Comments on: Diarrhea Flare Support Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 03 May 2023 22:16:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Nate B.

HI Nate – we apolgozize for any inconvenience with the flare support program. Please follow the Menu PDF’s for the first 7 days:)

By: Nate B I’ve recently ordered the Flare Up Support, and have been trying to follow it. However, the material appears in need of updating. Specifically, I downloaded the 7-Day Flare Menu on Day 0, which contains a planned set of meals for each day, along with acceptable snacks and drinks. Great! But, then I watch the videos/read the guides for each day, and they don’t match the menu.

So, which is more important to follow? The menu or the daily videos? And, if I started off following the menu for the past two days, does that mean I should start over and follow the videos with strict adherence? Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Pazit Taygfeld.

Hello and thanks for reaching out! I don’t believe there is much of a difference in terms of digestibility for those two items. We’d try to stick with zucchini as it can be cooked and this makes it much easier to digest (cucumber acn’t really be cooked:) We’d recommend the highest quality of tuna you can get and make sure it is packed in water, not oil.

By: Pazit Taygfeld Hi,
I followed the 7 weeks flare support program with great results 2 years ago. I continued to follow the SCD diet, but unfortunately am experiencing another flare at the moment. I got started on the chicken soup today and just wanted to confirm a few points:
1. ls there a difference in the digestibility of butternut pumpkin and Japanese pumpkin? i.e. is one preferable than the other?
2. Can I substitute cucumber with zucchini?
3. Is tinned tuna ok to eat when referring to fish?

Many thanks for your support 🙂

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tammy May.

Hi Tammy – thanks for reaching out! That is still a high quality fish oil we recommend, yes:) We have not updated that program recently, but do let us know if you have any speicfic questions as we may have some recent blog posts as resources for you.

By: Tammy May Hi,
I have the Flair Support materials – bought it some time ago but don’t recall when that was – am in a flare up and am shopping for more supplements. I’m not sure that I’m finding the “best” fish oil. Do you still recommend the “Faster Healthier Super Omega 3 fish oil”? I found one that resembles that description and it’s pricey-$55!
PS – any newer updates on the program?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna.

Hi Donna – thanks so much for sharing! You’re on the right path:) Keep us updated!

By: Donna Hi Lori,
I am happy to say since I started the intro diet on 9/26 and have moved on into phase 1, I have not had diarrhea for 3 days now. I am amazed. I just found out I do have microscopic colitis- according to my biopsy results. I also had food antibody testing, so now I know what foods moderately or severely affect me. I have always tried to stay away from dairy, but these results indicate they do not effect me. I’m a little skeptical about the yogurt making process, if possible, I think I would prefer just taking a probiotic supplement. No real questions at this point- I’m just going step by step by the book and am committed to getting better. I am already thrilled with what has happened so far. Thanks so much. Donna

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna.

Hi Donna – I’m so sorry this comment got missed. Please let us know how you are now and what questions you have:)

By: Donna I need help. I have had diarrhea off and on since January. 5 weeks in January, 3 weeks in June and now another 3 weeks in September. I just had a colonoscopy and endoscopy this week. Won’t have results till next week. I am already gluten free. Was told a few years ago I have leaky gut. I started your intro diet on Tuesday after my colonoscopy. I am still having terrible diarrhea. I take Betaine and probiotics. I have never take Amodium but am really getting frustrated. Do you think I should not take the betaine during the intro diet, or do you think I should try Amodium just to get some relieve? I will be purchasing your e-book tonight and I am hoping that will give me all the info I need, but am concerned I might need the Flare up program as well. Please advise.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna.

Hi Donna – Decaf coffee is not allowed due to the additives. However, all regular coffees and teas that don’t have additives like sugar or natural flavors are allowed from Day 1.

Also, check out minute 12:12 of this podcast for “The Great Coffee Experiment:

Here is a link explaining the ins and outs of tea:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna.

