Comments on: Leaky Gut Syndrome in Plain English (Signs, Symptoms, Fixing it) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:48:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ugo.

Hello – Yes! The webinar will be really helpful for you to learn what role the gut play in AI issues:)

By: Ugo In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

I just saw the mail wich said I will receive the replay ahah, thanks for your answer, by the way I have a little question, I have gaz and exfoliative cheilitis (my lips are peeling since 2 years and it’s chronic), I had acne and seboreic dermatisis, all those symptoms show some auto immune issues in relation with a dysbiosis and/or a leaky guy right ? 🙂
And so your webminar will help me to understand how it works and what to do to heal myself ?
Have a good day 🙂

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ugo.

Yes! Everyone who registers will receive a replay the next morning:)

By: Ugo In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi 🙂
Do a replay will be available ? I live in France so it will be difficult to follow the webinar at 0h30 am lol !
Have a nice day

By: Anita In reply to Tracee.

Which IgG test did you take?

By: Lee Hello again, Jordan, I’m not able to do your quiz on my lil’ smart phone. But thanks to your article I think I finally understand why I have Fibromyalgia. Its a condition in which we have pain in our deep soft tissues, mainly in the body core areas from the neck to the pelvic girdle, ie. all the large soft tissue masses. This includes the gut & bladder. It IS a condition of inflammation

By: Lee Hi Jordan, thanks for the almost scientific yet very easy to understand, info you have written. Hey, Doll, zinc is NOT a vitamin! Love you anyway . . . ! Lee

By: Angie In reply to Chris.

Hey Chris This post is old but I? am dealing with the same asthma symptoms and leaky gut and allergic to everything and just wondering if you found anything to help with asthma symptoms.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mel.

HI Mel – It would certainly be worth a try! SCD is a bit more strict and will allow you to determine which foods you are intolerant to. The best place to start is here:

By: Mel I’ve been on the Paleo Auto Immune Protocol and still experiencing severe muscle joint pain, headache, fatigue. I am experiencing experiencing sever anxiety and depression. I? have developed kit food I? tolerances and my allergies have gotten worse. I? am reacting to medications and even supplements. L-glutamine got me so sick for days. I? am starting to think that the Paleo diet is allowing too much starch and maybe I should be on the SCD. any thoughts on the starches?

By: Julie In reply to Relentless Mom.

Hi Relentless Mom, I I know your post is several years old, but I’m curious as to how your daughter is doing now? My 11 year old daughter is struggling with the same issues as your daughter, plus one more. For my daughter it has been more than three years in dealing with these issues, and we have just recently put it all together. I am having a hard time finding a doctor for her. We have been to many that have no clue what’s wrong. They all seem to think that we are crazy. If you get this, I would love to hear from you!

Thank you,

By: John gazeley In reply to Steven Wright.

The descriptions and explanations of leaky gut syndrome are very well written….and certainly lend credence to the etiology of the resulting symptoms and causitive agents. However…one must also consider absolutely, the use of pesticides in the production of grains such as wheat et al –whereby some pesticides attack pests from the inside…causing their stomach linings to deteriorate, and eventually cause the pest to die before the mating cycle begins. The use of vitamin supplements must be judicially inspected because wheat filler is used in nearly every medication and supplement….adding fuel to the fire so to speak. The onslaught of GMO industrial farming is ground zero.

By: Jeff In reply to angela.

Angela – did you find a solution the hives on your face and neck? I am curious if it was indeed related to leaky gut. How did the change to SCD work out for you?


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cate.

Hi Cate – Food Allergies are one of the main triggers for EOE and thus an elimination diet can help you decide which foods to stay away from. The SCD diet or the Leaky Gut diet are forms of an elimination diet that both help one to customize their own diet. YOu may also consider food allergy and intolerance testing to help with symptoms right away.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Patrick mwangi Ndegwa.

HI Patrick – we’d recommend starting with one of our Free webinars to learn what you can do to take control of your health:

By: Patrick mwangi Ndegwa severe leaky gut joints pain hv been Paleo for40 days but not getting better

By: Cate Can you give any suggestions for reversing EOE? Thank-you.

By: Zac In reply to Brian J.

Brian, i feel your pain brother. Your story really hit home to me, i am suffering with the same things.
Contact me. maybe we can help eachother.

By: kathrina Black mold can have many effects, from allergy symptoms like sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, nasal problems and sinusitis, all the way up to serious medical conditions that may require extensive treatment and even hospitalization.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to ROger.

HI Roger – just taking a shot in the dark here but here are somethings to ponder. Vitamins A, D, E,and K are all fat soluble and can be stored in the body, thus toxicity is possible (but not all that common). Try taking less of the vitamins and see how you do. Supplements containing Iron can have these effects also, so you may want to dive into that more. If you are eating plenty adn are still underweight, it’s time to look deeper into possible root causes such as hormone issues or gut infections.

