Comments on: Your Health Blind Spots Are Keeping You Sick Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:11:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Ellenberger We have been doing a Paleo diet with sprouted and soaked alternative grains.
I have gained 26 pounds after losing 44# on the Specific Carb Diet a year and a half ago. I was way too skinny at 96 pounds and 5’1″ tall. My family was beyond worried but I felt great. I couldn’t gain weight so I started eating everything. Eventually I was eating sugar and flour too. I tried the Paleo diet but still had gut problems. I used sprouted and soaked alternate grains, but they were still carbs!!! I finally realized that. Meds (dicyclomine) have taken care of the diarrhea for the most part but still suffer with terrible gas. Now I think I have Candida as well. I am diabetic so I test my blood sugar every morning. I have been off sugar for a couple of weeks again now. It always happens after Christmas I am addicted to sugar and carbs. I don’t want to go to starvation mode again. Kathy
