Comments on: 3 Healing Case Studies: How Long Does it Take to Feel Better? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:08:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Amy.

Hi Amy, thank you for reaching out! Please continue on the diarrhea protocol until your diarrhea has improved and take the digestive enzymes and HCL supplements if you have not been doing so. “You should also make sure you introduce the “Mild” or “Tough Case” supplements and adrenal
supplement packages. Each of those packages has the ability to significantly speed up your healing. Those of you who haven’t gotten your diarrhea to fully stop after day 5, hang in there and keep eating a diet close to Day 4 and Day 5 where everything is fully cooked. Make sure you’ve tried up
to 4 digestive enzymes with your meals and have tested Betaine HCl. If you’ve done everything as the plan says, the next step is to watch the adrenal hormone training video and introduce thosesupplements.

By: Amy I was diagnosed with “gluten-enteropathy” at age 2; however, due to misinformation and lack of scientific research, ate a “normal” diet from age 5 – 26 when I underwent re-diagnosis of celiac disease by endoscopy + biopsy. I also have osteopenia. I have been on a strict gf diet for 14 years; but, have recently been experiencing increased food sensitivity and diarrhea. I went through the 5 day diarrhea protocol and felt better (more energy) but still having diarrhea daily and still have severe headaches every couple of days. I am supposed to start the tough case diet today and am afraid to do it b/c of the diarrhea. I am trying to stay strong but finding the mental motivation difficult to come by right now.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Jedda.

Wow, Jedda! Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us. We’re so grateful to have amazing readers like you and your husband. Hopefully your stool tests provide some answers and you can get to the bottom of things once and for all. Keep us posted… as we’d love to hear your progress.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Christina.

This is amazing Christina! How long were you struggling for before you started GAPS? Had you tried any other approaches prior to this? Looking forward to hearing more.

By: Jedda I’ve been sick for four years, my partner for three with the exact same symptoms (although I seem to always be worse). Reflux, extremely painful, gut ripping diarrhea up to ten times a day, sensitivity to almost all food, nausea and oh, the fatigue. I stumbled across the SCD diet and modified it for both of us…within a month, we were both doing solid BM’s for the first time in years. But this was almost the only improvement. We still both have “bouts” for seemingly no reason and I still literally pass out after each BM. Neither have been able to find a doctor that will take us seriously so we are at this very moment waiting for the results from a 3 stool comprehensive test to come back as we are convinced we have something along the lines of H. Pylori or SIBO. Solid BM’s have made us feel roughly 50% better and allowed us to sleep better but we are also very aware that after being sick for so long, it could take just as long to get better …so we’re patient. I’ve learned far more than I ever wanted to know about the digestive system and bowels over the last few years and now, seemingly, know more than my own doctor.
I want to thank you both for your website and information; until I found it a year and a half ago, I honestly thought it was all in my head (like my doctor said).

By: Christina This was a very timely post for me. I started the GAPS introduction diet for the second time in March 2014, and I was stuck on stage 1 for 2 MONTHS. Nothing but boiled meat and veggies, bone broth, and beet kvass (and freshly juiced veggies after the first month). If I had anything else (mustard, herbal tea from Starbucks, any veggies that hadn’t been cooked an hour or two), my stomach hurt. I had a series of small breakthroughs at about 2 months and am now eating pretty much everything I wanted to – raw and roasted veggies, nuts and seeds, BEANS, even coffee! With no reactions. I thought it was going to take a year to get to this point. At the beginning when I was reacting to everything I began to wonder if I would die from not being able to digest everything ( I have a 4 year old, 3 year old, and an 8 month old nursing baby – he was only 4 months when I started intro). Progress DOES happen – take hope!

By: Nancy Marshall I did so well for the first month on the SCD diet and am now establishing my safe foods. I feel the digestive enzymes have helped me the most, as my constant pain is GONE and my bloating is down 70%. Only about 4 soft stools a day, no urgency. I went to visit family on the 4th and had a burger with the bun and the next day I was miserable..headache, diarrhea, depressed. WOW, if that isn’t proof that wheat is my enemy, what is ? Nothing better to motivate me to avoid trigger foods than a reaction like that. I have been sick for many years and want to be well NOW, but I keep reminding myself that a month ago my gut was filled with razor blades (it sure felt like it) and now it is not. I am slowly adding food to my plate and already have found that I can eat some things I have not been able to eat in years, as long as I don’t over-do. And I am learning to eat new things to replace my old favorites. I am waiting for the energy to come back, but adrenal fatigue is still pretty bad. Working on that.
BTW..I have, over the years, tried almost every one of the suggested supplements, but never all together and never with diet. I am so glad I found this site and the SCD Lifestyle. Thanks guys.

By: Amy Though my ‘food elimination’ diet of the past 18 months resembles the ToughCase diet scaled way down due to numerous food allergies and I am no less sensitive to those foods, in four days on ToughCase and your recommendations for easing the triggers of leaky gut I noticed and continue to notice I am more relaxed, getting two hours more of sleep a night, taking time to meditate and start my mornings far less action packed, much more calm to help everything heal. I am thoroughly enjoying this part of the healing process for I feel I DO have some control over these things. I have come to realize my leaky gut has been around for many years, so the diet aspect will require much more time. So I thank you both for the ideas of things I CAN do as my body heals.
