Comments on: 3 Tests for Low Stomach Acid Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 13 Nov 2019 18:45:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kristin Mineah.

Hi Kristin – I can’t say I have heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to HCL due to beets. Circumin should likely be fine w HCL as is the very occasional tylenol – but please confirm and double check that with your physician. You may want to try digestive enzymes or gall bladder/bile support as well.

By: Kristin Mineah Hi Lori! First off, let me say how totally impressed I am that this thread has been going on for so long! Obviously it was a really great article that a lot of people needed to read.

I have a couple of questions… I’m allergic to raw beets and I know that often betaine HCL is derived from beets. Have you heard of anybody having allergic reactions to betaine because of a beet allergy?

I know that HCL is contraindicated for people who use chemical anti-inflammatories on a regular basis. What about occasional use of something like Tylenol? More importantly, is consistent use of curcumin also problematic in conjunction with Betaine HCL?

I don’t have much of a problem with acid-fast stomach issues… occasional heartburn, acid reflux a couple of times in my 63 years. That being said, I don’t have a gallbladder and most GI distress I experience is lower GI. My naturopath wants me to do an HCL challenge so my concern about the beet allergy is kind of on the table. Any feedback from experience with this particular issue?

Thanks so much!

By: Bentleygirl7 In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Dear Lori Jo Berg,
Will do! God Bless & Thank you so much!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Bentleygirl7.

Hello – it’s possible the probiotics are not right for you. There are many choices and it’s all about finding the one that works for you- you can read more here: I would remove all supplements and introduce them one by one (3 days apart) to see if you can get a handle on which one isn’t working for you.

By: Bentleygirl7 Hi Steven,

First off, let me say.. Thank you so much for posting this article to help so many ppl like myself who are suffering from acid reflux & heartburn symptoms. The detailed information you’ve provided in this post to help us understand what might be going on with our bodies and your continued follow through is so greatly appreciated!

Now, I’ve never had never had any major health issues. But, in the last few years, I have gained a significant amount of weight due to extreme personal stress and poor food choices which I’m sure have contributed to less than perfect health..

Most recently (last two months), I decided to make drastic changes improvements in my eating and exercising habits.

I started with a seven day detox, then took a ten day as alkaline & detoxifier, then started my daily green smoothies along with at least two meal a day. Everything felt perfectly fine until I added supplements to my routine..

I started taking a daily probiotics, a daily digestive enzymes, a daily trans-fermented resveratrol and a “women’s” probiotics with occasionally drinking a vinegar/lemon/honey drink to assist with my weight loss goals.

While it is obvious to me that either the combination of supplements or one in particular is the reason for the onset of acid reflux and heartburn; it has been very difficult for me to determine which path to resume without further damaging my health.

After reading your article and following a few of the links and comments, I’ve continued the acv drink at night but unfortunately it still comes back whenever I eat food. Please advise!..

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kelly.

HI Kelly – Here are some recommendations for you – Let us know if you have questions!

By: Kelly In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thank you for your reply. Do you have any suggestions as far as digestive enzymes would go for my morning protein smoothie?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kelly.

Hi Kelly – we normally only suggest taking betaine HCL w pepsin when eating meat. Have you tried digestive enzymes? those may work better for you!

By: Kelly My question is for after we have determined what our correct dosage of HCl is with a high protein meat meal. Should I also be taking HCl with my morning smoothie. Its has about 15-20 grams of protein powder wih a lot of greens. Should we be taking HCl with meals that are protein rich, but not necessarily meat proteins?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Monique Iris.

HI Monique – it certainly could be as these types of drugs work to lower stomach acid even more (which typically isn’t the issue in the first place). We
d suggest diet and lifestyle changes to attack the heartburn, starting with our free quick start guide here:

By: Monique Iris I was diagnosed with gastritis 2 years ago. I had initially been taking nexium but after an endoscopy my Doctor in passing mentioned that I was suffering from low acidity gastritis and changed my meds. I was well on my way to recovery after 2 months. Ive been more or less able to tolerate most foods for the last 2 years..A few days ago however, I got a relapse after taking a lot of alcohol on two successive weekends. My main symptom was an irritated throat and dry nosal passage probably from acid reflux. I went to a GP who prescribed nexium for 2 weeks.. two days after taking the nexium my symptoms became worse with a very bitter taste at the back of my mouth and in my uncomfortable I wasn’t able to sleep. Could this be a side effect of nexium when you have low acidity since it probably worsens the problem. I’ve decided to stop the nexium and try another relief for My uncomfortable throat.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Michele.

