Comments on: L-Glutamine: 7 Do’s and Don’ts for People with Leaky Gut & Autoimmunity Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 10 Oct 2023 17:50:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet I am currently writing a paper that is very related to your content. I read your article and I have some questions. I would like to ask you. Can you answer me? I’ll keep an eye out for your reply. 20bet

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mary Willis.

We recommend 60 days and then taper back down the same way you ramped up:)

By: Mary Willis I see the dosage but how long do you take it? one month? two?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Claire.

Hi Claire -asumming we’re still talking about digestive enzymes – yes. You should be able to take 2 with each small meal. Just pay attention to your body and see how you do!

By: Claire In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi Lori,
Thanks so much again for the advice! So the serving size is 2 per meal, is what’s on the packing. I’ve already worked my way up to 2 per meal (3 times a day) and it has been really helpful. In my case I take them for severe stress, so could I take more? 3 per meal, or maybe 2 per meal 6 times a day?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Claire.

Hi Claire – that is a good start! You can then work your way up to 3 or 4 enzymes with heavier meals.

By: Claire In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thank you for your response! The video has been helpful! Yesterday I already tried with the half of a digestive enzyme capsule, it seems that I have less issues after that!
But since I’m eating 6 small meals a day, is it worth a try to have 6 half enzymes caps a day?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Claire.

Hi Claire – yes definitely stop using the Glutamine for now. The enzymes are less likely to cause those types of symptoms. However, its important to start slow and then work your way up – here is a video on enzymes for more information:

By: Claire Ive just started using the L-Glutamine powder, and started with a low dose, the first 2 hours it makes me feel better but after that I get major anxiety, and it’s the worst.
One day after I started with digestive enzymes, I thought it was working, but now I feel really really sick, my whole body is hurting, Like a flu. can’t sleep well, feel hot and cold. It started after eating yesterday and my belly was hurting a lot and not able to digest the food.
I guess it is better to stop with the glutamine right? Not sure if the digestive enzymes can also cause some form of anxiety or make you sick?
And should I stop with them as well or maybe higher the dose and see if it helps to digest better?
I have major digestive issues, especially when eating fats or protein I get really really fatigue, like extreme. And the digestive enzymes should be helpful for that right?
What else do you suggest for these digestive issues?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to MARY AP.

HI Mary – thanks for sharing! We’d love to hear more of your story:) Did you remove any other foods?

By: MARY AP In reply to Ivon.

I too had terrible issues with my back and hip. Leaky gut etc. I stubbled across information regarding Nightshade Vegetables and the damage and pain they cause for some people. Removed them from my diet completely! I three days my pain was significantly reduced in 10 days -9 years of back pain gone!!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Katie.

Hi Katie – we aren’t qualified to give medical advice and we’d suggest consulting with your physician about this. Sorry we can’t be of more help!

By: Katie Is l-glutamine safe to take for gut healing during pregnancy and while breastfeeding? Could you point me to any articles regarding this question?

By: Kelly In reply to mlskv.

Hi what side effects did you see with the l-glut? I started 2 days ago.
Thank you

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Paul Field.

HI Paul – from our understanding and research at this point it is through absorption into the blood stream. You may want to stick with testing out the glutamine first before you also add in the broth, as we always suggest changing one thing a time so you know what it is if you react.

By: Paul Field First of all let me say thank you for all the work put into this web site and thanks to all the commentors for their informative input too.
I have been taking Glutamine for about 8 weeks in an attempt to get my UC under control. Also taking medication. After reading the article I am clearly under dosing by at least 20g and am stepping up the dose hoping for a positive effect. What I would like to know is can the glutamine act directly on the colon by transit through the inestines or is it all via the digestion and metabolism route? Also is it OK to take bone broth as well or could that cause am overdose?
regards and thank you, Paul Field

By: Heena Reiter In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thank you.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Heena Reiter.

Hi Heena – that is correct! Remmeber that glutamine is not right for everyone and if you feel any adverse reaction at a certain dose, it’s OK to back down.

