Comments on: Live Presentation – The 3 Body Systems Hold the Key to Painless Poops Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:18:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carrie What resources covering the same information do you suggest for those who were unable to attend or not aware of this live presentation?

By: Lindsey Hi,
I am bummed that this won’t be recorded. I work during the airing times. If you do decided to offer it via email…please please include me! I have Crohns Disease and had surgery on 3/15/13 for a colostomy.

By: Jay My toughest symptom for the last two years has been feeling awful AFTER a bowel movement. Even if I’m having a good day with hardly any symptoms, once I have a BM I immediately feel terrible afterwards with bloating, cramping, gurgling and gas for hours and hours. Sometimes it doesn’t stop until I go to bed. This has stumped everyone I’ve talked to and has not seemed to make any difference with any diet I’ve tried.

It’s a shame that this is 2pm on a Tuesday. I will have to miss this due to my work day.

By: Justin Looking forward to it! I hope you guys include some content about “how” to fix some of the issues from the “hormonal axis” and “Detox axis”. I’ve seen lots on what to do digestively and even what to test for on the hormone axis. What I havent seen is implementing the fix/recovery/etc. e.g. Adrenal fatigue. I know a lot of these are specialized to the indidual (e.g. low cortisol or low DHEA = different things) but it would be nice to have your suggestions on the natural, pharma-free, approach to some of these other body systems.
