Comments on: 5 Die-Off Myths Everyone Needs to Know About Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 19 Apr 2022 19:45:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elaine In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thanks Lori! I am actually feeling better now though I still have the unusual stomach cramps. I started taking again the statin but with lesser dosage at 10mg. I don’t want to be dependent to it so I also changed to a more healthier diet. I am giving myself at least 3 months to just lower and stabilize my cholesterol level then I will switch to a more holistic approach.

It relieves me that what I had is a “candida die-off” already since I was also considering to make a doc appointment and take another meds for the candida. But since all these happened already. Let’s see if my body gets better with the statins along with the candida diet.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Elaine.

HI Elaine – sorry to hear all that. Yes, it could very well be die off. Statins can kill of the yeast and then the body is left to get rid of them. If it becomes too much for your detox system to bear at once, we get sick (headaches, chills, diarrhea, etc) in an effort to help clear the infection. More rest, fluids and time will be your best bet to recover quickly.

By: Elaine Hi,

I was wondering if what I am experiencing now is a “die-off”.

I am female, 30 yrs, 94 lbs. 5’2″ in height, small framed body just to give you a picture.

I am suffering from candidiasis and I noticed it just last February. I had vaginal yeast infection and was given canesten (clotrimazole) by my gyne. I decided to check on the root cause of my candida infection and have some blood works done. I am not diabetic nor close to pre-diabetic which i good as doctor says candida feeds on sugar. What I do notice is my highly elevated cholesterol level, 240.85 in total, 214.95 of which is ALDL. I started taking 20mg of Rosuvastatin every night in the past week and 1000mg of Vitamin C and Glutathione in the morning.

Starting the 2nd day of the regimen, I noticed having diarrhea and some body aches. I just continue thinking the meds broke down my cholesterol but the symptoms are becoming worse each day as I continue the meds and supplements. I suffer severe abdominal cramping and stomach pain, muscle aches, on-set of fever brain fog and sore throat. When sore-throat began, my water intake became less frequent and so I was rushed to emergency and was dextrosed for rehydration. I was also given some meds thru IV like oemeprazole and buscopan for the stomach pain and cramps and paracetamol for fever.

I was home after about 6hrs. and researched on my symptoms. At first I was researching about gastroenteritis since the doctor gave me that as diagnosis. But as I dig deeper about Statins. I read somewhere that it is also antifungal and can cause death to candida.

So I was wondering if all these things I feel after all is a “die-off” symptoms and not because of gastroenteritis. I was also clueless on how I could have the latter since they did another blood tests and everything is normal. I have no bacterial infection. ER doctor said it may be viral like colds it just so happen that it affects my digestive and not my respiratory tract.

Hoping to hear an answer. 🙂

By: barbs In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thank you for this reply! I pulled back on a para cleanse and felt really good. Began some new probiotic and Wo. Things are wonky. But I know to keep on and let my body adjust. Your replies to everyone help so much. Thank you again for this!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Avril.

HI Avril – a change in diet or the addition of supplements can both cause die-off. It’s hard to say exactly what caused it, but we do suggest starting slow with probiotics and working your way up the dose on the bottle or the one recommended by your practitioner.

By: Avril Hi- I started a treatment protocol for adrenal fatigue and yeast (not much changes in diet as i was already paleo- but added new probiotics) last thursday. On Saturday I got a sore throat, lost my voice, achy, and a massive increase in anger/irritability. Is this likely die- off from the probiotics??

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Candra.

HI Candra – it’s hard to say! In theory, you’d think the die off wold have been more likely to happen on the first one and not the third…
However, you did the right thing by getting more rest and remember to drink plenty of fluids as well.

By: Candra Hi !
I’ve been doing colon hydrotherapy for the last 2 weeks and have changed my diet to help battle obvious candida issues (as seen during colonics as well as change in various other parts of body including a slight change in vaginal discharge but not yeast infection , not eczema but other patchy dry areas of skin and a flaky scalp ..) as well as it was evident I was quite toxic helping to bring my body back to an alkaline state.

For the sake of convo : my 3rd colonic session happened on Friday Monday as the day progressed I came down with flu-like symptoms ..body aches , chills , fever , head ache. I put myself to bed early and got a good nights rest.

Today(Tuesday) I woke up feeling a bit better but congested in my head (ears and nose) but none of the symptoms from the night before. I had my 4th colonic session today so too soon to see if that helps release anything but beginning to suspect this could be the result of Die Off symptoms??

By: Lara In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

My experience says otherwise. I cannot take methylcobalamin. If I take only that, I am a major mess. Every time I try, I am so bad I have to stop it because I’m close to being admitted. Methylfolate does the exact thing to me. Those supps are so powerful to a clogged methylation pathway. It gets everything moving. Plus my functional Dr. said it can happen.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Raquel.

