Comments on: SCD Lifestyle 2.0 Is Here Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:32:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christina can I use this peanutbutter?

By: Christina Help!I do not know from what, but I did a flare. I do not know what to do because I am on a diet for 50 days, a little chair was formed, no pain, but still (4times) a drop of blood in the morning, sometimes … but this morning I woke up at 6 am and went to the bathroom. First, it was rare, and very rare …. I do not know what to do …. I do not want to go on Imuran, help me …… Do not diet helps for me ….=(
I have not entered any products, just yesterday introduced Omega-3…maby I have many lesions, and thats diet will be long….. I dont know…

By: Rebecca LOVE the new site! Incredible job putting all this together in a relatively short time. I especially like the “success stories” section and hope that it turns into a huge documentation of SCD successes!
Would also love a section on medical perspectives on SCD. Maybe send out emails to gastros, and a variety of healthcare practioners who are and aren’t familar with SCD. Ask them to respond with a quotable stance on their IBD standard protocols and their knowledge/response to SCD. I think that would be so informative and likely would end up educating many healthcare providers. An idea for your consideration…
Thanks for the great webiste and all the info!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Alyssa Davis.

Thanks Alyssa – I appreciate the good words.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Pat Scott.


By: Alyssa Davis Carmen,
I am sorry too. I’m not sure where you are at in life, but I am 20. I am in college full-time and am very involved on campus. Even I took it upon myself to start the diet. I completely believe everyone can start the diet, if they want to be healthy. I make time for the diet and haven’t had any illegal food in 8 months. You can do it! My email is Email me if you want. Also, Jordan and Steve’s book is a great resource for beginners!!! 🙂 There is also a yahoo group with many, many members called btvc. Questions and answers are exchanged all day in that group.

p.s. Great job Jordan and Steve 🙂

By: Steven Wright In reply to Carmen.

Hi Carmen,

I’m sorry you did, did you use our Free guide? It holds your hand and step-by-step gets you started. I promise if I can do it so can you!

By: Pat Scott Great job Jordan!

By: Carmen I found the scd kiet far too difficult to start.
