Comments on: Are Herbal Laxatives Dangerous? What Everyone with Constipation Needs to Know Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 20 Dec 2018 17:12:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alex.

Hey Alex – go ahead and shoot us an email at and we’d love to discuss these topics.

By: Alex In reply to Steven Wright.

Hey Steven,
So could 3 years of super aloe 250(2 a day so 500 mg of cape aloe) cause melanosis coli? Or even an atonic colon? Or would 3 years low dose(160 mg/daily) erythromycin ethylsuccinate for motility or several years on 1 mg clonazepam cause either of these 2 results? Besides these things and magnesium citrate or elemenal magnesium oxide(as in Oxypowder) I’ve rarely ever used any type of herbal/stimulant laxitives or even enemas for more than a day and yet a certain test shows melanosis coli and an atonic colon which are supposedly results of heavy lax use? Also, are these reversible? I’m getting your program/hopefully it has these answers and yet I’d be very greatful if you could share your opinion on these exact issues. Alternatively, if there’s a better way to get in touch please let me know! Thanks for your time!



By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Carolyn LaPot.

HI Carolyn – the SCD diet can help with your constipation and we’d recommend that along with the tips and protocols in the constipation program. IF you suspect SIBO, you may want to consider a gut infection protocol as diet alone isn’t typically enough to get rid of it.

By: Carolyn LaPot 10 days ago, I started your SCD diet. I am doing ok but have cheated several times because my blood sugar goes down and I get hungry. Today I ate some avocado with breakfast and olive oil with dinner and felt more satisfied. i have had an IGE food sensitivity test and have 62 foods that I am sensitive too. I have been alternating those foods for about 3 months. I am better, but still get bad bloating and gas, especially in my upper stomach. I suspect SIBO. i believe this diet can help eliminate this bacteria.
I read the article on herbal laxativives and the articles connected to that. I have had chronic constipation and years and years. I am 69. I had prolapsed rectum sugery about 8 years ago, my surgeon told me to do anything to have a bowel movement every day. So I take herbs and fiber. i take Dr Schultz’s formula 1 and Natures Sunshine fiber pills. I have bowel movements every day–3-4 in the am. I can’t leave the house till around 10:30. Because I have to be close to the bathroom.
I would like to be off these pills but don’t know how. Is the SCD diet and constipation diet the same?
I am gluten, dairy, soy free. I have had a 3 day stool test–no parasites, no candida.(I am surprised because I crave sugar). Thank you for your help.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cassie.

HI Cassie – we’d highly recommend our constipation product to help you have natural bowel movements. You can find it here:

By: Cassie Hi! I’ve been drinking coffee most mornings for 2 1/2 years to use the bathroom. I have started to notice it working less effectively and I feel I can not go without it! Also when I do not go I get severe gas and bloating! Do you know if this Is dependency and how I could reverse it and restore normal function? Please help!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lynn.

Hi Lynn – I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through! We recommend checking out our program for constipation here:

I hope this helps and you’re feeling better soon!

By: Lynn I have been using Dr. Schulz Formula 1 for many years. I want to say maybe 12 years. I have had great results with it and take one pill with dinner nightly. But this last week has been awful. I started with very narrow straw size poop. Not a lot just a little straw poop. Then two days after after eating a big meal with a salad bar I came home with a sore stomach. After hours in the toilet I had uncontrolled diarrhea. For a week after this awful situation I have been having the feeling to go every few minutes but cannot move my bowels. Nothing comes out except maybe a tiny piece of stool. It is the worst thing ever. Went to the GI Doctor and she told me to take Delcolax as well as Milcolax then after start taking liquid magnesium. She says to continue with the Dr. Schulz after I feel better. She also did my colonoscopy two months ago and although I did have the dark colon she said to continue. I did not want to take the Delcolax because I read on line about people having awful cramps and sweats like they were going to die. I did start the Milcolax today before the annema. Only one small piece of poop came out the rest was all brown water with tiny particals. I have not eaten much since eating that salad bar one week ago and having this going feeling with no poop. Oh yes, I also took some magnesium oxide pills with the Milcolax before the annema. I am lying in bed right now after my warm water annema and I am still feeling the same feeling to go. I am so afraid that all of this was caused by being on Dr. Schulz for so long and not sure how to stop. Any help would be so appreciated.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Diana V Torres.

Hey Diana – thanks for reaching out!

Go ahead and check out our program at OR send us an email at and we can set you up with info to join the program 🙂

By: Diana V Torres Heard your entire talk on leaky gut except for ending, how or what do I do now about this?
Diana V. TOrres

By: rogue g Yes, if you use Senna Leaves too much, they will make your constipation worse. they are meant to be used in the short term. For me, I use the Dr Max Powers 15 Days Cleanse. I DO NOT TAKE IT FOR 15 DAYS!!! I only take two pills the day i have constipation, and maybe the next day. NO MORE. And then I dont take it for a month, as you dont want you body getting used to it. A bottle lasts me about a year, and for the last year I have barely had any problems.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Margarita Om.

Hi Margarita – thanks for commenting!

It sounds like you have a pretty unusual situation. While Steve and Jordan don’t recommend herbal laxatives in most instances, in a case like yours, they would encourage you to work with your doctor to find a solution for your constipation.

You are a perfect example that everyone is unique and special circumstances do exist! If the herbal laxatives start causing problems or stop working for you, then it would be time to start questioning what else you could try (although it sounds like you’ve tried a lot of other things).

Generally we recommend increasing fat intake and Vitamin C and Magnesium supplementation to help with constipation. Hope this helps!

