Comments on: IBD Documentary Uncovers 5-R Framework For Healing Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:22:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dookist Suffering terribly with idiopathic diarrhoea, terrible pains, etc.

I am on PPI for gastric reflux, also had and was treated for H.Pylori, (does it recur? I have not been retested), and have suffered from cryptosporidium and campylobacter, possibly as my stomach acid is not strong enough to kill dangerous bacteria. I have been told I risk an inflamed gullet unless I stay on the drugs.

Also taking propranolol for heart palpitations, and statins.

I have a vitamin B12 shot every 3 months, which I feel is nowhere near enough, but my doctors seem at a loss, and have told me to avoid fruit, vegetables all carbs including potatoes… Not much left to eat when you cut those. I am desperate…

By: WANTED: Crohn's End » Fundraiser Wrap-up […] SCD Lifestyle […]

By: WANTED: Crohn's End » Jan 14th Fundraiser Update […] morning (Jan 14th) SCD Lifestyle posted my blog article about the 5-R Framework that I think can help give people the structure needed to select appropriate treatments for their […]

By: Reid B. Kimball Caronline MacGregor, absolutely. One of the reasons why I like the framework approach is that it allows specifics to be added or removed based on the patient’s needs. It’s not a prescription written in stone.

By: Caroline MacGregor This is a great protocol which I use for my patients in my practice all the time. A very important thing to add to the first ‘remove’ step is identification and elimination of pathogens/parasites. If someone has pathogenic candida overgrowth or a parasitic infection, no amount of the other Rs will completely deal with the problem so testing is crucial as otherwise they will continue to actively damage the lining of the gut.
