Comments on: Monster Montana Gourmet Grass-Fed Burgers Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 28 Sep 2015 23:47:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Viv Webb.

Hi Viv, thanks so much for commenting.

We really encourage you to only eat humanely-raised, locally-sourced, and self-ground meat – this will greatly lessen your chance of having any kind of bacteria contamination with your meat.

You can find locally-sourced meat near you using this site:

We don’t have any peer-reviewed research MAP bacteria and meat, but we encourage you to continue being empowered to make your own decisions and pursue the best choices for you and your health 🙂

By: Viv Webb I do this sort of thing. But I cook the mest through. MAP bacteria (thought by some to contribute to causing IBD) are on the outside of meat due to processing. Grinding meat mixes it all the way through … So to kill any, I cook well done. ?

By: elizellen Looks good – but I usually use two large flat mushrooms as my “bun”

By: Lisa Headley I loved this! This inspired hope in my heart and made me literally laugh out loud! Thank you! *giggling*

By: Corben Nice “bun” work. Personally, I prefer to use Ham as my bun of choice, but I can see how some might need a little ruffage to “process” that BEAST. Nice use of the hoodie to hide from the My Plate police. Don’t want them to know you are not consuming your share of subsidy crops, er.. “healthy whole grains”.
