Comments on: Is it OK to Work Out When You’re Sick? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sat, 28 Mar 2015 16:07:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sharon This is perfect! As someone with chronic illness I always feel that constant pressure to add exercise back in as an essential part of healing. Each time I have tried my symptoms flare. This last time (starting in January) when I started rebounding and speed walking everyday I actually started to gain weight around my middle, wake up in the night starving, sweating, heart racing, and had an increase in anxiety. I think it was messing with my cortisol. I had to recover from that, and now I have settled into yoga and a gentle modern dance class 2-4 times a week (depending on how I feel). It seems to be working out much better! I think movement is important, but that doesn’t have to mean intensity or long duration. Listening to your body is KEY! Thanks so much for this!

By: Elise Sanou Hi

I want to known what machine can I use in the gym when I am doing SCD diet
?bike machine
?treadmill(should I walk on run)
how long can I been in the exercise machine
can I do abs workout with the SCD diet

or just do weight only
