Comments on: Why Most People Fail To Get Healthy Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:07:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Emily.

You’re so right, Emily! We’re really glad you shared this, thank you:)

By: Emily Until… one of my favourite words in the English language.
Thank you for the very timely article about not giving up. It’s hard to be motivated with continual set backs. But your right when one has come so far, why give up now? Discover SIBO with histamin intolerance, in addition to the SCD diet has been my health mystery finally being discovered. The hard part is the patiences on the rough days.
Thank you.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Jen.

That’s great Jen! We’re so grateful that you stopped by to share this… you can do it!

By: Jen I watched this video, and it brought me to tears as well. This comes at a perfect time for me. I have had a goal of stopping drinking wine for 45 days for a long time because I know I have too much for my health on the weekends. I keep setting the goal and then giving in when I am around others drinking. This morning I made a new commitment to this goal. I KNOW I must do this. I will watch this video to keep me determined and succeed. I can! I will! I must!

By: Sam Profoundly powerful post and video. Thank you so much. And thank you for continuing to inspire and encourage good health to us all.

By: misspudding (Love your Facebook group, but don’t want a post about encopresis ending up in my personal newsfeed, thanks!!!)

By: misspudding Speaking of setbacks, can you please address encopresis? My son dealt with it for a couple of years until he was diagnosed with Crohn’s a few months ago. Overall, SCD is helping a lot, but part of the problem with encopresis is that the colon gets very stretched. Any idea how long it will take to heal while on SCD? I’ve heard, with standard treatment (laxatives and stool softeners) 6-12 months, maybe longer. We haven’t been using any laxatives, just healed the inflammation with diet and some supplements, which seemed to help the C, and he seemed to be fine but we’re seeing some setbacks from the size of his colon (because he has slow motility).

Thanks for all of your info! Any info would be huge, as we’ve dealt with so many docs and specialists and there’s not a lot of overlap in their knowledge with each other (some are very knowledgeable on SCD, but not on encopresis, for instance).
