Comments on: Consulting Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 03 May 2023 22:16:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: navbir singh Hello…i am suffering from kidneys stones…should i stop high protein diet?

By: Laura Drake Hello Jordan and Steve,

My name is Laura Drake and I am currently a physician assistant student starting my second and final year of training. I struggle to see patients every day who would benefit from the Specific Carbohydrate Lifestyle. They are prescribed medication after medication with multiple side effects. I have had Crohn’s disease since I was 13 years old and have done the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for the majority of that time. Your new input, such as digestive enzymes and Betain Hcl, has also greatly helped me. I feel that I need to turn this into my career upon graduation to help people with conditions similar to mine. I currently do not know how to go about doing this. I am not familiar with any practitioners who practice the Specific Carbohydrate Diet – in my years of experience Gastroenterologists are oblivious to the lifestyle. Do you have any ideas of how I could pursue this?

Thank you,

Laura Drake

By: Alex Huron I have a question about a supplement for SCD. I heard that Fish Oil is excellent to take, so I am looking into Norweigian Gold, First Omega – Ultra Concentrated Essential Omega-3.

The ingredients are: Purified fish oils, fish gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, natural orange flavor, natural caramel color, lecithin, mixed vitamin E tocopherols, enteric coating.

The label says: contains no gluten, yeast, sugar, salt, dairy, eggs, nuts, wheat, artificial preservatives, or articifical ingredients. What do you guys think?

By: Sara Metzger I also want to know about sweet potatoes. Are they allowed or not?

By: Sara Metzger Why are the Phase i. Week 1 Sample Menus from the E book different than the Week 1 menus of your Menus in the SCD Phased Menu Plan? One example is the Phased menu plan includes SCD Chicken soup for the first 2 weeks, while the Sample Menus don’t have any soup in the first week. There are other differences as well. Which one should I use?

By: Christine In reply to Rebecca Charisse Ellsworth.

I suggest starting by buying the book “Breaking the Vicious Cycle” which you can get for only a few dollars used on Amazon. Great starting tool!
Hope you feel better soon:-)

By: Michael Hertz I read in your SCD Diet that sweet potatoes are not allowed — but when you wrote about increasing carbs, you said to put sweet potatoes in a smoothy! Which is it? Thanks.

By: Claire Jordan’s short video on the two new functional medicine practitioners (“Watch My Personal Video to Meet Our New Functional Medicine Practitioners”) keeps stopping at 1:33. I was hoping to see the rest of it… Is there something off on your end, or is there a problem with my computer? In any event, are these M.D.s whose consultations will be covered by insurance companies in general?

By: Kristie Am seriously considering doing the one on one and hope my case isn’t too complicated. Lifelong IBS-D sufferer, 2.5 years ago had a very serious case of gastroenteritis lasting several months with subsequent diagnosis of microscopic colitis, H Pylori, SIBO and fructose malabsorption and revelation of 13 food sensitivities that I do my best to avoid. Have refused Entocort for the MC and havent been offered ATB for the H Pylori yet since I refused to treat the MC first. Have spent 2.5 years with alternative health care practitioners with almost no success. Have seen several GI docs who only want to give Entocort for the MC but are condescending and have no interest in finding the root cause. This “functional” bowel disorder leaves me pretty much in a state of malfunctioning all of the time. I’m wondering if doing the leaky gut program would be just as effective as signing up for the one on one? For the first time ever I am hopeful after finding this website. The info is wonderful and I look forward to moving forward in this healing journey.

By: harold it is a long shot but I keep trying. Been on the scd diet now for 3 weeks with all the supplements. My big thing is anxiety caused by loud tinnitus. Has anyone ever mentioned tinnitus improving or going away following your protcoll.
other symptoms, like psorasis is getting but the never ending noise is very unsetteling. Any info you have would be wonderful!

By: Denise I am very interested in your program. My son is 3yr post Whipple Surgery. He has a partial pancreas and is an insulin dependent diabetic with a partial small intestine obstruction due to the adhesions from the surgery and random pancreatitis flare ups. With all this going on do you think you can still help him ? We have exhausted all other avenues at this time and the only option left are opiads to relieve the pain. Thank you for all the help you have given to so many people.

