Comments on: The $6.5 Billion PPI Malpractice Mystery Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sun, 16 Jul 2023 12:42:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: alpilean complaints I’m often to blogging and i really appreciate your content. The article has actually peaks my interest. I’m going to bookmark your web site and maintain checking for brand spanking new information.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Luke.

HI Luke – a few other things you might try are: change your sleep position, eat smaller amounts of food at a time, chiropractic help, and possible stool tests for an infection. Theoretically, there is still something (pressure) that is causing the LES to malfunction and many times we find people have some sort of an infection contributing to the inflammation. Let me know if you’re interested in more on that:)

By: Luke Hi

I have tried everything, using Betane, increasing HCL, massive lifestyle and dietary changes, home remedies, cleanses. Anytime I have increased stomach acid my GERD has gotten dramatically worse. Moreover, the root cause of my GERD appears to be a 2cm Hiatal Hernia. I am open to try anything, but my options seem to be lifetime PPI use or Hiatal Hernia surgery. I am happy to pay for your product if you think it will help, however, if Hiatal Hernia is stopping Esophageal Sphincter from closing, will anything you recommend help?
Thanks for your time

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Laura.

HI Laura – go ahead and email us at with your specific questions and we’d be happy to help.

By: Laura In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

I was put on ppi without endo. Only issue nauseated. Now im in worse pain at 2 x20 mg amd have bacteria overgrowth.

Email me pls gow to get off. Tried weening one too many times with rebound. Now im worse

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Abeer.

Hi Abeer – thanks for reaching out. Tapering off of medications such as zantac requires the help of a qualified practitioner, as it’s not something you’ll just want to stop doing cold turkey. There are some things you can do to naturally increase stomach acid and here is an article on that: Changing your diet is a great start and will hopefully eliminate any pressure on the LES (lesser espohageal sphincter). Once you’ve tapered off the medication, you can then begin to test your HCL levels and start supplementing with betaine HCL if need be.

By: Abeer Hi,

I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and was on so much medication for all the symptoms that come with such a disease. I was on Adderall for 4 years and managed to get off those finally. I took Wellbutrin for a couple of months and stopped those. Eventually I went all natural and started with gut health and reversing my conditions. I have gone on an elimination diet and found out I needed to gut out Dairy, Sugar and can have grains but in very light moderation. For Thyroid reasons I am off Gluten and Soy as well. I am on Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics. All is heading in the right direction however, I cannot seem to wean myself off of Zantac 150mg. I have been on those since my Thyroid diagnosis and want to stop it. It has been 6 years now of daily use and I believe I have stripped my stomach of it’s acids. What can I do?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Stacy.

Just sent you an email:)

By: Stacy In reply to Melissa.

I would love to chat with you. I’ve been on them for 12 years and weaning myself off by breaking open the capsule. I’m counting each individual ball one by one. That’s how determined I am to get off of them. I’m struggling with gastritis and I need help! Please reach out to me…

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Tisi.

Hi Tisi – we think all acid blocking/reducing drugs are dangerous. This article has more info:

By: Jill Crutchfield I was prescribed this years ago and refused to take it. When I get heartburn I take charcoal tablets which they use in Europe for stomach upset. I don’t have heartburn but a few times a year and it works for me.

By: Tisi I’m on Zantac, a histamine-2 blocker. Does it have the same risks associated with it? I was told by my allergist that although it reduces acid, it doesn’t have the same risks as the PPI’s.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ray.

Hey Ray – I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling with heartburn. Please check out our heartburn program here:

By: Ray In reply to Melissa.


I have been on Prilosec for 20 years. I have tried multiple things to get off of this. I have tried aloe vera, slipper elm, DGL, etc, you name it. I have also tried a low-carb diet and taking Zantac. Nothing seems to eliminate the gerd symptoms. Could you tell me exactly how you are able to get off the PPI? FYI…. I need to take it every morning and if it ever happens that I forget I end up paying the price. Would love to find a way to get off of the medicatimain and heal the main issue.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Velma.

Hi Velma – I recommend checking out our heartburn presentation here:

By: Velma Hi I had a question I have a brother my husband and my son that were taking nexium and the generic brand also and the have health issues can something be done for this

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Theresa.

Hi Theresa – thanks for commenting! Please do not just stop any medication without talking to your doctor first. We courage you to take this information to your doctor and have them help you come up with a plan to slowly wean off PPIs.