By: ROger Hi Lori,
Thanks for your response to my prior query. I will definitely follow up on your tips. In addition, even taking half a regular adult multivitamin or Vitamin D, E, C, etc (any time in the day) makes me feel weak and generally cold for several hours. Would you know what that could be related to? I have had issues related to muscle weakness & Fibromylgia in the past (>5 years). I am a male in 50’s with a healthy appetite & diet, but have been generally under weight. Thanks.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Roger.

Hi Roger – yes you have been through a lot! I’m seeing a couple things here. 1) diet needs to change and you can learn all about it in one of our FREE webinar’s here: 2) sounds like your suffering from low stomach acid adn you can read more here: please read here on how to test it yourself:

How and what Betaine HCL to supplement with:

By: Roger Hello
I have been through a lot recently – H-Pylori started it >5 years ago, antibiotics treated it. Now I have several issues, acid reflux, allergies, constant gas, burps, etc. I cannot seem to handle any anti-inflammatory foods – papaya, pineapple, give me bad stomach issues, incl., blockage, reflux, nausea, etc. I seem to be having some inflammation in my eye for sometime now. I have been told by an Naturopath about leaky gut and needing to cure it with severe restrirtions on diet (similar to paleo) that seems difficult to me. Please advise. Thanks.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ellie.

Hi ellie – thanks for reaching out.

Jordan has Celiac as well, and based on his research and experience, exposure to gluten can cause symptoms for up to 6 months.

BUT – there is some good news. By focusing on healing the gut (instead of just removing the gluten again) you can speed up your recovery time and feel better faster.

Certainly some people can have more severe symptoms of leaky gut and take longer to heal – and we can’t and wouldn’t try to guess how long it will take you to feel better- but many people see big improvements in just a few days.

You can learn more here:

By: Ellie Hello,
I was diagnosed with Celiac in 2008 and have been gluten-free, symptom-free since then. Two months ago I ingested gluten (my only known episode since going gluten-free) and I have been paying for it since! Almost two days later I got a yeast infection, cleared it, and then got another one shortly after that. About the same time I developed periorificial dermatitis around my eyes, and a month later my mouth, when I was yet again poisoned by gluten! There’s no doubt in my mind these were caused by the gluten episodes.

I suppose my question is about time to heal? I think the gluten I ate caused the inflammation and possibly some leaky gut which created these issues. Even though I do not have any symptoms of leaky gut other than being Celiac (no food sensitivities, no gastrointestinal distress, high energy) do you think my healing time could be quicker than an average case of leaky gut? Considering I have already cut out the gluten for 12 days and am now taking probiotics.

Are there different levels of leaky gut? Or is it an all or nothing deal?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kathy Krantz.

Hi Kathy – fresh goat’s milk isn’t a food we specifically recommend for leaky gut. If you tolerate fresh goat milk, we don’t think it would be harmful.

We DO recommend goat’s milk yogurt, though:–-directions-for-scd-legal-goat-milk-yogurt/

By: Kathy Krantz would fresh goat’s milk help with leaky gut?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ali.

Hi Ali – its hard to say whats going on based on what you’ve shared here. Some people do react poorly to coconut oil (you can develop an intolerance to coconut just like you can to any other food) – if you’re eating a lot of coconut oil AND you have leaky gut, you’re even more likely to develop an intolerance to it. Most likely, as your gut heals you’ll be able to tolerate more coconut oil. In the meantime, some other healthy fats to sue are butter or ghee, tallow (grass-fed) and olive oil

By: Ali Hi, I’ve been having weird health issues the past ~6 months and have finally come to the conclusion that leaky gut is at play. I’ve been paleo for years but had gone off while pregnant and I suspect that may have factored in. Anyway, recently came across this, have started a betaine supplement and am seeing improvement already. What I’m wondering is, many who talk about healing leaky gut talk about coconut oil, which seems to have brought on my issues in the first place, or at least exacerbates them. Is this likely because of leaky gut? Or could I just be a rare type who doesn’t agree with coconut oil? Other than causing a very specific odd reaction, it makes me feel amazing so hoping I can figure it out. 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Courtni.

Hi Courtni – thanks for reaching out to us and sorry to hear what you’ve been through recently 🙁

No one can tell you exactly how long it takes to heal leaky gut – but with our program we see people have pretty dramatic results in about 2 months. For some people it does take quite a bit longer (like for myself) – but I started feeling better right away.