I”mm sorry but I can’t understand your message with the spelling the way it is… Can you perhaps rewrite it or reword it? Look forward to helping you:)

By: Raquel Hi, i have a number of health issues i have strugfled with for uears. I jave had some success of late with removinf root canaled tweth and befinninf the root cause protocol. I jave a alkalinizeinf filter o run my RO water through to add minerals back it. I also add mag water ro it, noron water and a pinch od Himalayan salt. I recently gained access to kangan water amd jave been drinking 9.0 water for a week. The last few days i starred feeling sluggish and more stomacj distress than usual. Today i actually tjougjt i picked up a viral infection going around nut then i saw a 2 inch paradite in the toilet. Is it lossivle for the alkaline water kill off parasites? I actuall did a cmparasite cleanse anout 4 months ago. I really dont feel lime eating and am bloated. Is the alkaline water distressing my digestion or is it pissivle it is killing off parasites? Anything i can do to eliminate the dieing beasts?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James.

Hi James – it could be. Die off typically occurs 1-3 days after a major shift in diet or supplements. We’d recommend a gut nfection program to get rid of the infection vs. a cleansing program (that won’t necessarily kill the infection directly).

By: James Hi Lori

I have been taking natural para cleansing supplements for 3 months now, however, due to lack of finances was unable to purchase a new lot for nearly 3 weeks. Early last week i commenced them again (but on a lesser dose) and the other day used apple cider vinegar on some grilled fish i ate. The following day was like i was coming down with the worst flu ever and i spent the rest of the day in bed. Not only did i continue to take my supplements but thought it was a good idea to take paracetamol for the muscle aches and pain too.

Later that night i got even worse breaking out in a massive sweat in bed, heart racing and feeling like i was free falling. I then started to break out in staph like spots on my arm and shoulders (these had been building for days).

With no sleep the next day was not much better, a few loose stools but nothing notable, the sweats stopped but a dull headache, lethargy and residual aches remain. The staph spots are still there but no longer inflamed.

I was wondering if this is in line with die off? Historically i have a chronic issue with recurrent threadworms and increasing food intolerances (especially spinach & similar greens). I thought things were improving but now this, im still not able to tolerate many probiotics either and am not sure what to do. Is it time to consider a GAPS Diet?. Thanks for any thoughts or input you may have 😉

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rebecca.

HI Rebecca- it sounds like your body is just adjusting to all the new changes. We’d suggest more water and rest…and also make sure the supplements don’t have any harmful ingredients (like sugar). If you continue to feel sick, you can try backing off the supplements (especially the walnut) by half the dose and see how you do with that.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lara.

Hi Lara – supplements can indirectly contribute to die off, yes. But it isn’t likely taking 1 supplement will fully be responsible for die off on it’s own w out dietary changes.

By: Rebecca Hello,
So I’ve read this article because I have been feeling a bit concerned. I recently took two doses of albenza for parasites. I just took my second dose exactly a week ago. I feel like I have cleared out and I was feeling fine, but just 3 days after taking my last dose I began to feel really bloated, gassy, and have abdominal pain. I’m not sure what is going on but I have changed my diet drastically. I am eating more greens, I have taken out bread and refined sugar, and am also taking DE, vitamin C, and black walnut hull and wormwood. I have not completely taken out carbs. I am also eating organic beef and chicken. Any thoughts on what I can be going through? Also, I took a stool test, blood test, and urine test and all came out negative for parasites. Really looking forward to your insight!!

By: Lara So if methyl b’s get your messed up methylation cycle going which turns homocysteine in cysteine, which gets your detoxification system going, that’s not considered die off if you start having major moods and start feeling sick??? you said supplements can’t contribute to die off. I disagree and would like to hear your thoughts.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sofia.

HI Sofia – I’m sorry to hear that.
The best place to start is by reading this article here to best understand the ins and outs of SIBO: Let us know what questions you have when you’re done with that.

By: Sofia Hello I’m 27 yrs old and I have been diagnosed with SIBO it’s taken over my life ! I have a 8 year old little girl and I don’t know where to start my anxiety is over the roof! And these bornorygmi noises are uncontrollable …

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to steve.

Hi Steve – thanks for reaching out! I just tested out our optin for the Intro Diet and it worked OK. Can you try using a different browser? Please email us at if you have any further issues.

By: steve All your opt ins lead to s bad gateway. so i could not get the SCD guide or submit the quiz.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jordan.

