Comments on: What Dr. Tom O’Bryan Taught Me About Gluten-Related Disorders Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 22 May 2023 21:01:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: gate io vip 1 olmak I am a student of BAK College. The recent paper competition gave me a lot of headaches, and I checked a lot of information. Finally, after reading your article, it suddenly dawned on me that I can still have such an idea. grateful. But I still have some questions, hope you can help me.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Christine.

HI Christine, thanks for sharing with us! Resistant starch can certainly help rebuild the gut flora. We recommend not to use it if you have SIBO or any other gut infections, though. Start small and see how you do with it, as it can take some time for your body to adjust.

By: Christine M Wow, two days grain free and I feel a big change. I have dermatitis herpetformis and I could never figure out why some times I would feel itchy eating corn tortillas or rice noodles. I am diabetic so going grain free will help with that.

What do you think about eating resistant starch in the form of raw potatoes or green plantains to repopulate gut flora?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Joan Ford.

Hi Joan, please email us at with any requests for more information, as well as what topic and we will be happy to assist you!

By: Joan Ford I woud like more information. Thank you. JKF

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tara.

Hi Tara, it is a good idea to be aware of where your food is coming from, no matter what grain it is. If you can get oats from a local farmer, this would be better than from an unknown source. All foods have the potential to be toxic, with advanced technology, GMO’s etc. so we suggest to be very aware as to where it comes from.

By: Tara Hi there, I am deeply researching gluten and gluten sensitivity as I have a toddler and a baby and am terrified of the aspect of slowly poisoning them. Dr Tom O Bryan keeps mentioning the dangers of gluten in wheat, rye and barley. What about all the gluten in other foods like rice, oats, quinoa, etc are they just as toxic can we digest them? Are they ok? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to deborah murray.

Hi Deborah, thanks for reaching out! The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.
The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:
From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

By: deborah murray Jordan Reasoner hi i am suffering from very bad acid reflex i really need a guide to help me in heal my stomach

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Joseph Menninger.

Hi Joseph, thank you for reaching out! We suggest starting out with our free quick start guide to understand the basis of the diet and how it works. You can find it here:

By: Joseph Menninger I have celiac and chrohn’s disease! I am also on a gluten free and lactose free diet! With the SCD lifestyle can I have sugar in my diet! Such as having lactose free and gluten free pumpkin pie! What tv dinners are good for me to get! What foods will help me?

By: Fran Grimwood I want to encourage Jayden to follow SCD. My 15 year old son has done so for approx nine minutes mths following gangrenous ruptured appendix and years of gut dysbiosis and his future looks very bright. Yes, it takes time and patience, but it is potentially life changing! Good luck!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Barbara Smith.

HI Barbara, thank you for reaching out! I highly suggest one of our practitioners, here:

By: Barbara Smith I was wondering about getting tested and I need to start somewhere. Right? I am a 60 year old female,a farmer. I have Celiac disease with complications…..I am a diabetic, I have ICT and fibermyolgia. I am so stiff all the time. Can you help me?

Thank You
Barbara Smith
Box 40
Limerick, Sask Canada 306 263 2141

By: sunil kumar Sir,
Thanx for d information. I want to know more about d liquid diet. Can we give my child (having celiac disease) green tea, cold drinks like coca cola, real juice and fruity……plz suggest sir….

By: Tori What are your thoughts on cow colostrum with SCD? I saw this on The Gluten Summit and was sold! My son is 5 and has gut issues.

By: Mary C Thank you for this information. I missed some parts of the Gluten Summit that rolled off before I had a chance to listen. Which speaker talked about The Surprising Ways Gluten Sensitivity Can Affect a Child’s Health?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jayden.

We believe with the right diet, supplement and addressing the root causes that yes everyone can heal their leaky gut. It’s been our experience that younger people respond faster yes.

By: Jayden Do you guys believe everyone can heal leaky gut with the right diet and supplements ? I relise the if have dysbiosis or an infection that must be eliminate first which is why testing is important. Does age play a role as well. Seeing as I am 15 do you believe I could heal faster ?