Hi Donna – Decaf coffee is not allowed due to the additives. However, all regular coffees and teas that don’t have additives like sugar or natural flavors are allowed from Day 1.

Also, check out minute 12:12 of this podcast for “The Great Coffee Experiment:

Here is a link explaining the ins and outs of tea:

By: Donna Can you tell me if coffee or tea are allowed during the 3-5 day intro diet?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna.

No problem, Donna! Happy to help:)

By: Donna Thank you Lori Jo. I meant to say I will be starting with the INTRO diet- using the quick start quide that I already downloaded. I also downloaded the SCD Lifestyle Surviving to Thriving guide. I will order the ebook and get started. Thanks again. I sure hope this works.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna.

Hi Donna –
The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:
The eBook will give you all the necessary steps to successfully complete the diet and start feeling better ! Please not it is important to start with the INTRO first, though.

By: Donna Not really sure where to start with all the resources on your site. I’ve had chronic diarrhea off an one since January, lasting 3- 5 weeks at a time, going 10-15 times a day (no blood likely). I am completely gluten free but my recent stool test showed an overgrowth of bacteria (which is being treated) & inflammation. I will be getting a food sensitivity test done next week, along with a colonoscopy & endoscopy. I plan to start phase 1 of the SCD this weekend. What I don’t know- is does your new SCD lifestyle solution book- cover everything I need to know about diarrhea flare ups and how to end them- or do I need to purchase this Flare Support. I really don’t know where to start and can’t afford everything that is offered. I tried to download the FREE – stop my diarrhea but it didn’t work. Please advise.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Susana Raby. – Stephanie and Brie are our recommended practitioners, but they don’t work for SCD Lifestyle. They take new patients from around the world.

By: Susana Raby Are there any practitioners you know of in the UK?
Thanks in advance

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Pazit.

Hi Pazit – our book is more for beginners but it does have a lot of valuable information.

For what you’re describing, I would recommend a one-on-one consult with a practitioner who is an expert in the diet – we recommend Stephanie and Brie – you can learn more here:

I hope this helps – I know Stephanie or Brie will be able to!

By: Pazit Hi,
I have been on SCD diet for the management of severe UC for 8 years. During 2015 I have experience 3 relapses with no apparent reason. At the moment I am flaring quite badly despite following the SCD protocol. My question is, do you think that your material is likely to assist someone who is very familiar with the diet and has followed it for so many years?

Many thanks,

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to michel.

HI Michel, thank you for reaching out! Your location is not of importance, sine each of our products can be accessed online upon purchasing them. Secondly, I do think the SCD diet can help you if you stick with it and work hard to find the right diet for you. This article may also be of help to you:

By: michel Hi,
I have UC and im living i Sweden, i have start the Intro diet and begin it 4 days, when i started I needed to go 1 time on the toilet with diarrea, and I feel its same now , do you think that the 7 days program could help me , even if im in sweden ?

Thanks for helping!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Pierre.

Hi Pierre, thank you for reaching out. It is all about finding the right diet that works for you. It may take some tweaking, but we encourage you to continue on a low allergenic diet, such as the SCD diet, and keep working toward building a custom safe food zone that works for you.

By: Pierre Hello,

I’ve bought your flare support last week. Thanks for the tool.

It’s getting better indeed no diarrhea anymore after 5 days, but constipation for the last
2 days… Is it something other people mentioned before? Is it because of the lack of fiber during
this 7 days timeframe?

Thanks for your help.


By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Dan.

Hi Dan,

Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear that you’re having such a difficult time, but we commend you for taking matters into your own hands.

Root Cause Lab Testing doesn’t include the actual test kits, but it explains exactly what the tests are used for and more. If you want to order your own tests direct to your home we link to a few of them here:

Hope that helps!

By: Dan Hi

Suffering with UC for 3 months with no help so far from 40mg Pred for 3 weeks.

