Comments on: The Old Me Must Die (An Open Letter About My Divorce) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:16:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Georgianna.

WOW, thank you so much Georgianna. You’re amazing!

Your comment means the world to me.

Know you can do this. Choose hope. I’m with you 🙂

– J

By: Georgianna Not too long ago I wrote my will for my 15 month old boy and family members… I’ve been extremely sick for almost 3 years, and have been losing hope… But, after reading your post, you have given me the strength to choose hope over giving up– and I feel more alive from reading what you wrote than I have in a long time.
Thank you so much for sharing something so personal with your followers here. You are obviously an extremely caring, empathic and STRONG soul. For you to be able to pick yourself up during such stressful changes in your life and simultaneously give others a whole new outlook on life and the meaning of hope is truly beautiful. You have a gift for healing.

Thanks again,

By: Carol Oh, Jordan, I’m so sorry. Your courage in sharing what you’ve been going through is a very positive step in your healing, and as you can see from all the comments, it’s a great benefit to those you help. We all have circumstances that cloud our vision and that tempt us to surrender our hope (that was such an insightful description) and our health. Our physical well-being plays such a large part in our emotional processing, and vice versa. Since you’ve become a role-model for so many people, allowing those people to see that you fail and are human and have to restart like the rest of us builds a stronger connection. Praying for your hope to continue to grow and for steady healing for you and your family…

By: Mirela …the pain has only lasted as long as I’ve held onto it…

I keep on reading this and I smile and that is because your words have such a strong echo in my heart. The beauty of this world stands in people like you, honest and willing to overcome situations, growing up as human beings. I can relate so much with all your questions and failing thoughts and it always amazes how strong people can be if they really look deep inside. We can pretend to be who we are not, sometime, to hide the fears and lock them in a corner of our heart but they whisper every night to us, every time we are alone, every time we feel weak. But one day we do what you did, Jordan, we confess, we pronounce words, we promise ourselves that we will not let life to lead us but we will lead our life. Is true, there is nothing worse than surrender, giving up to breathe due to the pain we feel but LIFE is incredible and fortunately there are ways to fight for it and people to support your baby’s steps to achieve the new of You.

Happy rebirth, Jordan and thank you for being there, for us, for you!

By: Lee Jordan, thank you for sharing such a difficult time in your life. You have been such an inspiration to me in keeping my hope alive for improved health. I wish you strength and love now and for your future. …Lee

By: barb Your note couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time for me. I am on the edge of giving up. I have lost all hope and cannot seem to come to grips with acceptance of my illness. I am obsessed by it and perplexed at the same time. Your analogy of the waves in the ocean hit me hard. I get it and have to come to conclusion that it is what it is. Struggling with a relationship is no difference in struggling with a health issue. Beating my head up against a wall is getting me nowhere but severely frustrated. I need to move on and past this now and accept I have a chronic illness that I will have forever. I would love to know how others were able to move past and accept their illness. I feel like I am going through a divorce from food UGH!

By: Victoria What a gift you’ve given others in sharing this. The heartbreak of these sorts of life changes does get better… Having been there myself, it seems unbelievable as we’re going through it, but with time and grace, we see the full breadth of the plan that’s in place for us and things look infinitely brighter, even though sometimes that seems unimaginable. Peace to you…

By: Amanda Jordan, you are so courageous to be open about your struggle. I have been following you guys for 2 years now and you have guided me towards a life that I can now actually live. I have had phone sessions with you and have shared my story of losing my husband tragically at 33 years old. One minute here, the next minute gone…forever. I felt the same way you are feeling now, but I am living proof that you will rise from this challenge in your life stronger than ever. It is quite amazing once you make the mental/physical/emotional decision to just “let go” and find faith again. My favorite quote is “Let your faith be stronger than your fear.” I repeat it every day to myself. I lost my health, my husband, my life and mostly hope the day he died. Over the past 4 years, after utilizing so many resources to restore what I had lost, I have hope again. You guys are one of the reasons why I have it back. My wish for you is to stay strong and have faith. One day at a time… Amanda

By: Beth I really appreciate your sharing this with us, Jordan. For years now, whenever asked what my greatest fear was, my response was always the same – the loss of hope. I don’t know what led me to that conclusion, as I hadn’t ever completely lost hope by that point in my life. In my health struggles over the last 2 years, however, I have lost hope numerous times. Those have been the toughest times. I carried on for my family and friends, not because I personally had the will to live any longer.
Even though I found hope again each time, I never really looked at it as a choice. Something would just come along, something else that I could try before giving up (most recently FMT, and so far, so good!), that instilled hope in me again.
There is a quote by Dale Carnegie that I came across and wrote on my white board to reflect on in my tougher moments:
“Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.”

I like the idea of “the old me must die”. Death makes room for new life. It’s like the phoenix who dies in the flames and is reborn from the ashes.