I also recommend this article:

By: Theresa Hi my name is Theresa. I am 47 years old and have been on a PPI for about 7 years for Barrett’s Espoghusrs. I just had an upper GI in July 2014 to check the status of my Barrett’s. My GI doctor did a scope and took several biopsies. The results were no more Barrett’s Espoghusrs, but he said I have Celiac and told me I need to be on a gluten free diet. I have started to feel better (no more week muscles, hurting joints, extreme tiredness and sinus issues are better). My only issue is that I still get gas, burping and sometimes feel bloating. I have been doing alot of reading on line and wonder if perhaps I could have Leaky Gut also. I am very careful in my diet. I am on the thin side and can not afford to lose weight. I feel like my body is missing some vitamins (nails are thin and brittle). After reading the article about long term PPI’s I am wondering if I can just stop taking the meds? Also do you have any idea if I stop taking it will my digestive/stomach/small intestine get back to normal? I would love to be able to eat a really good piece of pizza again! Any words of wisdom would be great.

By: Pam Isenberg My son, who is now 18, was diagnosed with reflux as an infant. He was prescribed a variety of medications, one was taken off the market. At some point he was was prescribed prevacid and we thought it was a miracle drug. He felt much better and was able to enjoy most foods without all the heartburn and vomiting. Unfortunately, by middle school, he suffered frequent illnesses that were always accompanied by high fever and vomiting. As time went on, his immune system got weaker and weaker. By high school he was missing 4-6 weeks of school due to stomach flu like symptoms. In addition, he seemed to not be responding as well to the prevacid so his dosages were increased. His primary doctor provided documentation for a 504 plan for health, as my son’s illnesses and stomach issues were impacting him so much in school. By his senior year, he was medicating himself with a dosage that his new gastroenterologist told him was too high. Even on the high dosage, he had days where he was very sick to his stomach. Some days he would burp continuously and nothing seemed to help. Towards the end of his senior year, after reading everything article I could find and speaking to a nutritionist, I took him off all medication and put him on a diet of meat, fish and vegetables. To my amazement, he didn’t have heartburn. I was so excited, until about three weeks later, when he began getting stomach aches that he never had had before. I gave him tums and pept, but his symptoms were getting worse. I read about the rebound affects, but I wasn’t sure. I took him to a walk in doctor who told me that I must put him back on a PPI. I refused, so he spoke to my son alone and he told him that since he was 18, he could choose to go back on the medication without my approval. Of course that didn’t happen. That was 3 months ago. My son is doing great. He occasionally took a tums and watched his diet for a couple of months. We bought gluten free everything and he ate small meals. He did lost about 15 pounds, but he felt good. Now at the 3 month mark, he is eating everything (Chipolte burrito, with double everything) and he now longer has heartburn or gas. He has had two mild colds (works with children), but he did not have gastric upset or fever. I can’t believe that I was medication my son for all of these years, unnecessarily. These medications should not be over the counter and doctors need to be better informed of the side effects.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to CINDY.

HI Cindy, thanks for reaching out. The first step is to still address your diet and try SCD or something similar. Secondly, we would suggest a consult with a functional medicine practitioner who can help you take a more natural approach to healing:

By: CINDY I am on Nexium for 4 years now for Barrett’s Espoghus.What do I do if the reason to be on Nexium is the Barrett’s? I don’t want to get cancer.The Doctor tells me I have to take this so no acid will come up and make the Barrett’s worse and cause cancer.Thanks.

By: SJ Several years ago I was prescribed Prevacid after being diagnosed with MALToma (an indolent cancer on my stomach lining). With treatment, the cancer was gone but the doctors were concerned about irritation from stomach acid causing the cancer’s return, hence the Prevacid. I naively took the Prevacid for over a year, not realizing it is meant for short term use. At the end of the year, I had developed large gall stones, osteopenia, and low thyroid (which has recently been “upgraded” to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease). It’s possible these issues would have manifested without the Prevacid, but all three issues developing during the year in which I took Prevacid? Very coincidental. When I brought up the possibility of Prevacid and the resulting low stomach acid being responsible for the osteopenia due to malabsorption of calcium, the cancer doctor practically laughed in my face. I’m glad I trusted my own instincts more than the doctor’s book-learning. I got off the Prevacid and now see a health practitioner who listens to me and respects my observations.

By: Melissa Thank you for bringing attention to this. I was on PPIs for over 20 years. They destroyed my health. I’m now working with a functional practitioner to reverse the nutritional deficiency, bronchial symptoms, and other issues caused by PPIs. I’m off these awful drugs and with a low carb diet, am heartburn-free.