I suspect possible bacterial infection in bowel, but my gastro has doesn’t think so and hasn’t done any stool tests

A question please:

“Your Bonus Flare Support Tool
Root Cause Lab Testing ($97 value)”

– does that include the testing? Or just points to the tests you think are appropriate? If so, how much would these tests costs out of pocket, no insurance.

Thanks for help and your inspiration

All the best

By: Denise Daverso Hi. I’ve been on SCD faithfully for 7 months. It worked great and I got off of Lialda after a month on the diet. By the 5th month I felt better than I had in 10 yrs since being diagnosed with UC. But in the 6th month I started to flare, and when blood appeared I immediately went back on Lialda. The flare continues now in the 7th month on SCD. I am not sure what caused the flare… I gave up diet soda when i started the SCD, but had 2 diet Pepsi’s the week before the flare started and one hard alcoholic drink, which I also had given up…. I’m not much of a hard liquor drinker anyway. However, I usually have 1 glass of wine with dinner, maybe 2 glasses on weekends. I am planning to call my Docter today ’cause I’m getting worried about the continuous bloody diarrhea, and mucous diarrhea. I am only eating well-cooked meats, mostly chicken, cooked veggies and fruit (pears & apples), eggs, & SCD yogurt. I’m a bit depressed ’cause I was feeling so fantastic a couple months ago. Is your Flare Support going to add anything more to what I’m doing, aside from completely giving up wine?

By: Heather I was diagnosis with microscopic colitis I have been put on uceris once a day for a month I was wandering if you know about this medicine I’m on and what to do after coming of of the steroid what kind of food would help me I don’t know much about the SCD life style so any advise would help thanks.:)

By: Steven Wright In reply to Karen.

Hey karen – start SCD, enzymes and check for low stomach acid. Those are the first steps. Later you’ll need to work with an experienced practitioner to find the roots of your issues.

By: Karen I alternate between IBS-C and IBS-D and normal BMs (for 13 yrs at least). After having been lactose-intolerant for for that whole time, and then realizing I needed to be gluten-free a year and a half ago, I did an ALCAT blood test which showed I had a lot of food intolerances as well EX: Cabbage, Green Beans, Almonds, Beef Turkey, Pork, Apples, Bananas, Apricots, Jalepenos, Bay Leaves to name a few). I seem to be adding more intolerances and overall have better, more normal BMs than I used to have, but still have D and sometimes C (depending on what I eat). I just want it all to go away. I have lost 50+ pounds in the last year…but am still worried about getting type 2 Diabetes (mom, dad, brother, sister) or even cancer or heart disease. So I feel overwhelmed about what I should or should not eat, since most plans include things I am intolerant to. What should I do?? BTW I did download your quick start SCD plan…but still feeling overwhelmed and this weekend ate beef chili which caused D, so now I am regretting it. Argh and help.

By: Jo Hello! I am interested in trying this out. My main question is whether i can do the diet without chicken or eggs. For some reason, i get hives every time i eat them. Ive been on scd for about one year and three months but have had more hospitizations during that time than ever before. I dont have high hopes to be honest but i am desperate to make this flare go away since i am still on prednisone and imuran which arent working. I eat all the other foods on the diet (besides nuts/seeds/beans) but am nervous about how much i can have if i cant eat chicken and eggs.

Thanks for your time and dedication to this! I am a tough case so if your plan works, it will be a miracle.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Juniper Sage.

Thank you Juniper. I think you’ll like our latest podcast, which will be published on the blog on THURS 8/22. Please check that out.

In the meantime, we typically recommend people start out with a chicken based soup and bone broth… which is generally well tolerated in place of a beef based broth.


By: Juniper Sage In reply to Jordan Reasoner.


I am willing to break a 20 year +vegetarian diet (already eating gelatin on SCD, so why not?) but do think I’d have to draw the line at red meat. Does the Flare Support menu demand bone soup or red meat?

