Comments on: 4 Mind Traps That Cause Us to Cheat on Our Diets (and How to Beat Them) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:08:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Karen.

Hi Karen,

Thanks for sharing this! Sorry to hear that you’ve hit a setback…

If this continues, we recommend using the Flare protocols here:

Best wishes!

By: Karen Today is a very tough day for me… I’m on Day 178 and have eaten only food that are on the diet, but sometimes have eaten a few of them without testing and waiting to see. So now, I’m on my 5th day of brutal D! I haven’t been like this for so long, I can’t remember when. I’m so discouraged about it. I just want my life back.

We went to a wedding last weekend, camping out! So..different foods, tho all legal, but different schedule, poor sleep, less water to drink. I was good for the first two days, then second night it began. Up, out of the tent, hike to the bathrooms, in the dark, three times. Bristol 6.5 or 7 ever since. I can’t seem to get back on track. Arrrrgh!

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Alex.

Hey Alex,

Thanks for reaching out! If you’re not experiencing severe symptoms then we suggest just moving forward. While nuts are allowed on the diet, they are one of the four dark horsemen of SCD. Check out this post to see what I mean (if you’re not yet familiar):

Hope that helps!

By: Alex So what do we do when we cheat—do we go back to the intro? 🙁 or just be really strict from now on? I’ve cheated with little things before but never what I did this weekend(bread, rice, Lima beans, and falafel!!) I don’t have the bathroom problem, just inflammation and abdominal pains…though this was present before I cheated…I’m thinking the almond butter maybe? I was able to eat PB with no problem!