You can learn more about what we suggest for leaky gut by attending a free webinar here:

By: Courtni Hey there!!! I’ve been having so many problems and was wondering if I could maybe get some answers. My journey is a long one and I’m positive that it will get better. I was suffering from h. pylori for about 4 years before I knew what it actually was. When I finally went to a gastroenterologist, they did tests, confirmed it and had me on antibiotics right away. I started to feel better but I continued to have flair ups with abdominal pain and instense nausea for 7 months or so before things got really bad. Flair ups included intense nausea, constipation, missing a day of bowels, then diarrhea, always gassy (both ways). I would take pepto for nausea then feel better for a while. I tried to maintain a healthy diet but I was 50% successful. I had days where I would be super healthy h and days when I wouldn’t and on top of that I was drinking almost every other to every weekend, being young and dumb. About 2 months before my latest issues. I was laid off from work but very happy. I was getting up everyday very happy. Working out almost every morning. I suffered from anxiety from time to time but it significantly diminished. During some of that time I noticed a slight tingling in my left arm. Thought about it but didn’t worry. Just worked out and kept moving. A couple months ago I went through some mildly stressful life occurances and things just kinda went down hill from there. The numbness and vice grip headache came and my stomach flair ups weren’t going away. They seemed to be constant. I assumed that I still had h. pylori because I heard sometimes the triple course antibiotics don’t work the first time. I couldn’t eat and could barely drink water so I went to urgent care and they gave me the triple therapy again and headache meds (they cause nausea so I never took those) with out retesting me. After one day, I started to feel numbness and weakness on the left side of my body (thought I was having a stroke). I would feel tightness in my neck/throat,blurriness in my left eye and at first a really bad migraine. I went to the hospital for this twice. I had a CT scan, X-ray, blood work and urine samples and nothing showed up!! They did notice my potassium was skittle low and my thyroid results were like 1 point off. They told me that the antibiotics probably made me feel this way and that I just had a migraine and was dehydrated. They gave me an IV and ibuprofen (IV is life!) after I was discharged I felt better but still uneasy and weak on the one side. I had to take another course of antibiotics for a UTI and then developed a yeast infection. My body was all out of wack. I was taking prebiotics but wasn’t eating too much or eating the best foods. So I tried to go on somewhat of a diabetic diet, which helped but I strayed. I lost at least 10 lbs in all this. The antibiotics ruined my digestion but I was able to get it back. I wouldn’t drink for a while and then drink occasionally and would feel pretty normal but alcohol soon affected me negatively. And there was something I was noticing, I have smooth (ideal) stool but would see pieces of food in my stool or when I wiped. I knew that wasn’t right. So many things I thought it could be and after much reading, I realized that there may be something seriously wrong with my gut health and it had to be restored. I started taking bone broth powder with Lglutamine and other beneficial probiotics, enzymes, fiber and have drastically changed my diet. Days that I follow that, I start to feel more normal but when I’d slip I can feel my body react. I do wonder if this may be leaky gut and if so how long will it take to full repair myself and get back to normal? I know I have much inflammation because I still have flair ups or abdominal pains. What do you recommend that I do? Desperately ready to be normal again.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Stephanie.

Hey Stephanie – great question and there are a lot of easy swaps!

You can swap in 4-6 pounds of peeled, de-veined shrimp or make broth out of any kinds of bones you tolerate – beef both is great:

By: Stephanie Any suggestion on what to use instead of chicken for the soup.chicken is on my list of sensativities.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Alexandru Angelo.

Congrats on your success so far Alex!! Adding in a couple key supplements like l-glutamine and digestive enzymes might make a big difference in healing faster- otherwise the key ingredients just patience!

By: Alexandru Angelo Hello,

My issue started 3 years ago when I had a very stressful job, working 12 hours a day, my diet was a mess and with a lot of sugar (super-processed) and grains and also I had an emotional stress period (because my mom had cancer). I started to go to several doctors but without success, my symptoms are: bloating after meal which takes 1-2 hours after also, gas (now is little, but in the past I was farting all day long), runny stools (greasy aspect, sometimes. in the past I had diarrhoea every morning – type 6 on bristol, but now it’s starting to form like type 4-5 on bristol stool).
So what I did was to follow Paleo 100%: eliminate grains, eliminate sugar (only 1-2 fruits per day), eliminate coffee and now I am feeling much! better, after a couple of months. I eat a lot of raw veggies, meat, olive oil, coconut oil and butter.
I think because of this issue (which I think it is a Leaky Gut), big particles of food enter the bloodstream and hurt my prostate (because I have prostatitis symptoms- which made me work standing and walking a lot every day).
I started your plan with L-Glutamine and today I will go and buy some strong Digestive Enzymes, after a while a I am thinking to add some probiotics.
What do you think I could change in order to get better faster? I feel that I am on the good path, but it takes time, maybe years. But I don’t see this as a bad think only (because of the suffering), I also see the good part – making me change my lifestyle a lot, more balance in everything – diet (NO!! processed at all), sport, sleep, water intake, sun exposure, etc.

