Comments on: How Probiotics Boost Your Immune System Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 06 Dec 2017 21:26:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: CrohnsMom A bit confused about probiotics. My 12 yr old son dx with Crohns a month ago, on Remikade. Not sure how doing yet, as only had 2 infusions. Also on SCD. I’ve been giving him 4 Complete probiotics per day by Klaire Labs, which includes the bifidubacterium bifidum, and lactobacillus bulgaricus among about a dozen different strains. From what I’ve been reading here, this isn’t a great product bc of the bifidum and its tendency to overgrow in the colon. I also give him Sacccharomyces boulardii by Pure encapsulations. Do you like this product? I’ve heard mixed things about this too. I also give him Digest Gold by Enzymedica with meals. Would welcome your thoughts.

By: solomani GiProHealth stuff seems to be the best fit. Check out “SCD Probiotics – What You Really Need To Know”

By: Joel Hi, Ive searched for probiotics that doesnt contain potato or milk. Im wondering if there is any that doesnt contain it and is it okay to take those pills anyway?