Hi Michele – Please consult with your physician, as we aren’t able to give medical advise.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Zobair Alawia.

Hi Zobair – we’d recommend doing the at-home baking soda test 2-3 different times and that should give you a good indication of what to do next.

By: Michele I am presently taking nexium. Can I try the baking soda test?

By: Zobair Alawia Hi. Im going to try the baking soda method, hoping i will find some answers from that. I’ve suffering for years from burping and acid reflux. But not all the times. Then last year Nov 2017 maybe. I ate spicy beef steak so oily, then i feel abdominal pain just 2inch of my right side of my belly. And that was the start of abdominal pains. Sometimes left side. And in different areas of my abdomen. I dont know what is the cause of abdominal pain. Not so painful. But something like discomfort. 3 weeks or 2, i got diarrhea for few days. I was also taking pantoprazole and antacid. The pain slightly go away. But not fully. Then after 1 month i started eating again oily fried foods. And the pain slowly go back. Then 1 day i go to someplace where my relatives lives. I drink soft drinks. Maybe 3 12 ounce for 1 day. And the pain goes back. Like an ulcer. But the pain is in my left of my belly some times in the right side of my belly. I dont know i’m low acid or high. So i dont want to drink apple cider. Which i’ve read a lot of reviews about this product. Now im taking pantoprazole again. Which i dont really like. I want to stop taking it. But i also want to get rid of this not so painful abdomen. Because sometimes im getting stressed thinking that i might have ulcer or something else

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Phil.

It can – but we’d suggest doing this test 2-3 times, to get a better measure of where your stomach acid levels are.

By: Phil Hi,
I recently taken the baking soda test, but did not burp within the five minutes. Does that indicate I have low acid?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to June.

HI June – first off make sure he is taking the HCL with at least 15 -20 grams of protein. Too much betaine HCL can give him an acidic/heartburn type feel, so that is why he is experiencing that. More isn’t necessarily better – we all have to find the dose that works for us. IF he feels better on a lesser dose, than that is just fine!

By: June In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi Lori, my son has a similar situation. He took HCL-pepsin (650mg per tab) and increased 1 per day. He reaches 5, acid reflux symptoms seem to worsen. So, we back it down to 4, it has gotten worse. So my question is, why does he seem to feel better at a lesser dosage? And why are his symptoms similar to acid reflux type at 4, 5.. there’s no warm ness felt. Many thanks

By: Mw In reply to Kris.

I had h.pyroli treatment 20 years ago but the damage to stomach lining had been too far gone and diagnosed with strophic gastritis and since then the intestinal cells have replaced most of my stomach lining. It is called intestinal metaplasia – precancerous cells according to my specialist. I take HCL when I feel that unpleasant pulling or empty sensation in the stomach area. I never feel hungry. I miss hunger pain I used to get as teenager. Since my stomach lining is virtually non existent, I assume I don’t have natural acid nor intrinsic factor. It amazes me doctors still prescribe acid suppressing meds without determining the acid levels. I understand acid level declines as you get old. I am not sure if taking HCL supplement helps. Drs. said no, but offer no alternatives. Like a lots of other chronic conditions, this condition seems to be ignored by medical world, as it’s “not immediately life threatening”.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Richard.

Hi Rich –
It’s very common for people to stop short of their needed Betaine HCL dosage. In fact, in the beginning I was nervous about taking 6 pills at a meal. But trust me. there is nothing to worry about. Dr. Wright reports that the common Betaine HCL dosage range in his clinical practice is 3,250-4,550mg per meal. That means there are also plenty of people who need above 5,000mg for an effective dosage.

Remember a normal functioning stomach is capable of producing and handling extreme acid ranges. If your dosage starts getting extremely high without any GI distress (step #3), you must use your GI symptoms as a guide instead. These include burping, bloating, farting, and stool consistency. Keep everything else the same in your diet as you wait for these indicators to change for the better. Just because you can take 20 pills, doesn’t mean you should. It could be that at 11 pills all of your problems disappear.

By: Richard In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi Lori, I’ve now reached 8 HCL pills (with a high protein meal), but still had zero burning/warming sensation. I’m guessing this is indicative of low stomach acid? If so, how many pills can I safely go up to? Thanks, Rich.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dimitra.

Hi Dimitra – we’d suggest increasing the dose unitl you feel an uncomfortable burn in the stomach region (you can take baking soda to get relief from that). Most the time, people stop short of their full dose and the HCL is then not as effective.

By: Dimitra Hi,
I started Betaine hcl with pepsin with 2 capsules in lunch but I did have reflux again, that is because I need to increase my dose? Or it’s a side effect of Betaine hcl

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Harman.