Your guidance is appreciated as I have hit a wall at 3 months – juniper

By: Rhonda Oops! Sorry Jordan…just found the Bonus Flare Support Tool in the email you sent. One other question…when can the SCD yogurt be added? Is there some reason you can’t have it during the Flare Support Week?


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to TrishaF.

Hi Trisha,

Our material will not support a vegetarian. We’ve been testing this over the last year and we don’t have success with people unless they eat meat.

It’s probably not a good fit.

In good health,


By: TrishaF Hi,

I’m very interested in your solution and would love to join. As a Full Vegetarian though I need to make sure that your program will work for me. Are your supplements vegetarian-based? Or do they contain animal products? I noticed in some comments people take fish oil as part of your program. Can you guarantee that: 1 –your supplements are completely Vegetarian; and 2 –I will be offered Vegetarian alternatives to all supplements, meal plans, etc. involved in your program? If this isn’t the case, unfortunately your program won’t work for me.

Please advise and thanks!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to MaryAnn.

Yes, Flare Support is focused on lowering inflammation in the body as quickly as possible. That’s the idea behind the “Bathtub Theory of Inflammation” – we’re going to support you to stop filling up your bathtub and start draining it in 7-days.

Also, if it doesn’t help you, we do have a 30-day money back policy and you can simply email us for a refund. We’d be happy to support you inside the program 🙂


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to amanda.

Thank you so much Amanda, I’m so glad to hear that you’re stable right now! Congrats 🙂

Right now, we anticipate having Flare Support available for the foreseeable future. The only change being it will go up to full price beginning 6/15.

In good health,


By: MaryAnn I have IBS-C and Arthritis, so therefore, inflammation. I just went off Prednisone which alleviated the stiffness and slowed down the inflammation, but I would like to eliminate the inflammation from taking over my body as severely as it did. Would your Flare Support work in this regard even though I have no diarrhea whatsoever.

By: amanda Hi Guys,
This seems like a great program but I’m not suffering at the moment and have been stable and feeling well for the past two months. Will Flare Support continue to be available (even at the higher price) for the foreseeable future as I never know when I might flare? Just to mention I had three sessions of Rational Emotional Cognitive Therapy a couple of months ago and apart from some huge changes in my behavior and thinking my bowels seemed to benefit too!!! Feeling much more chilled generally so guess that must help things.

Well done as usual you came up with just the right thing…. Thank you so much…. Amanda

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Shirley Newell.

Thank you so much Shirley, we’re grateful to work with you inside Flare Support and looking forward to it 🙂


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Donna Jablonski.

Hi Donna, that’s a great sign it helped initially and it’s not uncommon to get worse at this stage. In your case, I’d highly recommend you work with us 1-on-1 to get some specific tests and make sure you’re not fighting a bacterial or parasite infection. This post might help:

If you’re interesting in working with us, see our 1-hour case review here:

In good health,


By: Shirley Newell Hi guys,
My problem with diarrhea has never been so severe that there was bleeding. But I do identify with the situation of
“barely make it in time”. In fact I have often NOT made it in time. Thanks be to God it has never been in public.
For the last twenty years I have relied on : firstly, the B.R.A.T. diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and tea) that I used to give my children when they had diarrhea and in the last four years I have used psyllium fiber …….which
the pundits say “jellies” the excess water in the digestive system. However this does not completely answer the
problem. It is interesting to hear that you say “stress” and “inflammation” have a role to play… are saying
that there are emotional reasons for this situation. Anyway I am willing to give your solution a whirl. S. Newell

By: Donna Jablonski I have been using the SCD lifestyle for approx 6 months and I am very impressed with the results. I have UC-C, which is atypical but I find that it seems to be getting worse the more I follow the diet. I suspect that I may be doing something incorrectly, or that because I am prone to constipation, all the protocals for SCD may not be what I need. Any ideas or suggestions? I would like to try your new offer, but if it predominantly focuses on diarrhea then I may not be a suitable candidate.
