Comments on: SCD Spaghetti (forget noodles, sauce is the star of the show) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 26 Feb 2018 21:12:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick Great modification Christina, thanks for sharing. Zuchini is a great way for peeps like you and me who can’t do traditional pasta, to still get that similar taste and not miss out too much.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to maria sattizahn.

Hi Maria, thanks for reaching out! This will depend upon what ingredients you choose to use for the recipe, as we can not guarantee anything. Go ahead and use fresh vegetables in stead of canned if this is of concern to you, as fresh is always better any way.

By: maria sattizahn can you please let me know if you have verified that there is no trace of any additional items that are not SCD? for example, traces of starch, or preservatives that may be contradictory.

i am so used to seeing NO CANNED VEGETABLES that i am frightened to use anything else.

thank you so much

this is for my little girl

By: On the menu for this week | My Paleo Adventure […] […]

By: Christina We are Paleo. We have created two new Spaghetti versions:

1. spread spicy brown mustard on both sides of boneless/skinless chicken breasts. Dredge with either coconut or Almond flour. Heat Iron skillet with coconut oil. Sear both sides of chicken. Top chicken with a few sprigs of fresh Rosemary or a tsp of dried. Place in oven preheated to 400 degrees. Cook for 20 minutes. Pull out and finish off with balsamic Vinegar. cook off vinegar in oven. Remove chicken.
For sauce:
Slice about two organic zucchini. Cut organic yellow sweet onion in quarters, then slice thin. Saute both in coconut oil in large skillet till crunchy soft. Add fresh garlic(to your taste) and saute for 1 minute. Add Organic Crushed tomatoes(we use a quart jar I canned). Add Fresh or dried basil, Thyme, salt, pepper, a dash of crushed red pepper, and a TBSP of Rapidura (a Sweetener). Simmer about 20 minutes.
Plating it up:
spread Zucchini sauce on plate. Top with Chicken. Add about 2 Tbsp of fresh grated Parmesan(cheat day-we don’t do dairy). Accompany with a Strawberry/Spinach Salad(mixed with tomatoes, slice onion, strawberries, and spinach) topped with a homemade Honey mustard balsamic vinaigrette.

2. Brown 2 lbs of ground grass fed, antibiotic free beef with 1 chopped organic onion. Add fresh garlic and cook about 2 more minutes. Add 1 zucchini sliced(I cut in 1/2 length wise, then slice in thin half moons). Suate with meat for 2 more minutes. Add 1 can organic roasted chopped tomatoes and either chpped fresh basil and thyme or dried(to your taste). Cover and cook for about 5 minutes on simmer.
Plating up:
place meat mixture on plate an top with 1 TBSP of Fresh grated Parmesan(cheat day again). Accompany with sauteed Broccoli and sliced fresh strawberries on the side.