I choose hope.

By: Susan Emmerich Jordan, I have followed you and Steve by way of your emails this past two years and have sent many people your way but have either been too sick or too fatigued to join the journey. My whole family suffers from digestive and adrenal issues. So, I often find it difficult to find the time to move forward. However, I have finally come to a place to be able to commit to starting the SCD. I believe this is the last piece of a 30 year journey to regain my health and now help the rest of my family. My heart broke as I read your posting but I was so amazed at your astute understanding of the concept of a sort of death to the old self and the rising up as a new person. Chapters 5 and 6 in the book of Romans (in the Bible) are devoted to this whole concept. Hope is very powerful when based on something that is everlasting and true. I work to mediate violent environmental conflicts in resource-based and resource-poor communities and to bring hope to the hopeless. Throughout history, the message of hope based on faith in God enables people to not only rise above but rejoice in obstacles, afflictions and sufferings because it produces in them perseverance, and perseverance produces character, and character produces hope. After reading all the amazing posts for the last year, you are doing a special work of God to bring healing to so many. Thank you for all you do, and keep seeking the basis for your hope and the hope you give others.

By: Wendy Kennedy The hope and inspiration you have afforded to those around you is infinitely valuable. I too, know the challenges of a failed marriage. While my journey has been very different to yours, I often refer to my understanding of the challenges you have faced to find hope where hope has disappeared and belief has gone AWOL. Thanks Jordan, for your openness and honesty – it is a journey that we have to travel on a daily basis and find intrinsic value in the moments we live in Wendy

By: Kathleen So sorry to hear that Jordan. I’ve only recently stumbled upon your website, but I hope the best for you!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Joanne.

Well said Joanne. I’m finding hope is the thing that keeps me going… and it’s a choice to have it or let it go. So grateful you are choosing it for yourself as well!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Angela Severson.

I’m so grateful that sharing this supported you today Angela. You’re amazing!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Amanda.

Thank you Amanda, that means a lot to me.


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Tracy.

Way to go Tracy! Thank you for your support 🙂


By: Tracy Jordan,
Thanks to you, I am currently letting the “old me” and my “old lifestyle” die as I move forward and heal on SCD! I am at the 2 1/2 month mark and I am so much better. You guys do so much good! Sharing lows in life can be so much more powerful because we remember that we all have lows and we are not alone!

By: Amanda Jordan thank you so much for posting this. I too have to say goodbye to the old me only I didn’t realize that’s what was going on till I read your post. So thank you for your honesty and clear vision and may your future and your children’s future and your wife’s be filled with more joy than you can imagine. You are a great guy and have so much to look forward to although you may not see that at the moment. With love x

By: Angela Severson Jordan,
I can’t imagine how hare it was to write this. I really appreciate your vulnerability! I think that most of us can relate to what it is to give up hope. Your encouragement is truly a strong voice, and a necessary one to overcome the voices that keep us from living! Thank you! I needed to hear that, as I continue to loose hope over my inability to stick with feeding myself the food that my body needs to heal. I will NOT loose HOPE!

By: jgirl ‘With hope, each day gets better and better…”

By: Joanne Thanks for being honest and open. I’m currently going through the exact same feelings, have lost hope, and been stuck in that a while. Today I will join you! Let’s move forward together. Its good to remember that we’re not alone in this. Thanks so much for this post.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Andrea.

Thank you Andrea! I’m happy that this gave you inspiration today 🙂


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Crystal.

Thank you Crystal, I’m so grateful that this post supported you today 🙂


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Shannon Ross Watson.

Thank you Shannon 🙂


By: Shannon Ross Watson Than you for sharing. You will be ok. Sending lots of love and strength. You have opened up your lives to us in the online world and helped so many. Sending a little good karma back.

By: Crystal Jordan, you are an incredibly strong person to tell this story on the internet for all to read. Your children will come to understand the new you over the long run. Certainly, someday they can read this post and learn about their genuine and good dad. I was touched by your story of hope, and it helped me to refocus my efforts towards being SCD compliant.

By: Andrea Jordan, I’m so sorry you have to go through something as difficult as a divorce. Some days it is hard to see the point in going on, and I have been there with my own difficulties this year. Yet I am persevering because other people are counting on me to be here, and I am fighting to keep my hope alive for a better future . Thanks for the inspiration!

By: Tara Thank you for sharing this, Jordan. I’m in the process of Legal Separation myself (after 16 years) and you describe perfectly what it feels like to lose, or surrender, hope and how it affects our health. I’ve allowed it to rob me of my joy and vibrancy that helped me lose 100 pounds. Now my system is wrecked and I’m turning to SCD to set it back right. Thank you for being brave enough to share your vulnerability. Hope is good, and I’m glad you’re on the upswing.