HI Harman – getting rid of heartburn is going to take a multifaceted approach of diet and supplements. WE’d suggest first starting with your diet here: You can then test out supplementing with betaine HCL and here is an article on how to do that:

By: Harman In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi Lori i suffered from acidic reflux when i was pregnant in2012.I was ok after hemopathy remedy but still if i eat fried, beans,rice and acidic food or mix food burning starts,and in midnite severe pain in rite chest and goes for 2-3 hours.Bitter mouth taste.pls give me some suggestions.Thank you

By: Lauren In reply to Maleana.

What do you eat

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to AA.

Hello – if things have got worse (and those are NEW symptoms as a result of the HCl) then you can try backing off of one. If those were symptoms present before teh HCL, then you can test a higher amount and see if that changes anything. Try paying attention to other signs as well, such as stool quality.

By: AA Hi, I have a question. I’ve been taking Hcl betaine with Pepsin for a few weeks now.
I took 6 pills yesterday and I didn’t feel any heartburn etc.. But I have noticed that my stomach is really bloated and I have gases (really bad ones) so I’m wondering is that a sign that dosage of 6 pills is too much for me or is that normal?

Sorry for my bad english 🙂
Thank you in advance for you answer.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to aysha.

Hi Aysha – the baking soda test isn’t totally, 100% accurate and we’d suggest moving on to the HCl challenge test in the article:)

By: aysha hi, I know this post is a couple of years old now but I’ve just come across it after suffering for the past two most with what I think is acid reflux, although I’m not too sure. I wake up stupidly early every day with a horrible sicky feeling in my stomach, almost like I haven’t eaten in days. Every time I eat and drink I burp like crazy, especially after coffee! I’ve had no heartburn but I’ve been taking Rennie as I’ve assumed its reflux.. after reading around a bit more I now think it could be low stomach acid so I stopped taking Rennie and have tried the bicarbonate of soda test for 3 consecutive monings.. After I drink the mixture.. nothing happens, no burping.. just my stomach making noises and a few gurrgles and I feel a bit of movement in my lower stomach. I’m at a loss, any thoughts? Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mike.

HI Mike – you can try asking your regular medical doctor, but it’s likely they won’t know what the heidelburg capsule test it. This is why we encourage the at home test.

By: Mike Hi
What kind of doctor could I see to check for this.

By: Kerrin In reply to Courtney Kempert.

Hi Courtney. Did you try again with different results. ? I also have LPR and will try the baking soda test in the morning

By: Carlos Rodriguez In reply to tama.

Hi Tama, have you tried? I couldn’t find a good homeopath myself

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Courtney Kempert.

Hi Courteny – It could still be. Go ahead and perform the baking soda test for 3 mornings in a row to get a better judgement. You can also perform the HCL challenge test, as this is more accurate. It does sound like you’re suffering from low stomach acid, so we’d suggest continuing to test it out.

By: Courtney Kempert I was diagnosed with gastritis, esophagitis and GERD in April. I tested positive for SIBO in September. I also now have histamine intolerance/mcas. I was on PPIs and high live culture probiotics from February until July (I believe this caused my SIBO). Once I stopped both, the LPR/reflux symptoms disappeared. My reflux problems have recently returned, along with waking up with bloating and burning pain. I’ve still had undigested food particles in my stool, burping/bloating/flatulence immediately after eating/drinking/taking vitamins, weight loss, and difficulty digesting everything. I’ve assumed low stomach acid this whole time but have never been tested for it. I tried the baking soda test this morning and burped 38 seconds after I finished quickly drinking the mixture. I burp immediately after consuming anything, though 5 minutes or longer should indicate low stomach acid. Could this still be low stomach acid? Vitamin C seems to help when I take it after eating.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jimbo.

HI Jimbo – diet and exercise are going to be huge for you! GERD is what results when we have a malfunction in the area between the stomach and esophagus. A number of things can cause this but diet is one of the biggest culprits.

Also, when it’s safe (as noted in the artile) you can test your stomach acid levels and supplement –

How and what Betaine HCL to supplement with:

By: Jimbo Hi,

I’ve had GERD for 12 years. My weight has gone from 155lbs to 220lbs (some likely due to age oh and more sederary lifestyle).
I’ve been on PPIs off and on and currently taking Nexium. It doesn’t always work so I supplement with zantac.
I had an endoscopy 10 months ago, they said everything looked normal but I had H. Pylori. After antibiotics to get rid of it, the GERD remains. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Would love to get off PPs!

