Comments on: Wishing You… Plus, the Best of 2012 Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:23:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Christina.

WOW Christina, what a wonderful holiday gift! Thank you for sharing your results and congrats.

You’re amazing 🙂


By: Christina Jordan and Steve,
I just wanted to share that I had a sigmoidoscopy on Friday (12/21/12) where my GI Dr was amazed at how much my gut had healed in 4 1/2 months!!!! The before and after pictures are amazing!!! I was a believer based on how I felt and symptoms of active UC were gone, but to actually see it is tremendous. I want to thank you for assisting me in taking control of my health and getting my life back. I could not have done it without you. Hope you have a healthy and prosperous 2013!!
Thanks, Christina