By: Margarita Om Hello,

5 Years ago doctors found out I have a 4 meters long colon which is curved and twisted many times. However, it is functioning and no surgery is needed. The only thing is that I can’t have a proper bowl movement so the doctors actually prescribed me Cascara Sagrada and Dandelion root, which I have been taking regularly in the past 2-3-4 years. I have tried so many different things but nothing really works… Fiber for me makes me even more constipated and my colon is very large (4m) and needs to be emptied somehow? So what do you suggest if the Herbal Laxatives are so dangerous?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lauren.

Hi Lauren, thanks for reaching out! Sure, these could be used in conjunction with dietary and supplements for a comprehensive approach to constipation.

By: Lauren What about using essential oils to relieve constipation? juniper, peppermint, and fennel

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Corrinne.

Hi Corinne, thank you for reaching out! This should be fine, but listen to your body and make any necessary adjustments as you see fit.

By: Corrinne Hi Steve,

I’m wondering…is it harmful to drink peppermint tea on a daily basis (no more than 2, 8oz cups)? I’ve been doing this for a few weeks now because it has been so relieving.

By: Steven Wright In reply to ryn.

Thanks Ryn! I appreciate the comment. Yes SOO many use Coffee daily.

I tried to make this very specific about the over counter abuse that is happening and I agree that the working with a practitioner who understands herbs is not a bad thing.

I’ll say it again, herbs in general are not bad. But just like anything can be misused and abused.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Billy Bob.

Thanks for the comment “Billy”. I agree herbs can be very powerful therapeutic agents. Saying that the formula above always works and never causes issues is of course a lie but I get that there are products like it and practitioners out there who understand herbs and use them to great affect.

As you mentioned several times, this post was not about damning herbal usage in general but about the over counter abuse that happens.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jen.

No I wasn’t but those can be laxative in nature as well. They can also be healing for some people. It’s a tricky supplement.

By: billy bob jay yup…that morning cup of joe is a VERY common laxative people depend on and still eat crap but think they are ‘normal’… but without the joe…no go

cap that off with non organic coffee and boom…lots of added toxins for the liver to deal with

By: ryn i share some of your concerns about the strong -stimulant- laxatives like the ones you listed, but it’s far over-reaching to say they apply to all herbs with a laxative effect. the gentle demulcent herbs like marshmallow, cinnamon, violet leaf, and irish moss can all aid in relieving constipation due to dryness. cholagogue herbs like yellow dock, dandelion root, and burdock can aid in bowel movements through the lubricating effect of bile release. i hope your seminar will cover the appropriate use of these safe herbs, and if not, that you’ll consult with a knowledgable herbalist so that you can learn the material and pass it on to others.

also, it would be good to acknowledge that many people, whether they recognize it or not, depend on a common herbal laxative for bowel movements every day – coffee.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to LeeAnn.

Hi LeeAnn,

Thanks for reaching out! We suggest working with a skilled functional medicine practitioner, but you can certainly try some of Steve’s suggestions he made in his article 6 Real Food Suggestions…

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to R.

Hi, thanks for reaching out!

I recommend starting off with the real food suggestions for constipation that Steve described in his post we linked to.

By: LeeAnn I was wondering what you would recommend as safe for pregnant and postpartum moms. Pretty routinely they are prescribed with a stool softener iof taking
Iron supplements while pregnant, and stool softener a postpartum so they aren’t straining after labor. What would you recommend for moms
In this situation?

By: R Thank you for insight on this. My son has been having flat stools for 2 1/2 years. I have always had a thought regarding an herbal supplement I had my son take because he had yeast issues – can’t remember if it was a laxative or cleanse. Seems like sometime around the use of that supplement, he started having flatter stools. We have been to Pediatric GI Dr.’s. He had a barium enema that turned out fine. They would not consider a colonoscopy because of his age. They said flat stools were normal???? Anyway, this makes me question this herbal thing a little more. Is there anything we can do? Thanks again.

By: Billy Bob The problem with herbs and their medicinal use by the public, is the public rarely understands them and just goes to the local health food store and buys something because of an internet claim they read OR doesnt by something because of an internet claim they read.

I am a student at the School of Natural Healing working on my nutritional herbalist degree and eventually a master herbalist degree. Dr. John Christopher was and is still probably the most famous herbalist in Americas history. He founded the school I am enrolled in and was the mentor to Dr. Shulze as well as another amazing master herbalist that is changing peoples lives with their herbal products and education of medicinal plant use.

Dr. Christopher knew the human body as well as anyone today and the colon was one of his main interest. He had a formula that is still the most famous of his today. It did include cascara, senna, fennel, ginger and some others. Its been said that is the most important herbal formula he ever made and allowed many many people to heal and reverse their colon cancers, IBS , colitis etc. Of course we all know diet and gut flora are also key in elliminating constipation, so of course people will become addicted to a laxative of any sort if they dont correct the underlying issue.

The lower bowel herbal formula was proven to retrain the colon to work and help the colon to remove the pounds and layers of fecal matter off the colon walls. i have seen the pictures of diverticuli and colon fecal matter that was expelled by using the herbs…many lives have been saved. Until this day that formula is regarded by the master herbalist as the greatest of all. Dr. Christopher claimed it would NOT become dependant IF the diet was improved…but if people continue to eat bread and cheese and too much meat…then of course they will never get to the underlying issue…

My master herbalist mentor has used the herbs for 30 years and said EVERYONE with IBS, colitis etc…that used the gentle formula, never had colon issues again. His formula is a copy of Dr Christophers with a few additions of his own, but they are not harsh and you actually have to take a lot to flush out.

Again its all about knowing what you are taking and the quality of the products. Herbs are for assistance…but diet is king…have to fix the root cause of constipation.

By: Jen Hey, I am just wondering by having “aloe” in the list above whether you are talking about Aloe Vera or Cape aloe?
