Comments on: The H. Pylori Controversy: Does it Really Cause Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and GERD? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:54:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Janice.

HI Janice – great question! That is likely a preventative measure on their end, but in reality it’s likely to do more harm if anything. Low acid provides an environment for infections to thrive, such as H. Pylori. Here are some articles that can help you:

By: Janice In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi there! I was recently diagnosed with h pylori and had an endoscopy done. I showed no signs of gerd or gastritis. I just show I have the bacteria in me. I am currently on th antibiotics and an acid reducer. My question is why do I need the acid reducer if I don’t have acid reflux? I am afraid I will get acid reflux once I am done with the medication. I have been taking this for one and a half months. Please help!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Franchesca Soto.

Hi Franchesca – sorry you’re so stressed out! H. Pylori can be spread among people and that’s why they suggest having the family checked. YOu don’t have to take an antibiotic, though:) We have a natural protocol for H. Pylori here: You can also order the H. Pylori stool test on your own here: We’d be happy to support you further:)

By: Franchesca Soto Hello I need help I’m going in depressed because they told me I have h pylori infection because I have a pain on my right side I have four kids so they told my husband has to get check and my kids because I gave it to them I have a 8 months old how can I put her on antibiotics and my other babies no even my dogs they said have it! I don’t wanna hold my kids or even touch my husband I need help reading everything just makes it worse I’m confused I need help I need help this is making me go crazy it’s hurting my family and my kids because of me I’m depressed because of everything I need help I think my old down fall was I never drink water and I don’t eat right I’m confused I need help please

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to noreen.

Hi Noreen – yes these are very common of H. Pylori. We’d also recommend testing his stomach acid levels and work toward a customized diet to help keep the infection from coming back.

By: noreen hey great article , i have in the past been succesfully treated for h.pylori Today my son 20yr old got diagnosed with ‘very high’ presence of h.pylori. However he has no bloating or reflux symptoms..does have continious nausea and poor appetite but still Dr said extreme case of h.pylori ??? about to start the antibiotic treatment. Just wondering if anybody else suffered these symptoms

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to VIPUL.

Hello – yeah it’s possible to have H. Pylori with out ulcers. We’d recommend the Bio Health Stool test mentioned in the article to get tested.

By: VIPUL Hi i have all the symptoms for 2 years but dont have ulcers as on endoscopy but doctor didnot check for h pylori… could i have it without ulcers and that too this long time?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lisa Truitt.

Thanks for sharing, Lisa!

By: Lisa Truitt!po=8.15217

Really interesting article discussing studies and info on how h pylori affects the gut brain axis.

You had weight loss as a symptom but according to this it could go either way also causing weight gain via the affects on the immune system and the release of inflammatory cytokines and mast cells in tissues including the hypothalamus and how all this effects leptin, ghelin, cortisol etc.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lynn.

HI Lynn – we do suggest the SCD diet for that as well:)

By: Lynn Hello Lori. I am suffering from silent gerd where acid comes back up and irritates my esophagus making sleep difficult and making me cough constantly. I have eliminated many food and drink items from my diet and am now sleeping with a wedge which has helped with sleeping problems but is uncomfortable to say the least. My question is do you suggest same diet and lifestyle changes for someone with gerd and silent gerd?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Chris Davies.

HI Chris – great question. If an erosive esophagus is caused by acid coming back up to that area, the most likely cause is a malfunctioned LES which can be caused by pressure in the gut. Pressure in the gut is often caused by a leaky gut (gut infection such as SIBO), food intolerance, poor diet, etc.) Low stomach acid allows for unwanted microbes to grow due to the fact that the PH is too alkaline and not acidic enough. It is very rare we see someone with too much stomach acid. Hope that helps clear up the confusion.

By: Chris Davies You say it’s almost always the case that it’s low acid that’s the problem, but what if you’re under permanent stress from years of tests and getting nowhere or you just Happen to have an ulcer or erosive esophagus. Surely these wouldn’t be caused by low acid.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to James.

