Comments on: Healthy Gut Nut-Flour-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 22 Mar 2018 07:50:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Olive Jason this is interesting gonna try them out

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to SUSAN JOHNSON.

Hi Susan – like we mentioned, if you’re following very strict SCD, this recipe isn’t for you without some modification. To make it work for you, substitute the maple syrup for honey and omit the chocolate chips.

By: SUSAN JOHNSON I am recent to SCD and am dying for something sweet. I thought that coconut sugar and maple syrup were on the illegal list so I’m confused on this recipe.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Denese.

Thanks for your feedback Denese, and glad you enjoyed the cookies 🙂

The amount of chocolate chips sued is a very personal decision 😉 It won’t mess up the recipe to use more or less to your preference – when I make these, I jsut eyeball the amount.

For scooping the dough, I use either 2 spoons (one to scoop it, one to scrape it) or a cookie scoop that is spring loaded. If you’re using your hands, spraying them with a bit of coconut oil before starting can really help!

By: Anna Weisman In reply to Makhatran.

Try finding a recipe with starchy veggie flour like cassava or tiger nut

By: Denese Tried this recipe. I thought the quantity of chocolate chips was a bit much for the amount of dough. And although I was able to shape the first few into round-ish balls, then the dough began to stick to my hands and it became difficult to shape the last half. Perhaps a dish of water or a bit of oil nearby would help. I hadn’t used it before but I guess the coconut flour is super absorbent. I thought they wouldn’t hold together. But they did, and we really enjoyed them. I should have put the oven rack up higher — I’ll do that next time.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Adrienne Lawrence.

Hi Adrienne – you could calculate the macros by placing all the ingredients in a calorie calculator. As for replacing the sweetener – we don’t recommend any artificial sweeteners or stevia. You could always try it – but you might have to experiment a few times to get the sweetness right (and we’re not sure how it would affect the texture).

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Rosa.

Hi Rosa – the idea that eating healthy foods high in saturated fats (like coconut or eggs) raises cholesterol has been pretty well debunked!! Heres a great article explaining this myth:

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Makhatran.

Hi Makhatran – I can’t recommend any 1-1- substitute for coconut flour in this recipe, because coconut flour is much more absorbent than other alternative flours, so the other ingredients would have to be adjusted as well. Sorry about that!

By: Makhatran Question
I have a problem with coconut, both flour and fat, probably a FODMAP thing. Is there any way to bake these cookies with something else than nut and coconut?

By: Donna Yokiel Like the recipe. I’m not on any special diet, but try to eat grain free, simply because I’ve found I feel better. So I’m always looking for these types of recipes. Thanks!

By: Rosa I see that coconut in all its versions (flour, sugar and oil), is recomended for this and many more recipes. But, I have a question, in some cases, when the LCL cholesterol is high, the use of coconut is a good option?

By: Adrienne Lawrence Can you tell me what the macro nutrients are? Can you substitute Swerve or liquid Stevia and if so, how much should be added? Thanks! Chocolate chip cookies! Yum!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to T Leckie.

Yes – these cookies aren’t going to be “SCD Legal” if you strictly follow SCD (because they also contain chocolate!!)

But – you could definitely substitute honey for the maple syrup (equal amount) and either omit the chocolate or substitute raisins, etc.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Tammy.

Hi Tammy – thanks for your comment. I understand eggs can be an issue for many people!

I have a few suggestions –

If you tolerate flax (to be clear, Flax is illegal on SCD) – you could try substituting flax eggs

My favorite egg substitute is 1 tablespoon Gelatin (plain) mixed with 3 tablespoon of warm water (this replaces 1 egg, so you’d need to triple it for this recipe). Let the gelatin and water sit for a few minutes before you add it to the recipe (so it can firm up a bit).

Hope this helps!

By: T Leckie Maybe I missed something but these cookies contain sweetener other than honey (husband is on SCD and we are being DILIGENT with his food!). Can you comment on this aspect please? Thanks!

By: Tammy As I scrolled and read I got more excited about making these cookies. You seemed to be covering all the allergen/sensitive food issues (nuts-no nuts, chocolate-no chocolate, etc) and giving alternatives. By the time I got to the actual recipe I was sure I’d have no problem, and then bam, eggs! I was so surprised that you hadn’t addressed that above the recipe or give alternatives since eggs are so high up on the allergen list for many people. Any substitute recommendations? Thanks.