By: Mike The case review is $300. This buys a questionaire and 1 hour session with the practitioner.
I assume the practitioner tells you what tests to get. Right?

1. Do they tell you how to get the tests? For example, I’ve already checked my hmo about the 401h stool test. They don’t do the test. So if i need the test, how do I find out where to get the test? And who will interpret the test?

2. Does the practitioner interpret the test and give you a plan as part of the $300?


By: Karen In reply to Kim.

I am wondering the same thing! I have been looking for Bachelor’s Degree programs specifically. I see a lot of certificate or Masters programs, but not a lot of Bachelor’s Degree programs.

By: Karen Am I in the wrong program? I am looking for help with Hashimoto’s and food sensitivities. I do not have the cramping and constant diarrhea described by others. I work very hard to keep my glycemic index low and am very confused by the phases of the SCD diet. As I read the description of the SCD Intro stage, I should eat cooked carrots and drink apple cider and grape juice — all three of those items have a high glycemic index. Are you saying they are okay for someone who is craving them, or are you suggesting that everyone consume them as part of the process in order to decrease our sensitivities to other foods? My understanding of Hashimoto’s is that I should stay away from many foods forever — is your SCD program suitable as-is for someone dealing with Hashimoto’s or should I be looking at a different chart to see how you modify the SCD program for Hashimoto’s?

By: Karen Pate In reply to Allison.

Hi Allison. I just read your post. I too have a total abdominal colectomy and suffer many symptoms of chronic digestion and food allergies, adrenal fatigue. Can we keep in touch to compare notes and be support for one another. I was quite young when I had my surgery and I have noticed there are not many people in a younger age that have had this procedure. So doctors don’t really tell you anything about what your life is going to be like on top of the trauma the body had with their medicines.
If you get his message. Email me at

By: Karen Pate In reply to Linda Porter.

Hi Linda.
I would love to know how you are doing. I understand your journey as I have my own battle to deal with. I would like to know if you ecocide the help you needed and are on your way to a healing and feeling better.
Please email me if you can. I think we all need to support one another along these journeys. 😉

By: D Hi, you guys give me hope!! But I need to know, do you really think you can help someone without a colon, instead the small intestine is fashioned into a J-pouch. A loved one is going through absolute suffering dealing with constant diarrhea, fistulas and abscesses for two years. No one has been able to help him. Please let me know if you can help. I want him to buy the 60 day Heal your gut or 1 on 1 consults. He has lost too much weight, I am crying as I write this, thinking of my sweet dad.

By: Kim Are you aware of any schools or programs to study functional medicine/holistic nutrition in the Chicago area? If there are none close to Chicago, do you know of any on-line programs to receive this training? Are you familiar with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition…might this be a good program to start with?

Where did you both receive your training? Thank you for all the valuable information you have to share…I have been learning a lot!

By: Carolyn Hi, I have Crohn’s disease and have had for 16 years. I had 25cms of bowel removed in 2010 and have been recently told I have several ulcers returning. I am also lactose and fructose intolerant. I take 2mgms of questran lite every morning to stop me from having too many BM’s. With a young family I find it difficult to put myself first and make meals that I can eat and end up eating my kids leftovers. I would like to start your programme but not sure exactly where to start. Would like to hear from you thanks Carolyn

By: Clare Hi I’m a nutrition and wellness coach and own a gym in Australia (primal performance jn kincumber) and we are running a 6 week challenge starting Monday. I’m planning on talking about leaky gut, but would love to use a link to your website or Facebook and possibly the free webinar if available? Please let me know if this is ok? Thanks, Clare

By: Seth Merritt, FNP Hello,
I am a Family Nurse Practitioner, I am going to do your leaky gut protocol. I want to know if low dose naltrexone plays a positive role with helping with intestinal permeability.
Would be interested to know specifically for leaky gut/intestinal permeability help outside of autoimmune disorders which I have been prescribing to patients and started taking myself.
Thanks for any info you have.

By: Kathy Two questions: 1. Is this the same coaching program that you are offering via the webinar on May 13, 2014? That one had “special rates” through 5/19/14?
2. Are any of the functional medicine Practitioners experienced in endurance athletic events and in my case diagnosed Hashimotos and gluten intolerant? Ben Greenfield on the Underground Wellness thyroid summit had some very interesting information on that particular lifestyle driver, so would the functional medicine practitioner again have interest/experience in that area?

