Comments on: 7 Keys for Fast And Holistic Fat Loss! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:22:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mike.

Hi Mike – if you’re referring to a supplement touted as a fat burner – like green coffee extract or raspberry ketones – we don’t think this supplements have any significant impact and are a “silver bullet” too

By: Mike Hi Steven

I really think the best piece of advice I have found online is the “Silver Bullets one” Good one! I would also like to know your thoughts on Fat Burners?


By: Anita Oh, by the way, I am also very narrow through the hips with no butt to speak of at all. I so want some semblance of a womanly figure – please help point me in the right direction! THANKS!!!

By: Anita I so want to join this effort, but I’ve lost my drive! I am 57 and have skinny legs and arms and a heavy torso with belly fat galore! Even when I was a little girl I was skinny all over except for a lower ab pooch (now I feel like jabba-the-hut!) 6 pregnancies, 1 C section, 2 low back surgeries . . . and leaky gut/food intolerances and candida overgrowth haven’t helped at all. I recently came under the care of a functional med. doc, underwent testing, and am now taking biest, progesterone, testosterone, armor thyroid, dhea, pregnenolone, betaine hcl, probiotics, adrenomend, ultrazyme, D3, krill oil. I have been following the SCD and am feeling better, but concerned about the recommended foods that contain sugar.
A couple of years ago a physician put me on a strict candida killing diet, only meats and above ground veggies. I also worked out with a trainer 5 days a week. I lost about 30 lbs. but ended up looking like a starvation victim – legs and arms got even skinnier, and although I lost fat on my stomach I was still way out of proportion – not attractive at all after all that work. FYI, although I am hypothyroid, my new doc. also tested me for thyroid diseases that might cause this crazy belly fat, but I checked out ok. I’ve regained all that weight, and though I really want to slim down I’m afraid I’ll just end up looking the same way “chicken-lady”.
PLEASE, if you have any ideas for me to change this issue of being soooo out of proportion I will greatly appreciate. To be perfectly transparent, like you’re being, I remarried about a year ago and badly want to regain some level of sexiness for my new hubby before I succumb to just being old! I AM NOT old in spirit and want my body to reflect my soul! (PS: I ride a Harley and want to look good in my leathers this summer!)

By: Steven Wright In reply to Lee.

@Lee – I think your spot on and that’s why I LOVE the Venus Index workouts for women. It’s based on science, realistic goals and making every women look her best regardless of genes. If you take a look at some of their recent contests you’ll see women COMPLETELY changing their bodies (

By: Lee love the accountability ideas and the idea to plan a reward ahead of time! Please encourage people (especially women) to spend time reflecting on healthy body images (NOT fashion models, TV, Hollywood, magazines!!) If Barbie were a real person she’d be too thin to menstruate! (plus she’d fall over!) According to Dr. Julia Ross (The Diet Cure, The Mood Cure) only 5% of people have the “skinny” gene – so having a realistic body image will keep you from discouragement and possible destructive eating disorders.

By: Janet Malone “Weigh to Go!!!” Steve! You are a rock star;) You can do this!!! I’m sooo proud of you and I appreciate your honesty in all your struggles. Much good has come out of them!! Your challenges with “cheating” and “binging” have brought about many keys to helping others to succeed in getting healthier… ME included. Your transparency shows integrity!!! Good for you! Thank you!