Hi James – thanks for commenting.

Sorry to hear both you and your mom are suffering with GERD. I encourage you both to check out our heartburn help program – no matter what your heartburn symptoms are, it helps you address the root cause and heal:

By: James In reply to salaad.

Admittedly I must agree with you there. It’s like with infections; they do not know whether it’s a viral, bacterial or fungal infection, yet will dish out antibiotics, for example, without swabbing or testing to see what type of infection it is, and doing so can actually be quite harmful.

By: James Now I have an interesting fact. Me and my mum both have GORD/GERD, but we find we are the total opposite in terms of heartburn triggers. For example, my mum finds her burning is more severe when her stomach is empty, where as I find mine is worse after eating and sometimes am unable to eat much, if at all. Also, my mum finds her heartburn worse when sitting or standing and gets better when she lies down, where as mine gets much worse when I lie down or bend down, and sometimes I can’t lie down and have to stand or sit up.
I am aware of stomach ulcers possibly being caused by H. pylori, and stomach ulcers are not an uncommon side-effect of NSAIDs and corticosteroids, but if you think about it, these drugs can weaken your immune system which could contribute to H. pylori infection.
A gastroscopy has confirmed that I do not have a stomach ulcer and my GORD has been defined as “idiopathic”, make of that what you will.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Deezer.

Hi Deezer – we have great results with this test, but you can also ask your MD for an h. pylori test if you’re not comfortable with stool testing

By: Deezer According to, stool testing for H. Pylori is difficult and often inconclusive. What does Biohealth do to ensure accurate results from the 401H? What research have you done (vs other H. Pylori methods) to show that it is accurate?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jessica.

Hi jessica – thanks for reaching out. We definitely recommend you get a second opinion from another doctor, as we aren’t qualified to give you any medical advice this way.

By: Jessica I was pervisly tested positive for h pylori and some other thing in my stomach but my problem is now I am having a stool live after everything I eat is that common and at time it looks like blood in the stool. They also said they checked for stomach cancer (and it wasnt stomach cancer)because been and still are losing weight can you give me and answers do you think I need to find another doctor

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to dini.

Hi Dini – h. pylori can cause a lot of symptoms – including low stomach acid which can cause acid reflux.

I suggest checking this out:

By: dini In reply to Sonja.

I hve both ulcer and acid reflux.the test also show H.pilory bacteria posive. I expreriance bad breath (like feaces or expired milk)that go had in hand with acid reflux , my stomach also produces excess Hcl acid ,heart burn and pain in the stomach.
Could H.pilory bacria be the cause of problem?
I walk up with a good day but everythiing turn around after food.I stop eating fatty food milk suger an acid drinks. Plz help me

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Adam.

Hey Adam – h. pylori doesn’t typically cause diarrhea, but it isn’t unheard of. We encourage you to seek out a 2nd opinion if you’re unsatisfied with the care your doctor is providing.

Digestive enzymes can help with diarrhea and undigested food, too:

By: Adam I have tested positive for h plori but my main symptoms are more daily diarrheoa and undigested stools passing. My doctor is refusing to treat the infection at present as it is ‘a common condition’ !

Could the h pylori be a cause of my daily diarrheoa ?

By: Esther Currently treating my H. Pylori infection, had symptoms for year (blotted stomach and belly, gas, some pain a loose stool) did a feacal antigen test and I was positive!!! I’ve been to the Dr. With the symptoms and checked for Celiacs but was negative so I was told it was just IBS and I needed to just leave with it and control with the diet!! I work for a diagnistics company so I did my own test! 2 more days, I cannot wait to see if symptoms go away and also the bacterium.