By: Tom Hello
I’ve been considering contacting you for some time Steve, Jordan. I do have some questions I couldn’t find answers to from others questions to you.

Can the functional doctors prescribe Rx’s ? Mine is a difficult case almost certainly due to sibo. I once fixed it w/diet many years ago w/the SCD diet but ‘fell off and now almost everything taken orally gives me problems , mostly gas etc , I have IBS-C even after sub total colectomy.

Do you think I would be a candidate for your services ? Thank you.

By: Anthony Hi. I’d like to become a client and purchase a New Case Review. Would I be working with Jordan and Steve or a functional Medicine Practitioner? Thanks!

By: litao zhang I have suffered from ulcertive colitis for many years, and bought your package, did not feel it is apply to me much. Can we have a quick talk. I have tried everything, but nothing worked. Litao

By: Jan Is SCD possible for vegetarians/vegans? thanks

By: Lore Hi Guys,

Thanks for the stream of useful info you. Greatly appreciated!

I wonder if you would be able to assist someone in South Africa? Testing might be tricky – our postal system is not the most reliable in the world!

By: Dana Hi guys, I have a question for you, though it is not necessarily related to any of the content on your website. Is there an email address that I can use to send you a quick email? I really appreciate the work you do, I’ve benefited greatly from it!

By: Susan Do you have a list of the docs you work with and their bios? I’d like to know who I will be working with before signing up. Also, can I pick which person seems like the best match for me?

By: Nicole Do you have any experience or information about rope worms? I’ve heard about them recently and think that there but information is hard to come by. Especially something that I would consider reliable.

By: Nicole Hi, I’m wondering if you are familiar with rope worm. Is this one of the ‘parasites’ that you work to detect and get rid of? I’ve heard its relatively new but creates chronic, awful symptoms.

By: J Do you have practitioners in Las Vegas to work with?

By: Emily I am working hard on addressing the health of all the members in my family (husband, 4 small children ages 2-8, and myself). We all have similar issues and are all following GAPS. We need more help, though, and I was wondering if there is a way to do a family consultation or work something out along those lines. The reasons I would like to do this are first, because we all share common issues, so I feel it would be most effective to deal with them at the same time, and secondly because it would be very difficult financially to spend $1800 for an individual initial consultation for each family member, plus testing, plus follow-ups. And, I just don’t think I would need a whole hour for each individual. I would like your help, can we work something out? Thank you for your good work on this – so many of us need help with our health.

By: jonny brennan Hi, I want to come to you guys for help soon but have a question I’m eager to know the answer to before I take my first HCL. I was diagnosed with h-pylori and have been on a PPI lansoprazole for 4 years. I hate my doctors who think I’m strange for talking about being ill and they say there’s nothing wrong with me. I had a traumatic event happen nearly 3 years ago too and my GP blames everything on that, 4 hospitals worth of gastroenterologists have come up with nothing after lots of tests including 3 endoscopys. I can’t believe they are ignorant of the links between PPIs and malabsorption that I’m obviously suffering from. For the past 2 and a half years I have been weak as hell and seriously fatigued to the point of being house bound for spells, I got so skinny that my knee buckled underneath me and crashed into a hard surface at work and I’ve been off work ever since with the knee problem and the fatigue. I burp all day long, had mushy stools while on the PPI, get a bit of heartburn and am bloated. I’ve had triple therapy to eradicate the HP 5 months ago and a very painful biopsy in my stomach that hasn’t healed after a 3 months to confirm eradication. I gave up lansoprazole as soon as I found out that it was the cause of all this 2.5 months ago and substituted it for zinc carnosine, DGL, pro-biotics, aloe vera juice and L-glutamine, plus I went to a herbalist who gives me herbal meds to take (dunno if they help). I ordered the Assist Full Spectrum enzyme and Digest Force HCL-200MG from the Poliquin group last night before I discovered your site. So I was wondering will having the HCL in my stomach hinder the healing of my triple biopsy scars that are taking their time, or accelerate it, and what do you think of the brands I bought in relation to my problem?