By: Heena Reiter I would like some help with the dosing on the L-Glutamine. You suggest starting with 2.5g twice a day, eventually moving up to 40g. The powder I have says it has 5000mg/tsp or 5g/tsp. That means starting with 1/2 tsp and going up to 8 tsps. two times/day. Am I correct in my understanding? Eight tsps. seems like a lot, so I want to be sure. Thanks.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Carol McDonough.

Hi Carol – L glutamine is one of those supplemnts that not everybody tolerates well. There are other things you can do to heal the gut, though! For now, you can omit it (if it’s just an intolerance you can come back to it) and in the meantime stick with your other supplements and your customized diet.

By: Carol McDonough In reply to Mariel Heiss.

I am allergic to l-Glutamine. Now what can I do?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sally.

HI Sally – the best things you can do are to 1) consult your physician and 2 ) test it out in small amounts. Your body will tell you if it’s right for you or not as we are unable to answer that part for you:)

By: Sally Hello, I’ve just purchased L-glutamine and have been reading the posts on this site. I have to say I’m very concerned about taking this product now. I have no idea if I have any underlying illnesses waiting to come out. I know I have Gilberts syndrome which effects my liver but isn’t life threatening. But could this be a problem and glutamine cause more damage ?

By: Louisa In reply to Wendy.

I know you asked this question a long time ago about l glutamine , slippery elm and rashes but I had the same problem and it was due to a histamine and oxalate intolerance. I cut out all high oxalate foods and went on a low histamine diet and now I am hugely better. Hope his helps.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kelley.

HI Kelley – certain formulas may be taken on an empty stomach so go ahead and follow that if the directions say so specifically:)

By: Kelley Actually I was told by Natural Factors (whose L-glutamine I use) that it was best taken on an empty stomach.

By: Stephani In reply to John R.M. Day, M.D..

So interesting! My initial response yesterday taking 0.5 g was racing heart and anxiety which I don’t need help with getting! Ugh! So I tried again this morning and here we are again same symptoms! So I’m guessing my crazy lil brain isn’t going to cooperate with this supplement and I’m going to need a different route to heal my gut!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ivon.

HI Ivon – we mention 3 different brands in the article (jarrow, Klaire labs, and NuMedica).

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mary.

HI Mary – There is a TON of misunderstanding about l-glutamine, cancer, and MSG.

This article does a great job of explaining it all:

As always, we’d recommend doing your own research, listening to your body and also consulting with your doctors.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Hollie.

HI Hollie- Glutathione is more for detoxification purposes and glutamine is used to directly heal the gut tissue. Both are great supplements, just used for different purposes:)

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Michelle.

HI Michelle- 40g is the dose research has found to be most effective in healing the gut. As always, work up to that amount slowly and pay attention to how you feel when you’re on it. NOt everyone can handle that dose so you need to do what works for you.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rose.

HI Rose – We’re not aware of any solid research on this topic at this time and thus it’s best to wait to test it out after your done or consult with your physician.

By: Hollie Reading about l-glutamine…..can you tell me the difference between that and l-gluthione……a doctor recommended taking that for low energy/thyroid leaky gut issues

By: Michelle I’ve been using this for a few months now (when I first read this article). I use the Jarrow. The label says to use 1/2 teasp which is 2 grams. You’re say I might try ramping up to 20 grams 2 x a day. That’s nearly 1/4 of a cup twice a day. I’m almost scared to try that much with all the negative side effects I’m reading in the comments. I’ve got Hashimoto’s and I am super sensitive to everything. My chiro suggested I start with 1/4 teaspoon and then go to the 1/2t. I’ve done that. I’m not sure what to do here.

By: Mary I was taking l- glutamine until I read conflicting info about how cancer binds to sugar and glutamine,. Thus, the articles discouraged against its use. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

By: Ivon I’m suffering from H.pilory for 6 years I changed My diet ect. Because of this I have lots of pain issues a pain in my stomach burning, pain in my back, now shoulder and arm pain I’m a dissaster…
Im afraid to go to the doctor because they dont help you to heal the last Time I went to a spine specialist for my lower back pain and hip pain they took x-Ray’s & MRI it shows that I have bone
To solve this problem they recomment epidurals and pain meds. I did the epidurals after a second opinion…. Well that doesnt work pain stil there I have to sit in a wheelchair to get my flight at the AirPort wasted another co pay $700
Anyway I think I have all this issues because of my bacterial problem I did the glutamine for years to heal my gut but I dont see any diffrence still have the pinching in my stomach and pain in my left Side under my breast. What really help to stop the pain is fresh cabbage juice and yess cabbage is a source of L-glutamine, so I believe that L- glutamine heals the gut and I did the glutamine powder pharmaceutical grade, I stop using it because I red that is not so good to take glutamine because the body cant get rid of it.. I’m so confused
I find 2 kinds of glutamine l-Glutamine and Glutamine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (GAKG)
I wonder which is the best L-glutamine to take to heal my gut.
Thank you

By: Rose Is it safe to have l-glutamine while breastfeeding?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Daniel.

HI Daniel- While glutamine will certainly help heal a leaky gut, it is going to take a multi faceted approach of diet, supplements and lifestyle changes. If you haven’t changed your diet at all, this would be the best place to start. We don’t recommend taking the large dose for long term, but a low level dose has been found to be safe. As always, it is good to consult with your physician if you have any concerns.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jennifer.

HI Jennifer – we haven’t heard of that, sorry!

By: Daniel Hello, I have been taking L Glutamine for 4 months now nearly everyday to try and heal Leaky Gut. I have not had any side effects that I know of but was concerned with taking it for too long. Is it okay to continue taking this long-term? I was hoping my Leaky Gut would of healed by now but still having issues. Thanks for the help.

By: Jennifer In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Have you ever heard of IB Synergy?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Deziree.

HI Deziree – our dosing recommendations are for those who weigh at least 100 lbs. I’m sorry we don’t have any research or recommendation for weights less than that but I’d recommend working with a trusted practitioner such as a functional medicine doctor. Let us know if you need any further support.

By: Deziree Thank you SO much for this article! I am trying to clear up my 2.5 yr old’s eczema and food allergies due to leaky gut. I am looking everywhere for some kind of dosage recommendation for a 33# child. I recently bought the Now foods powder L-glutamine. Do you have any insight on this?

By: Diana My mother had so called acid reflux and her stomach was just raw. I asked a nutritionist if there was something I could do to help her. They said to get plain unsweetened yogurt & no flavors. Get powdered L-Glutamine . Mix 1 tsp of L-Glutamine into a serving of the yogurt and have her eat it. If she didn’t like the plain yogurt to sweeten it with some Stevia. My mother ate this for a while and it healed her stomach up. She no longer complained of heartburn. Several years later she had to have antibiotics that kill all her good bacteria resulting in C-DIF. I fed her 2 to 3 times a day yogurt with a teaspoon of L-Glutamine and dry baby rice mixed in. The rice was to help bind her up. I also gave her capsules of Probiotics with each serving of this yogurt. Got her healed up.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Annette.

Hi Eugina – we recommend taking the Glutamine in water or some sort of beverage and you can blend it up if you need to. You can check out our blueberry gelatin recipe here:

By: Annette In reply to Eugenia.

Hi, I’ve just brought some l-glutamine (coeliac) and I already have Great Lakes gelatin but I find it hard to take – any advice, recipes? Mines always gritty and hard to swollow. Thanks

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jenn.

HI Jenn, thanks for reaching out. Glutamine can be used as part of a holistic approach to getting rid of the candida. Diet and a yeast killing protocol will be vital here:

By: Jenn In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Would you take l-glutamine while treating candida and taking antifungals or once candida is gone?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kareem.

HI Kareem – Jordan and Steve have found that taking it all at once with food works really well. However, just getting it in one way or another is great too. Try it and see how it goes:)

By: Kareem In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Hi Mariel,

Can I add say 20g of l glutamine to a bottle of water and sip it throughout the day?
