I have fecal impactions that cause me so much pain. It’s truly something that I wish no one to experience, I’m always uncomfortable and beyond bloated. I’ve been on liquid diets and others and tried fiber (even though I know it doesn’t work) and nothing happens. Enemas don’t do me anything and every single pill or powder that I am prescribed does not work. Currently it’s been a week and I cannot push. I have a procedure that I am getting done next week to see if it is due to my muscle. If this does nothing then I have no solution

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Hunter.

HI Hunter – it’s best to seek medical attention just to make sure noting further is going on. As Mariel had said, if you are just constipated, here are some tools to help:
The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:

Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Hunter In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Hi, I am having the same issues as Jeremy mentioned above and I was wondering of there is any advice that can be given to remedy this situation. I usually eat healthy and don’t know what could cause this.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jb.

HI JB – that is a sign of constipation and we’d suggest checking out this program to get to the root cause of it:

By: Jb In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

I take long to pass my stool. When I do pass it’s not that much and rather skinny but not pencil thin. It has been thicker than pencil but it isn’t how my normal stool is. It’s been happening for a couple months. Saw a dr and he gave me stool softner, it hasn’t helped. I go to the bathroom 1-3 times a day and I never feel empty. I need help understanding

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Aremu idowu.

HI Aremu – we’d suggest diving into the root cause of the constipation with this program here:

By: Aremu idowu I can’t stool for almost a week now but I keep farting which relieved me mostly, I just treated malaria, what can be my problem and a solution to it please.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jasom.

HI Jasom – yes! This is a sign of constipation… WE’d recommend getting started here to relieve it:

By: Jasom I have been constipated for some time now I am feeling very nauseas. and also like I’m hungry. and I have been pooping up to three times a day is this normal. and my poop used to look like cocoa puffs but now it’s like flaky sometimes and still hard to pass.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to spiri.

Hello and thanks for reaching out!
The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to spiri.

Hello and thanks for reaching out!
The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to spiri.

Hello and thanks for reaching out!
The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

By: spiri Hello, i was diagnosed with hemorrhoids one month ago and since then ive been struggling with constipation ( i guess). Sometimes i have regular bowel movements but there are days my poop looks like small coco puffs and its difficult for me to have a bowel movement.i dont feel pain or smth only gas Sometimes. Im trying to eat healthy since ive never been a very healthy person ( i used to eat junk food alot but not anymore) any suggestions? Im 20 btw

By: Zjhep In reply to anthony navarro.

Hey man, I have the same situation that you had. Are you okay now? What did you do to get cured?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lin.

HI Lin – it does sound like that.
The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:

Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Lin I am in my twenties, but have struggled with constipation for years now. I have always waited to go to the bathroom, as to avoid going in public. I have been living overseas in third world countries, which normally means you have the opposite problem. A few years ago, I got an amoeba (which included symptoms like bloody stool and intermittent diarrhea and constipation.) I had a colonoscopy at the age of 22 to make sure everything was gone, and the doctor said it was. Since then, I have struggled with frequent constipated and having blood in my stools. Sometimes even horrible pain, which I believe to be fissures..? Anyways, I have been tracking my bowel movements for a few weeks and have gone almost every day, but still had cosntipation that was very painful, bled, and has caused fissure pain for several days now. I have tried prune juice, fiber pills (which I have never heard was bad for you), and drink at least 70 ounces of water a day. Does this seem like chronic IBS-C to you? Any tips?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Karen Justice.

Hi Karen –
The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:

Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Karen Justice In reply to Steven Wright.

I’ve been having a lot of gasy and bloating feeling stomach looks a little swollen I’ve been drinking a little water and taking stool softeners and gas tablets but every time I have a bowel movement it’s just a little at the time . I go maybe 4 times a week and sometimes I go everyday but like I said it’s only small amounts ..I’m thinking about trying a laxative and hope that helps .I just hope it’s not more serious. .your feed back would be appreciated. .thank you

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kelly.

The SCD diet has helped many people not only with diarrhea, but with constipation as well. We suggest starting by addressing your diet with our free quick start guide here:

Also, please read the following article on constipation, as it can be very helpful on your journey:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Kelly Hi there.I see a lot about constipation and hard stool but I have a hard time even getting soft stool out.i only go a tiny bit every morning,very little but it’s soft and hard to go.Then I end up with stomach bloat and pains all day.I don’t want laxatives but my dr recommended looking for a more natural way?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Don.

HI Don – sorry to hear your struggling. Your doctor will know best what steps to take prior to the colonoscopy. There are some steps to take that aren’t exactly SCD legal, but it’s part of the process. IF you’d like to get to the root of your constipation, we’d suggest changing your diet and starting here:

By: Don I’ve been struggling with constipation for about a month now…At first I couldn’t go for 3 datsy…My pharmacist recommended magnesia citrate…It cleaned me out pretty well, had diarrea for a day or do, then more constipation…Took prune juice and again I was able to flush …Some pain in lower left abdomen radiating to my back…My Doc has scheduled a colonoscopy in 3 days, but I’m worried about the procedure… They gave me instructions on what to take and what not to eat or drink the night before…Any advice before I go for the test? I’m kind of worried.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Christy.

HI Christy, thanks for reaching out. That’s a questions I don’t think any one can answer up front with 100% certainty, but I know if I were you I’d take the natural approach (and heal your gut in the meantime;) and see how it goes. There is no harm to be done in trying it!

By: Christy In reply to Steven Wright.