By: Cheezeman3000 In reply to B Mitchell.

Hey B Mitchell, did you ever find a good solution for the congestion in the throat? I started getting worse and worse congestion after taking PPI’s for a while, so I stopped taking them and the congestion persisted. It went away, mostly, after taking Betaine HCl with meals, however it’s still there sometimes after the meal. Does that mean I didn’t take enough HCl, or did I take too much? I also noticed apple cider vinegar removes the congestion almost immediately, but I feel sick afterwards… so I’ll need to try taking it with a snack next time. That may be a temporary solution.

I’m pretty sure the congestion is from pepsin buildup. Certain things can trigger the pepsin reaction in your body, and I will be trying high alkaline water to deal with the issue as well; supposedly that kills the pepsin. Will try to remember to update with results.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Katie.

Hi Katie – first congrats on your success! We haven’t done any research on that specific test and all the details around it reading high. In our opinion, testing HCL levels with the baking soda is a basic level thing to do but can have a huge impact. If she isn’t still on PPI’s she can test out how she does on the HCl but a doctor’s guidance may be necessary due to her procedures. Sorry we can’t be of more help in this case.

By: Katie Hello! I had heartburn for years and ended up taking 100mg of omeprazole daily to control symptoms. I thought that there had to better way, so after some research, I came across your site. I did the at home baking soda test, and because of my results along with many symptoms I decided to supplement with Beatine HCL and follow the ketogenic diet. I have had amazing results and am now free of antacids, and am beginning my journey of healing my gut. I also want to help my mother, who has terrible GERD, but her case is unique. We would consult her physician, but we know he’ll recommend more PPI’s because of everyone’s belief that we all have too much stomach acid. Here’s her situation:Because of many years suffering from very painful GERD, she has had the capsule PH test, which indicated high levels of acid. I’m wondering if it *could* be because of low acid causing bloating, AND the fact that she’s had gastric sleeve bariatric surgery. The surgery removed about 80% of her stomach, and a lot of the acid producing cells along with it. Because of her altered anatomy, previously high carbohydrate diet, and years long use of various antacid medications including PPi’s, I’m thinking that the capsule Ph test could be registering as high acid ( because of bloating pushing the acid that IS there up to the esophagus)when in fact she is lacking enough acid at all. I’m wondering if weaning off of antacids slowly, along with healing her gut and supplementation could restore her health. What are your thoughts on the low acid theory despite the high PH reading, given the facts of 80% stomach reduction and decades long antacid use?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jennifer.

HI Jennifer – I apologize but am not aware of what those two things are. Can you elaborate?

By: Jennifer Hi, thank you for sharing this information on your site. I have a question about doing the stomach acid test. I’m currently taking carafate suspension and Zegerid twice daily. Do I need to stop taking them (and for how many days) before I could do any of test?
Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Gary.

HI Gary, it’s likely that low stomach acid is playign a role to some degree – whether indirect or direct. We’d suggest testing it out as the article explains and then supplementing if necessary.

By: Gary I have tested positive with SIBO (it started with B12 being low ) and now having what it looks like early gastric dumping ( that comes and goes). The DR is going to have do a number of test to validate dumping. I was wondering if anybody has insight to this and could low stomach acid be a cause of this. Thanks for any help and direction on this.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Fred Holtmann.

HI Fred –
After reading your history and questions, it sounds like you need a comprehensive program that will address diet, lifestyle, supplements, and root causes. While we are not doctors and can not give medical advice, we have seen many do well with this program that are in your same shoes.

The best place to start is by taking the personalized quiz, which will help you sort through some of your issues and give you direction:

We also highly recommend you register for one of our free Solving Leaky Gut Webinar’s here:

By: Fred Holtmann Hi!
I am a 70 year old Australian male Vietnam Vet. I have a number of health issues varying from PTSD, AF, Apnea and severe stomach pain, reflux, constipation/diarrhea, chest pains. I have had Endoscopy and Colonoscopy and several stool tests and a angiogram stomach. Have been on Pariet and somac for about 18 years. GP diagnosed IBS and prescribed Nexium. I am on a Vets fitness program and have lost 18 kg weight since February 2017. do 3 days per week a minimum of 2 hours per day plus waking on other days.
I am in dire straits with pain and discomfort. Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards


By: Kim In reply to Arletta.

Hope you see this reply, how do you use apple cider vinegar? Before meals and how long before? Thanks so much

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Avdhoot.

Hello – it’s hard to say but you can always retest and see if the infection is present. I recomend doing one of the low acid tests and seeing how you do. You can also experiment with HCL and see how that affect you:
