Comments on: The Multiple Sclerosis – Leaky Gut Connection Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:44:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James Carter.

Thanks for sharing, James. You’re on the right path – keep fighting!

By: James Carter I think low vitamin D levels can increase your risk of alot of autoimmune diseases, or that’s what I’ve read to hear. When I was found to be severely deficient in vitamin D, they said that without treatment, low vitamin D levels can increase the risk of autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, Graves’ disease, etc. As I also had very high white blood cell count this caused some worries, especially seeing as my health was rapidly deteriorating at this point. They tested me for autoantibodies. Nothing. Thanks a bunch, no answers. They actually thought I had multiple sclerosis before they diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and adrenal insufficiency. Even though my health is much more stable now, I still seem to be getting diagnosed with atleast one new illness every year or two.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Thomas.

HI Thomas – yes, we completely agree with the principle that you have to find what works for you! Thanks for sharing.

By: Thomas Hi Brittnee,

While the Whals protocol seems anecdotally seuccessful, the only scientifically proven diets (having the result published in scientific journals) are based on a low fat, vegetarian (almost vegan diet). Look up the Swanks diet and the studies that Dr. Swanks produced.

But always always always consult your physician at the same time.

By: Joel In reply to Brittnee Shepherd.

Hi Brittnee,

Have you looked up the Wahl’s Protocol Diet, or even heard of it. Dr. Terry Wahl’s had very advanced MS that was unresponsive to medication and worsening. She researched and found certain nutrients were helpful. She began taking those supplements. She actually started to get better but only about 15%. She studied the foods high in those nutrients. She began eating those foods, only organic. She is now walking, exercising, working, and researching again. Check it out. Google her and her protocol. You can puree those foods and use them. As far as a meal replacement “shake” goes, usually hospitals have horrible ones full of chemicals and sugar. There is one I like called Paleomeal by Designs for Health. It is cold processed from grass fed, free range cows. They also have one from Organic pea protein. They are highly nutritious, not sugar filled toxic garbage. I prefer the one made from milk as it contains all of the natural immunoglobulins to help boost the immune system, among other things. I hope that helps.

good luck, Joel

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Brittnee Shepherd.

HI Brittnee – thanks for sharing this with us. You could always make your own food and puree it into a liquid for her. Many nutritional drinks are full of sugar and corn syrup which are extremely inflammatory. Healing the gut will only help and it’s a great place to start:)

By: Brittnee Shepherd My friends’ mom has severe MS. It’s so bad that she’s in a wheel chair, has to be fed (mostly liquids), can’t talk or use her arms/legs. Is it too late to reverse her MS or will changing her diet improve her condition even though it is so severe? She is fed a nutritional drink and my friend thinks this drink is making her worse but is afraid to take her off from it because that’s how she gets most of her nutrition since she can’t chew. My friend is desperate to find help for her mom but there are no doctors out there that seem to want to help her improve her mom’s condition. We would truly be grateful for some guidance! Thank you for your time and for everything you are doing to help encourage others (like myself) to overcome their autoimmune diseases.