HI Jordan – it’s possible! We’d suggest stool testing and you can read more on how to do that here:

By: Jordan Hello! Recently I picked up on a key word. Parasite. My diet has a large quantity of raw fish and sushi and somehow became a aware and concerned about parasites. Long story short, I bought organic cranberry juice because I read it kills parasites. I’ve been drinking it each morning when I wake. A little after the first day I started noticing hives on my arms and legs. Nothing serious, but definitely noticeable. I work for a provider so I understand I should consult a dermatologist but honestly I feel intuitively that it’s caused by the change in diet. And before I rack up medical bills I’d like to know what you think.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tammy.

Hi Tammy – you could be reacting to the histamines in Kombucha, as it is a fermented beverage. Or, you may be having a reaction to the probiotics and yeast cultures. Try consuming a smaller amount and see how you do!

By: Tammy Hi, I recently added kombucha to my diet, and since then my face, neck and chest have been breaking out. I don’t feel sluggish or have other symptoms ie digestive. Actually, I feel pretty good. Would you assume it’s more likely that I’m having a reaction to the product itself perhaps the caffeine or fermentation? I consume other probiotics like kefir, I eat a healthy whole food diet… Anyway, just curious. I can cut back in the kombucha, but I love it. Lol

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rosalie ginter.

HI Rosalie – I’m sorry, I can’t say we have. Do you have more information on it?

By: Rosalie ginter Have you ever looked at the ingredients in the plexus product? What do you think?

By: polly In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

hi many thanks for the info x

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to polly.

HI Polly – there are a ton of factors to consider here:) First, we don’t suggest doing a cleanse or any type of gut infection protocol until you’re having regular bowel movements. Die off is possible, but typically happens in the first 3-5 days of a major dietary switch or protocol. Are you on the SCD diet? If not, we’d recomend starting that ( and here are also some tips for constipation:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: polly hi I have had ibs for many years I think I might always of had it ! anyways roll on to my 39th year and I’m still suffering, I had complylobactor in 2015 and developed autoimmune issues after and had a test for allergies this year , a private one which showed I’m intolerant to gluten , wheat, all dairy, lactose, all wine, grapes, blueberries, swede and mushrooms so I was encouraged to try a 2 month course of 1×20 billion probiotic once daily and 2x candigone tablets daily, oh and no sugar ! so week one all good but by the end of it worst constipation ive experienced for a long time. anyway I had a colon cleanse pill which did the job and luckily and over two days my stomach was all over the place, then I woke up this morning and the worst headaches and lethargy, ache all over, . it was all I could do to drag my dogs to the park that once back I slept for several hours, anyway I managed to make a fruit smoothie and think things might be improving, could this be die off or do you think the pills don’t suit me , I’m concerned I’m making health worse any ideas x

By: J.L. In reply to ida.

Hi Ida,
Your symptoms sound incredibly similar to mine!

I am currently going through Dynamic Neural Retraining System by Annie Hopper.

I must say that it works!! I got off of it for awhile and boom everything returned. It works by calming down an OVERreactive/protective Limbic system. Once the Limbic system is traumatized (by virus, emotional trauma, physical trauma, environmental toxins, etc…) it remembers this. Its duty is to protect us. However, in limbic system trauma, any bit of threat now becomes classified as a life threatening danger. It can result in very REAL physical, emotional and physiological symptoms.

The DNRS works on the concept of neuroplasticity- the brains ability to rewire and change itself. This has been proven by science. One of the biggest breakthroughs in medical science to date, IMHO.

Here is the website to learn more:

By: Bryan Hunt-Campbell In reply to Chris McGeragle.

Have you looked into toxic mold exposure?

By: debby In reply to Marilee.

Try oil of oregano by North American herb and spice. It cured everything in my body I was battling. There is a book called The cure is in the cupboard

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to John Baker.

Hi John – Yes! The brain fog should improve as you begin to heal the gut:)

By: John Baker In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thanks so much Lori, I’ve cut it back to every other day for the meantime. I figured it may take slower to colonise but will still get the job done.

One thing that seems to have crept in is Brain Fog, is this a known side effect from starting and will it ease soon? Just wanted to know if you’ve had experience of this before and is it something that shifts once things are better inside?

Many thanks

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to John Baker.

HI John – We’d suggest cutting back the probiotic to half the dose you were taking and see how that helps. Die off typically happens when there is a major shift in diet or when you’re killing off bad bugs (like in a candida protocol). It’s hard to say if it’s dieoff or not, but get plenty of rest and water anyway.

