Comments on: How to Pack Supplements for a Trip Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:26:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Amy.

Hi Amy, thank you for reaching out! It is really up to you if you would like to take the necessary steps to travel with your cod liver oil.

By: Amy What about fermented cod liver oil capsules? Or should this be left at home (for refrigeration purposes, and the smell, and the complicated method I use to take them in order to avoid the taste/smell as much as possible)?

By: Miia I have a good one.. Forget all about the supplements and realize on the way you forgot them… That’s how I roll…

But when I am “organized”-Miia and remember I eat supplements every day since without them I feel worse and thus when I travel I want to be prepared to feel as good as possible… Then I usually do #1. But I think I will start to bring small plastic bags to carry backup am/pm doses with me.

I usually also always have extra betaine in my bag… The problem is just that I switch bags, the problems I have… Time for “organized”-Miia to add a bit of structure… But I guess it is a sign of improved health when one forgets these things…

By: Bellae In reply to Samay.

first time reading- thanks have learnt a lot – still struggling with what
vitamins to take daily how and when .What e-b00k and can I download free

By: How to Pack Supplements for A Trip - Foods Matter Research, News and Comment […] to Pack Supplements for A Trip How to Pack Supplements for A Trip (9 Jul 2012) How to pack and travel with […]

By: Samay Great article, thanks to both of you + SCDers. It is wonderful to share our findings, and learn from each other. I was literally going mad before I found your website. I tend to mix all my supps in a small container, and take another one in which I keep a day’s worth. But I like your system, I might consider changing mine! I am struggling in the first phase of the diet, and might have to do the intro again but this will be tough as I am travelling on Thursday, and will be on the go for two weeks. I listened to your podcast about boarding the plane with frozen minced meat but when I did (a few months ago), I had it taken by Heathrow airport’s security 🙁 What do you suggest I pack with me, considering that baking with almond flour, or eating raw fruits are not allowed in the first stages? Thank you again for your ebooks + superb work!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Graham.

@Graham – LOL, only if i eat a weeks worth of food before I leave.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Christine.

Awesome Christine I’m glad I’m not alone 🙂

By: Steven Wright In reply to Anna.

@Anna – Take the D3 and Zinc with your first meal in the morning. The HCL an Enzymes will be fine taken together with your meals. Probiotics 30 min before first meal or before bed.

By: Anna I have a little labeled box at work. Talking about supplements, I have ordered GI ProHealth and other supplements based on your blog’s recommendations + doctor’s tests. I am taking: Betaine HCL (3 per meal) , Prozymes (GI ProHealth digestive enzymes, 2 per meal), Vitamin D3 (1 per day), Zinc (1 per day), and I have the Probiotics that you recommended in the fridge, along with the yoghurt starter from GI ProHealth.
– Now my question is, When do you best take these, and do they react to each other, e.g. should you not take HCL + enzymes together, or one after the meals and one before, and when to take the Probiotics best?

By: Christine I do exactly as you do. I spend time before I go and make up a little bag of supplements for each meal and day. I actually usually take about 3 days worth extra in case of problems arising and I have to stay longer. I also usually take little bags with extras of the most important ones in, in case I drop some or I get ill and need extra nutrients. These I just label with what they are in the bag.

By: Graham You can’t just swallow a week’s worth on the day you leave and be set for the whole trip?