Thank you!
Alex, 26 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nick Washington.

Hi Nick – that kind of a test is exactly what Steve and Jordan talk about in this video – I hope you’ll watch!

You can learn more about how to save your leaky gut by attending our free webinar here:

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nick Washington.

Hi Nick – that is a question hard to answer without more context. The right amount of protein depends on your body size, your activity level, your digestion, and other factors (like your unique genetics).

We don’t think you should avoid carbs though – our leaky gut diet isn’t meant to be low-carb or ketogenic. We recommend you check this out:

By: Nick Washington Is it a problem eating 4-5 servings of protein a day? I read somewhere that it isn’t good for you. I am having some trouble keeping weight on without carbs. I’ve dropped 10 pounds in a month and I don’t wanna lose anymore.

By: Nick Washington In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Well I didn’t develop any food allergies until this past week when I got a blood test. Only reason I got a blood test was because eating certain foods gave me bad abdominal pain and I was scheduled for a colonoscopy. My whole life I have never been allergic to anything. I have been taking anyiniotics for years and I suspect this is what recently caused me to get a leaky guy and now develop these food allergies. I suspect once I heal the gut I will be able to eat them again.

Also, is it bad to eat protein 4-5 times a day. I am only eating meat, veggies, and fruits on occasion. I am finding it a little tough to keep weight on without the carbs. I am 5’9 at about 132lbs when originally I was around 143 lbs

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nick Washington.

Hi Nick -yes we recommending rotating your food. But it is important to understand the difference between intolerances and true food allergies – hopefully this video helps 🙂

By: Nick Washington Do you suggest a rotation diet while you heal so you don’t become allergic to more foods?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lauren.

Hi lauren – this is where we recommend starting: – we hope you’ll register for a free webinar there to learn more about what you can do heal your gut.

By: Lauren Hi,

In the last month, I had tried a Candida Cleanse via Rainbow Light as a vegetarian (really tried to limit many triggering foods) and have been experiencing leaky gut syndrome now. My question to you is what do you recommend to heal and how can I transition into changing my diet considering that it could be a way for me to heal completely.


By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Anne.

Hi Anne – we disagree!

Our opinion:

By: Anne I just read something on this saying it does not exist what are your thoughts

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Viktor Kudzia.

Hi Viktor – I’m so sorry you’re having such a difficult time right now.

Getting your histamine problems under control may help with your anxiety symptoms. I really recommend you check out our friend Eric’s story here:

You should never stop any medication your doctor has prescribed without talking with them first, but we encourage you to do your own research and have a tough talk with your doctor about why they recommend the medications they do and what other options you can try first.

I hope reading Eric’s story helps – I really think it will!

By: Viktor Kudzia I was with histamine intolerance, so my IBS, SIBO and leaky gut is probably related to this problem.
For over 5 month now I am on low histamine diet, eating 5 times a day, taking probiotics (3 times a day 5 billion) and also I am taking small doses of Betaloc (Metoprolol) and Warfarin for my heart. I am taking supplements as magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin D, everything what I read is good for HIT.
My symptoms got worse, psychologically, I suffer from major depression, anxiety, bipolarness, and so on. I read it could be connected with histamine intolerance, I am taking now Neurol (xanax) 0,25 two times a day but still I feel not good, even I lost weight again.
My doctor wants to prescribe me SSRI antidepressants but I am afraid of it, also of b-side effects since I am already on many drugs including warfarin.
Can you give me any advice about what should I do? I feel strong nausea, fatigue, sometimes I feel so depressed and bipolar that I dont know what to do. Thanks a lot

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Susan.

Hi Susan – thanks for commenting 🙂

While Jordan hasn’t achieved perfect health, he continues to get healthier ever day 🙂

Both Steve and Jordan eat from a paleo template based on vegetables, meat, fruit, nuts, and healthy fats after having spent time healing on SCD. They each built their own custom diet by reintroducing foods one by one and seeing what did and didn’t work for them. You can do this too, and see how Steve and Jordan are doing now, by attending one of our free webinars here:

By: Susan In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

Hi Jordan
I certainly hope you are doing better can you send me an example of your daily diet.

Thanks so much

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Joyce.

Hi Joyce – I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been through the last few years with your health.

We think the first step to healing will be to wean off Nexium and heal your leaky gut.

You definitely shouldn’t stop any medications without working with your doctor or practitioner – that can be really dangerous.

We recommend you watch this free webinar to learn more so that you can have a serious talk with your doctor:

I hope this helps – if you need more info email us at
