Comments on: Cool Free Stuff – Because We’ve Been Locked in the Basement Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:31:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tammy L.

Hi Tammy, thank you for reaching out! Here are 2 great articles that can help you with this: and Good luck and stay strong!

By: Tammy L Hi there, I’ve been on the scd diet for 8 months with no cheating. Flare had drastically improved but still have some minor flares every now and then. I’m on vacation the next two weeks and it’s so tempting to cheat bc I want to eat out and be normal. Was trying to view The Anatomy of the Cheat video but couldn’t get it. Is there a link to that or do you have advice on cheating? Thanks!

By: Arielle Zieja I am getting the free clips of the videos at my email address, but for some reason I’m not finding a place to register and pay for the course to get the full material. Can you tell me how to do that, please? I don’t see a link in any of the videos or emails I am currently receiving …



P.S. This is awesome stuff! Thanks, guys! I’ve been struggling with digestive issues for YEARS … doing multiple tests, seeing multiple doctors. They had me thinking that I was imagining my terrible digestive symptoms (not to mention my inability to absorb nutrients that came with it and caused anemia and a host of other issues). I feel like I finally have some answers and am excited to start on this long road to healing. I had read Elaine’s book before, but I was still unsure if the diet would be right for me and was overwhelmed with anxiety at beginning on my own. Your resources have given me the courage to take plunge. THANK YOU!

By: Clarification on Today’s post: | Natural Digestive Healing […] will need to attend the SCDLifestyle free webinar to learn more and sign up for the advanced course.  At the end of the webcast, there will be a […]

By: Free 30-minute Consultation | Natural Digestive Healing […] free 30 minute coaching sessions. These sessions will be available to those who sign up for their advanced SCD course. (What is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet […]

By: Free Webinar by SCD Lifestyle […] are perfect if you are having trouble achieving your health goals while using the SCD. If you register for the free to attend Tuesday webinar (online conference) you’ll get access to the four videos, which range from 12 to 20 minutes […]

By: Nora Joel PS. Is it possible to have ulcerative colitis AND Crohns???? My Dr. hasn’t ever mentioned this.. I’ve been sick for almost 2 years, and am FINALLY in remission the past 3 months…but I read a sentence in your blog under “the Crohns Boy” that said he had BOTH… can that be??

By: Nora Joel I registered and got booted off my computer afterwards. How can I view the free videos for 7/25 and 7/27 without re-registering?