Thanks a lot, I’m very glad to have found a site that may help me regain my strength and finally get the benefits from the all the crazy food I’ve been buying 🙂 I appreciate any feedback.


By: James hargrove If you have Sibo, I was tested and I do and I am taking xifaxan and I am on the scd diet should I be taking probiotics (I am taking Enzmatic acidophilus pearls at bedtime) or is the acidophilus contributing to more unwanted bacteria in the small intestine.

Can you email me the answer thank you James

By: sharon lucas Hello Steve & Jordan,

I just wanted to stop by and offer up something I came across that seems to fit very well with the work you do to help others. I apologize if you are already familiar with this doctor. His name is Dr. David Perlmutter and he is a world re-known neurologist. He recently wrote another book (Grain Brain) a New York best seller! It is remarkable! He explains the science of what we eat, what happens to our brains and bodies eating the wrong foods, gluten, etc. A great deal of what he explains, ties in with the SCD lifestyle. His book and other materials would be well worth exploring if you haven’t already.

Thank you both again for all your great work!

By: Nelia Michie Hi there

With reference to Elaine’s (and your) yoghurt recipe: Instead of dairy, is water kefir recommended?


By: Larry Probert Hello, I have been on the diet very strictly for three weeks. It seems all foods treat me the same. I had no difference in my condition at the end of three weeks except that I was literally starving myself. It was way too much meat for someone who hardly ate meat to begin with. Very low calorie content and it was impossible to eat enough with the food. Now when I say I was starving….I am not kidding. I lost more weight and could hardly get up. SO…I had to begin adding brown rice and goat milk with protein powders to get myself a bit of strength. I want to do the testing. I want to join the clinic. I don’t know when the clinic will be opened, but I am in too bad a shape to wait too long. How can I begin the testing and how do I find the costs? Thank You for all you guys are doing. Larry.

By: Lisa Hi, my son was a AAA hockey player, very fit and a great student when after a hockey game he developed a diarrhea that turned into a 10 week long nightmare. He hasn’t been to school or played sports since, complaining of abdominal pain that never goes away, it gets worse but never stops. He has developed hives, aches, tingling and is still feeling unwell and battling constant abdominal pain. The performed an endoscopy/colonoscopy and discovered he had eosinophillic esophagitis and his eosinophils in his blood were elevated as well as his anitbody to gluten. The scopes revealled damage to the villi but not enough to say it was Celiac Disease. Through this whole painful process my son has never been able to get any relief from his abdominal pain and all his symptoms point to an parasitic infection. Now the GI has presribed depression meds and telling us he needs to return to school…I totally agree! but how do we find out what this abdominal pain is??? and treat it? Please help…we are from Canada and desperate to get him back to his life!

By: diane I was recently diagnosed with SIBO with methane gas I have had IBS-C for 30 yrs. I am on an herbal protocol neem,alicin,berberine,oil of oregano, a probiotic and the scd/fodmap diet that DR Siebaker recommends. A week in and I feel horrible. Today even ration eggplant and zucchini puree and a small piece of salmon caused horrible nausea and burping 45 mins later. I was vegan for 5 yrs before starting the diet and now constipation is unbelievable…I had been managing well for the past 5 yrs on the vegan diet and magnesium supplements, until January when the burping and discomfort began.
I read Norm Robillards book and am curious wheat you think of it. Also wanting to know if a pro kinetic (erythromycin) that my NP wants to add is a good idea. I paid for the talk the other day but wasn’t able to hear it and am waiting for when the transcript is available. I think you’re website and interview are great …can’t wait to see some results

By: Mark I am looking for a doctor in the Dallas/North Dallas/suburbs that can help me with the things you are talking about. I have been following the SCD diet for around 2 years and have made good improvements but I want to take it to the next level. Do you recommend any GI doctors in this area?



By: Nia Hey guys! It’s been about 3 years and I’m feeling great, loving the scd recipes and lifestyle. It’s also been 3 years since I had a colonoscopy, when I first got sick. I thought it was time to get another one. I’d like to see how I’ve improved and healed internally. My doc wants to use a blue dye along with a blue light to give a better view. I’m a little concerned about the dye. Do you know anything about it? Should I just stick w/the blue light? I am concerned that, even though he says it’s not absorbed by the body, if it has any residual side effects that I should be concerned about. I’m scheduled for next week (April 2, 2014) and hope to hear back from you before then! Thanks from one of your biggest fans, Nia.