Hi Steve,

I was told I have a twisted colon, which apparently is common for women, I was put on Linzess which made things go the other way (if you know what I mean) and frankly after being diagnosed w/Breast Cancer 2 years ago I just don’t have the $ to keep going back to the dr. So thought I would purchase your e-book 🙂 I am only on 3 meds right now none of which cause constipation, this has just been an ongoing problem for me for years! Question is with the twisted colon do you think that I would still benefit from your book?
Please let me know.

Looking forward to your reply!

Christy, Long Time Sufferer

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Dez.

Hi Dez- thanks for commenting. We suggest against straining/forcing yourself to go. If you have the urge to go to the bathroom, then you shouldn’t hold back. This article can help, too:

By: Dez I constantly I’m having small but hard to push stool. I really don’t know what to do, but got to the bathroom and just try my best. In your article above you said just to hold it, until your ready to blow it all out. Should I like sleep on it; like how long should I wait….plaease reply me back…??????

By: Maria In reply to Susan Woodward.

Did you ever find out out what was wrong? I’m experiencing similar symptoms.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tessa Nicole.

HI Tessa – I’d recommend reading a bit more on constipation (and it’s many causes) as well as what you can do to fix it: We also have an entire program on constipation and you can find that here:

By: Tessa Nicole I have been having a poop problem for about a year now just a little bit after I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder like I won’t go to the bathroom for like four to five days I just don’t have the feeling to go and its hard for me to go when i go not to mention I feel like i have something up there like all the time I mean some times the feeling goes away but when i eat I feel it but its not really a go the bathroom type feeling it’s more of like a pressure feeling and then when i push I just fart i been farting quit a bit I’m not sure if it from the straining that makes it feel like that my poops are soft and loose they look like a normal color to me but I have had xrays and I had a cat scan last year the dr keeps saying im fine I just don’t know what to do

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Holly.

Hi Holly, I’m sorry to hear you guys are struggling. Constipation can range from not going to the bathroom at all for days to going to the bathroom daily but 1)not feeling all he way finished when done and/or 2) having hard, painful stools. We’d recommend starting teh SCD diet or something similar as soon as possible and also incorporating some more fats (like coconut oil) and enzymes to help with the constipation. You can start with the Free quick start guide here:

By: Holly Hello,
My mom has been dealing with gut issues for years from diverticulitis to diarrhea to constipation to sigmoid colon removal. I’ve always assumed the language she has used to describe her symptoms has been accurate. A few months ago, I learned that she calls having to go to the bathroom a lot with fairly normal stools is diarrhea. She says she is constipated because she has severe LUQ pain, but then explains she’s been going to the bathroom often with solid stools. Can you be constipated and go to the bathroom a lot with normal seeking stools? Is her pain constipation or something else? She has had a ridiculous amount of CT-scans showing nothing. Of course, all of this is compounded by her depression, anxiety, and continued apathy to get out of bed. Complex? Yes. Frustrating? Yes. We’ve been working together on all of this for over for years. Most of the medical community has given up on is. We’re not far behind them. Many thanks.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sue.

Hi Sue – alternating constipation and diarrhea can happen, but it isn’t fun 🙁 Fortunately, the SCD diet can help you deal with both and get your gut flora balanced so you have perfect poop every day. You can learn more here:

By: Sue Hi I have been having difficulty passing stools for about 2-3 weeks and straining and only producing pellets. Then last night I woke with bad stomach pain and had explosive diarreah. Today I have had slight stomach ache which disappeared once I emptied by bowls but the stools were very soft but I’m one piece. Is this normal after having constipation?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Liam.

Hi Liam -thanks for reaching out. There is a lot you can do with diet tweaks and natural supplements to help ease constipation. I really suggest checking out our constipation help program here:

By: Liam Hi, I don’t know if this site is still active but or butt lol I was hoping for some guidance or advice. My names Liam I am 24, in good shape, and have a semi decent diet. I cook for myself which is good and bad ha. The reason for my irregularity is hard to talk about but I am a recovering drug addict, to be more specific pain meds. From sports (hockey,football)mostly I had 12 surgeries starting senior year hs ending the year I graduated college and ended up hooked. But this isn’t a drug forum so moving on. I’ve been clean for over 3 years now but I am still prescribed Suboxone. Which is an opiate given to addicts likes myself to stop any cravings and helps keep me off the streets and living a normal life. It’s a powerful opiate without giving a high due to the naloxone(blocks the receptors that get you high)If it helps I’m prescribed 16mgs which is a moderate to large dose. So there is the back story, I go threw periods of regularity and irregularity. Can’t pin point why it is in flux. Here’s my question, apologies for the novel, is there anything that could help me stay regular being diet changes, meds etc. any suggestions would be appreciated. Exercise probably doesn’t have to be addressed. I work out almost every day, it was one of the things that helped me stay clean. Again thank you in advance.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Tim.

Hi Tim – we recommend you go back to your doctor right away if you’re experiencing blood in your stool.

By: Tim I had bright red blood in my last BM on Saturday evening (6 days ago) I keep feeling light headed and like I’m going to pass out anytime I eat anything with carbs and I can’t have a BM at all. I’ve been to my ER twice and my MD twice and they don’t seem concerned, should I be worried? They tested me for diabetes and I was negative, I’m at a loss and worried. Thanks in advance

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Caleb.

Hi Caleb – here are some tips to help alleviate your constipation through diet:

By: Caleb In reply to Caleb.

Oh um, I’ve also been relatively bloated as well, if that means anything.

By: Caleb Heyo! So um, for about a week now, I have found it pretty hard to poop. It started off extremely hard to do, with small soft stool coming out, but as the time has gone by its become easier and the stool has become bigger, however I do it much less frequently than I used to. Are these signs of it clearing up? Do I just have to wait it out a bit longer? Thanks in advanced!