By: salaad my idea should go lab and test it before they go to doctor, second some doctors do not advise ptient for stool analysis but prescribe a medication and that is awful

By: Jacob Whittington Helicobacter Pylori, the cork-screwed shaped bacteria, has been associated with most cases of human Gastritis. H. Pylori is considered the most popular cause for Peptic and Duodenal Ulcers.
A very large portion of the population has the H. Pylori bacteria in their digestive tract. When the bacteria enters the digestive system, it buries itself in the heavy mucus lining, of the stomach and is held in check, by the strong hydrochloric acid, produced by the stomach’s parietal cells. The bacteria starts to proliferate, when the hydrochloric acid is no longer strong enough, to keep the bacteria in check and when the mucus lining thins. Initially the bacteria will destroy the Hydrochloric acid producing cells (parietal cells) in the stomach. The bacterial will then attack the lining of the stomach and duodenal.
As a normal part of aging, many people develop Hypochlorhydria. Hypochlorhydria is the reduction in the strength of the Hydrochloric acid, produced by the stomach parietal cells. This allows the bacteria to start growing. The use of antibiotics, antihistamines, PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors), and acid reducing medications, stops the production of acid and allow the proliferation of the bacteria. Mucus reducing medications also allow the bacteria to grow.
H. Pylori infections can also lead to some forms of Arthritis (calcification, spurs), Iron deficiency, anemia, and vitamin B-12, calcium deficiency. H. Pylori is also implicated with Heart Disease, Arteriosclerosis, Arterial Fibrillation, Asthma, Resaca, Headaches or migraines. It also increases the risk of developing Peptic, or Duodenal ulcers, Pancreatic/Gastro Cancer, and mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue (Malt) Lymphoma.
Many people, cured of H. Pylori will continue to complain about stomach problems. This is mainly the result of Hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), that has not been corrected as part of their overall treatment. People that maintain a proper pH balance in the stomach are generally asymptomatic and do not have problems with H. Pylori bacteria.
The best method for diagnosing low stomach acid is a pH diagnostic test, pH capsule test, or gastrogram. A pH diagnostic test, will allow the doctor to quickly determine if a person is not producing strong enough acid (hypochlorhydria). It will also allow the doctor to determine the correct quantity and type of natural medication, necessary to bring the digestive back into balance.

By: Sonja Hi. Thank you for writing an important article about H. Pylori. I am having a discussion currently with my functional medicine doctor about H. Pylori and low ferritin levels (plus GI disorders). Even after two years of taking 90 mg of iron, HCL with pepsin, enzymes, glutamine and eating well, I can only raise my ferritin up to
15 ng/ml which is incredibly low. It was a 5 before. 🙁
Unfortunately, H pylori needs iron to survive and thrive and steals it from the host. A good article on this subject can be found at :
I am a nutrition student, eat a whole foods diet and a SCD diet, and still have gut issues and low ferritin symptoms. Hopefully I have found the answer to my problems. I did test positive for H pylori on a stool test. Good luck to everyone and I hope that this information helps. 🙂

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tracy W.

Hi Tracy, it would be a good idea to get tested in this situation and if you are in need of a great practitioner, please go here: /practitioners/

By: Tracy W I have pernicious anemia which caused a severe B12 deficiency before it was finally diagnosed. I’m wondering whether there is an H pylori connection with PA.

PA appears to be much more common in the UK than here in the US. This leads me to believe there is a genetic component to this as well (it’s known to run in families), plus maybe the Standard American Diet (gluten and fats) tossed in for good measure.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Stefi.

Thanks for sharing Stefi, we appreciate it!

By: Stefi Jordan, perfectly written article! I learned of you & Steven in 2013 on my quest to better health for my new diagnosed Hashimotos , my mom had all the symptoms that you wrote about H Pylori -suffered years, ulcers, PPI use, then other big health events too, Rheumatoid ,a major stroke & battles w.infections, the first one after a hip break. I would of loved to of had the knowledge you share then… As for me, I would not be surprised if her beginning was Hpyori. And wonder if I have, (partly because of extensive travel in my childhood.) I feel antibiotics are not bad but now believe a person must repopulate as much as possible. Wish I would of known then for my mom . Thanks again for all you guys do!
