Comments on: What Healthy People Have (and You Do Too) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:17:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jane In reply to Shannon Ross Watson.

Looks like this post is rather old…but since it’s unanswered and many people search for years on health matters, here’s a short-ish answer since I gotta get to bed soon! Try looking into Mast Cell disorders. I’ve gotten this diagnosis a couple times myself, along with CFS/IBS previously (within 14 years of illness.) I’m actually also about to try Ketotifen; I briefly tried Cromolyn sodium without success. I don’t see why it’s not possible to have all these and even leaky gut/liver issues since one issue can cause yet another. I found I can’t digest protein in a Metametrix test, so maybe this all started with hypochloridia/enzyme deficiency? Also had parasites and a bit elevated on the yeast scale. Still need more testing to know. But, hopefully this babble is enough to get some ideas out there. Good luck!

By: Jody Jordan and Steve,
Yes! to finding the spaces that bring relaxation and healing in our lives!
I also need your research skills! After a several month long Ulcerative Colitis flare, with diarrhea each morning, I did try your diet. It helped and I’m grateful. However, sticking to it 100% is not something I’ve been successful with. And so the flare would never calm down completely. Recently, I’ve begun taking YL Sacred Frankincense essential oil internally. Just 2 drops each evening in a capsule and within 48 hrs. the diarrhea has stopped and I have normal stool each AM.
I also have had the same success with Boswellia Carterii. There is research for this with Crohn’s and with cancer (Boswellia Sacra.). All this to say you may wish to add therapeutic grade Frankincense essential oil to your recommended list of supplements.
I know I still have a long way to go to continue to reduce inflammation and stress. Feel hopeful for the first time! Your work is so vitally needed. Thank-you for all your are doing to bring healing to so many!
warmest blessings,

By: Shannon Ross Watson Steve and Jordan I have purchased you materials, tried the diet and FODMAP and Paelo and nothing worked, I posted on the website about this new pill that has taken away all the pain and nausea and is letting me get off the narcotics, you guys helped save my life with your broths and other diet ideas but now I need your researching skills to help me find out why the Ketotifen is working. It has something to do with mast cells, allergies. I am not allergic to any foods and did the ICG tests to find intolerances(egg and dairy). I now seem to tolerate them. Why is this drug so effective? I can not get any answers back from any web searches or medical doctors. I am hoping this is not masking the IBS and is short term before a big flare, or perhaps I never had IBS? Need your investigate skills, thanks in advance. Shannon Ross Watson