By: John Baker Hi there,

After having some bad digestive issues since summer (trapped wind pains, constipation, etc) I started a powerful probiotic at the weekend. After initially feeling better, I got some serious bloating last night (albeit not as long lasting), some dull tummy pains in the night and woke feeling quite flushed and nausea. My urine is also a stronger color. I was losing weight but since probiotic, seem to be putting it back on again slowly (where I’m guessing nutrients are now getting better absorbed)

Does this sound like die-off? Should I continue probiotic daily or cut back to once every 2 days to ease up die off so quickly?

Thanks for your help.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Douglas G Grant.

Hi Douglas – I’m not totally clear on what you’re asking! Here is some information on die-off for you and that might help clear things up:

By: Douglas G Grant My question is if I’m taking antibiotics doxycycline for a tick that was in me less than 24 hours and 2 days after taking the meds I feel like I’m having a flare up of it a herx or could it be I have leaky gut from a previous 2year bid with antibiotics from a separate Lyme issue. So is it a flare up from herx or leaky gut

By: Lisa Truitt Coconut oil is extremely antimicrobial. Laurie acid and monolaurin and caprylic acid are some of the most antimicrobial substances available. Eat to much too quickly like for example going from none to 3 tbsp a day and you could easily experience herxing.

This is true of any substance that has antimicrobial properties and many nutrients and herbs and certain foods do.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Angela.

Hi Angela – doesn’t sound like it to me if it’s 4-5 days after all the new changes. Hard to say but continue doing what your doing, rest, and drink plenty of fluid and that should help.

By: Angela Hi, I just introduced VSL #3 Monday and also Monday my gastro prescribed me 10 days of diflucan because even on a paleo diet and some supplements I am still having yeast infections and oral thrush. I woke up feeling better this morning but then this afternoon feeling a little raw and a little more discharge vaginally. Could this possibly be a die off? Thanks and God Bless:)

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Emma.

HI Emma – it’s hard to say. It does take some time to get over SIBO so try to continue hanging in there! IF you don’t find relief, you may want to consider a different supplement routine. We do have a program that addresses SIBO if you’re interested in checking it out:

This article explains the ins and out of SIBO as well and could be helpful to you:

By: Emma Hi!

I’ve been on the SIBO diet for 4 weeks and have been using Oregano daily (x5), along with allicin (x3) as per my nutritionists recommendation. I also take magnesium and digestive enzymes. It’s a low carb diet with some prebiotic foods to allow the Oregano to kill the bacteria. However I am 4 weeks in and I still have terrible acne and bloating – 2 symptoms that are my predominant SIBO symptoms. Is there any reason that I’m not getting any better? I thought I would have had some kind reprieve by now, does this mean the treatment isn’t working?

Any help would be greatly received.


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Chris.

HI Chris – it’s hard to say what it is exactly.
“Some of you who make this diet switch will experience feelings like:

•increased diarrhea
•joint aches
•general uneasiness

These are all signs of what is commonly called die-off. When making a drastic change in diet, your body has to switch lots of internal processes to be able to handle this new way of living.

Sometimes when this switching happens you temporarily feel worse. If this is you, drink lots of water, plan for extra sleep and do your best to rest. It will typically get better around the 3rd day.

We also encourage you to view this article as well:

By: Chris Interesting article. I started eating more healthily a few weeks ago and I’m not sure if I’m experiencing a die off right now or not. I switched to only whole grain food and have been adding dried herbs, cayenne powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, seeds, nuts, coconut oil and lemon juice to it. I’ve slowly increased the amounts, especially of coconut oil, cayenne powder and dried herbs. Yesterday I started puking and needing to go to the toilet urgently at the same time. I puked today and have been producing a lot of mucus and I have a bad headache. I’m honestly not sure if this is just a bad cold or a dye off event.

By: CJ In reply to Todd.

Look up h.pylori this might be the cause of your gut issues.

By: Dutchess In reply to Chris McGeragle.

As I was misdiagnosed with a lot of the same things you were I would definitely look into getting a very good food allergist and checking on corn as the culprit many other things that you’re going through the people on the corn allergy and intolerance group on Facebook it’s all the same types of things going on with their bodies. Just a thought

By: A.a In reply to Chris McGeragle.

Hi havr u tried probiotic which are good bacteria . U sound as if ur immune system is weak which means uvhave less good bacteria in ur body which fight with bad ones. There are lots of probiotic brands now but make sure that u get the live bacyeria and good quality ones .hanks.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Joanna.

HI Joanna – thanks for reaching out! It’s hard to know what may be causing those symptoms, but regardless the treatment is generally the same. Changing your diet is going to be imperative for starters. I’m not totally familiar with that product, but you may try taking half the recommended dose and seeing how that goes. It sounds like you have quite a bit of inflammation in the body and we’d recommend by starting here:
