Comments on: Remembering a Crohn’s Pioneer Today Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:26:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Wright In reply to Bruce.

Thanks Bruce and Reid… Keep up the good fight!

By: Reid Kimball Thanks for writing this. I had the same feeling, like kids in a candy store when Alan shared research with me.


By: Bruce Hi,
I’ve been doing for my son what Alan Schachter was doing for a larger community. I’d guess that independently I came to the same conclusions and prevention solutions 80-90% of the time.
One possible treatment for ileum CD is cleaning up your bile. 90-95% of bile is re-used and re-absorbed through the ileum via the portal vein and returned to the liver. “Dirty” bile is then reused and doesn’t get any cleaner or more effective. Bile binds with soluble fiber, eat fiber 6 times a day, liver has to replace old “dirty” bile with new clean bile.
I am doing it and it makes me feel lighter and better on the inside. And I don’t have CD. My son is refusing to follow it. He feels good on Remi and won’t do anything else.
WIll it help with CD? With some CD versions it seems like it may help.

Bile acid malabsorption may play a role in diarrhea.

Crohn’s disease and the enterohepatic circulation. (There’s lots of info on the web about enterohepatic circulation.)

I found Karen Hurd’s approach to use common sense and common foods:
“Consume six ½ cup servings of cooked legumes each day. At each of these six times, you may eat more than ½ cup of legumes—however, you must consume at least a minimum of ½ cup. It is important that you eat the beans six times, not all at once. The goal is to keep soluble fiber present almost continually so that maximum binding of bile will take place. Maximum binding of bile to soluble fiber will give us maximum bile elimination from the body, thus causing the liver to produce brand-new bile.”

Karen Hurd on Inflammatory Bowel disease:

FWIW, Bruce

By: Roger Elliott Thanks for posting that Jordan – Alan’s pdf that you linked to is perhaps the best summary I’ve seen of the range of approaches to tackling intestinal permeability. I’ll be sharing this wherever I can.