By: Heather I pasted this on facebook also. I have an idea for you!!! By they way Hi Steve and Jordan, I have been following your work for over a year now. Thank you thank you. Although I have often thought about 1 on 1 consulting I am concerned about the fees. I have seen so many doctors for the past 15 years, I am hesitant, but curious. and still need guidance. Also, I am living overseas so getting some tests done would be a problem. My doctor said no one in this country has Celiac Disease….so there is not any help here for me. I just tried an on-line cleanse. This was my first cleanse and also my first experience with an on-line private facebook group. It went well. What I noticed is that as we proceeded through the cleanse most people posted questions and got answers from others who had similar experiences. We were being guided by the Herbalist Health coach, but we learned so much from each other. Since your time is precious and you can only help so many clients per day I was thinking it would be great to do small group healing. Is that possible? Set up a small group live chat, facebook group, and clients with similar diseases and at a similar stage in healing. (for example people like me with Celiac Disease, 2 years diagnosed, villi regrowth confirmed but still feeling tired and in pain and no guidance in the country I live in;) Using group healing you could guide the group, help more people and the group could support each other since we would all be at a similar stages in healing and have common issues. I have heard of group acupuncture, never tried it, but I think this could work. Just and idea let me know what you think????

By: Craig I’m a UC patient on Medicare with Kaiser Permanente in California. Do they even have practitioners which can deal with these issues? I do have a doctor but her normal treatment is to blast stubborn cases with steroids. And if I can correct the bacteria ratio in my gut with food why not nuke them first with antibiotics and then start the diet? Thank you

By: Tiffany Do you have a recommendation for a practitioner that works with children? My son is almost 3 years old and I’m desperately needing to find a practitioner to help him. I’m 99% sure he has SIBO and I really need help from a practitioner because diet alone is not working. I would be so appreciative if you can provide me with any direction. I’m willing to work via skype or even travel to another state if necessary. Thank you SO much for your time!!!!

By: Wendy Stegall In reply to Steven Wright.

I have some tests from 2 years ago. Can I submit those to your FM dr. as a start? and then get more tests as necessary? w

By: Wendy Stegall Having spent years on dead-end roads I wanted to share the reason for the despair around my version of ibs, etc. so that before I make the effort to find $250 I could get your feedback. I can’t take most supplements, nor can I digest any protein beyond a bean or legume. I lost fruit 30 years ago as well as ALL sweet vegetables, all seeds, nuts and cheese, milk and meat and fish. I have none of the symptoms you mention – diarheaa, etc. BUT i can’t EAT many things and when I try them the alcohol in the gut reaction and the resulting energetic decline and suicidal thoughts are enough to keep me eating what “seems to work” but didn’t help in the long run. Am I going to be able to TAKE or DO any of the diet guidelines? I can survive on my whole grain and vegetable diet but I’d rather live than survive so I’m willing to try your FM approach and your SCD diet but I know I won’t be able to eat most of the things in it until something changes in my gut , and how to change it without creating more damage?! help. thanks for any comment or suggestion. I”m on medicaid so I could get tests thru that and then figure out how to the FM consultations.

By: Tricia My question is how can this diet help someone who is vegan?

By: Mohiz Tai Hey guys,
I have joined the waiting list, but i want to work/ have one to one sessions with you guys Jordan and Steve. As i would prefer to have appointments with you and not someone else, when would that be possible? and how long are we looking now on the waiting list? as i would really love to get stared asap.

By: Margo I purchased you SCD book and it said if you had a question to contact you at My yahoo is saying this address is invalid. So this is my question…
I am trying to prepare for the SCD intro. I am addicted to sugar and try and stay away from it as much as possible. I can eat a fruit or so a day but I don’t do it often. I stick to berries or apples when I do. I don’t know if the Welch’s grape juice would bother me or not, but just a little scared to try it. Do most people do well with it in my situation? Can you please advice of the best way for me to go forward with the intro. My plans were to start tomorrow.
Is there another address I should be sending this to?
